Chapter 277

"Forbidden ninja art - burning blood, Ye Luo, you go to die for me."

Black Snake quickly sealed his hands and used a forbidden technique obtained from an islander. His aura soared, and an extremely dangerous aura erupted from him, and then he rushed towards Ye Luo.

The blood in his body seemed to be on fire, and the spiritual energy seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulation. It rolled wildly, its momentum skyrocketed, its veins were exposed, its blood vessels bulged, and it was about to burst at any time.

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes dangerously when he saw the momentum on the black snake's body surge, feeling the strangeness and danger in it.

However, he was fearless, and his body posture changed slightly. Facing the black snake rushing madly, he directly performed the basic movement of military boxing, punching!

The two fists collided again. This time, Ye Luo clearly felt that the attack power of the surging aura in Black Snake's hand had at least doubled when they collided.

Ye Luo received the force and took three steps back in a row. This was the first time Ye Luo used the military fist after fighting that strange monk Sha.

When the black snake saw this, a look of joy finally flashed in its blood-red eyes, and it rushed out again crazily, with another powerful punch of spiritual energy, and slammed down on Ye Luo fiercely.

"That's the end of it for you, haha, you've even used the most basic and useless military fist, you've reached a desperate situation, right doctor!" Black Snake laughed angrily, and attacked again.

This time, his attacking method changed suddenly, and his whole body was like a black snake, full of strangeness and explosiveness. This set of boxing techniques was impressively studied by him for more than [-] years, starting from the black snake. During the action, he realized a set of fighting methods that implied body skills and boxing skills.

At this moment, he combined the attacking method of a qi cultivator and the attacking method of a killer, and the burning black snake could feel that he was now at the peak of his life.

Killing intent!
Ye Luo's expression remained unchanged, his body stood up like a javelin, his body tensed, and he punched again, this time it was still a very standard military punch - an uppercut!

The two fists collided again, but this time, Ye Luo only took two steps back.

In the eyes of the black snake, the joy that had just risen changed slightly, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be something weird in Ye Luo's ordinary military fist.

However, now that he had gained the upper hand, he didn't think too much, his eyes turned hard, and he didn't want to give Ye Luo any chance to breathe, so he punched him down again, wanting to blow Ye Luo up in one go!
And Ye Luo still didn't say a word, just fighting the black snake with a set of boxing that can be called a textbook, an entry-level military method - military boxing.

Collision, roar, punch to flesh.

As former killers and soldier kings, the way the two fight is extremely strange.

Black Snake's attacks are exquisite, violent, and sharp-edged, while Ye Luo's is ordinary, ordinary, and every move is a basic military style.

From the point of view of momentum and attack, the black snake has the complete upper hand. The attack is like a violent storm, turbulent waves, and there is a faint explosion of spiritual power. However, under this level of attack, Ye Luo is like A reef in the middle of the sea stands alone, silent, and never falls.

After a few crazy punches, the joy in Black Snake's eyes disappeared little by little, and finally disappeared, followed by another touch of despair.

Ye Luo's every move is the most basic military boxing, and Black Snake is naturally very familiar with it. Almost every soldier king and killer has learned this kind of boxing.

However, it is only learned, and almost no one will study this basic boxing method in depth.

But now, when Black Snake is facing the military boxing here, he feels strongly that in Ye Luo's hands, every move and style of this simplest military boxing seems to have a mysterious meaning. Breath, unfathomable.

As the battle progressed, the aura on Ye Luo's body became heavier and heavier, and the military fist in his hands became more and more mysterious, and even every punch came back with a terrifying and depressing aura.

The more the Black Snake fought, the more frightened he became. Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to break through Ye Luo's military fist, and he may even be counter-killed at any time. The blood-boiling Black Snake is, after all, ranked fifth on the killer list and has rich combat experience The person, quickly calmed down.

He suddenly remembered that when the islanders taught him this secret technique, they told him that once it is used, it will stimulate the potential of the body and triple the attack power!
However, judging from the current situation, it has only doubled at most, which is still a lot worse than the little devil, otherwise, he would not have fallen into the current embarrassing situation.

Seeing that the situation was reversed, Black Snake immediately thought of retreating. After all, the forbidden technique has a time limit, and it cannot last. The islanders said that it can last for up to 3 minutes, and now 2 minutes have passed If you don't leave now, you won't even have the chance to turn around.

The Black Snake, who had already begun to retreat, wanted to take the opportunity to escape before the forbidden technique was over.

Ye Luo punched him.

Black Snake hurriedly raised his fist to block.

Ye Luo drove straight in with one punch, broke through the black snake's defense, and slammed on him hard, directly blasting him out, and smashing him to the ground.

The black snake spat out a mouthful of blood.

In the case of using forbidden techniques and increasing combat power, he is far from being Ye Luo's opponent, and once the forbidden technique time expires, he is even more powerless to fight back.

With this in mind, Black Snake decided to run away, but before he could take action, the aura on his body suddenly changed, and it began to decline rapidly from the peak, the time for the forbidden technique is up!

The black snake's face changed drastically. Didn't the islanders say, there are 3 minutes?It's only been 2 minutes, why did it fail?


Ye Luo punched the slow-moving black snake, and sent him flying.


The black snake vomited blood again.

Afterwards, the surge of the forbidden technique generally subsided.

His whole body was rapidly becoming weak at a speed visible to the naked eye. His jet-black hair suddenly turned gray, his eyes were bloodshot, his aura blew out, his skin was dry, and within a few breaths, he became weak. Like a twilight old man, his body is also weak like a dying patient who has been bedridden for a long time.

Black Snake was shocked again, how could his body have such a strange change of decay, didn't the islanders say that the side effects are very mild, just a little weaker?

In this situation, where is the weakness, it is simply overdrawing most of the vitality and burning the lifespan.

At this time, Black Snake was fully awake in an instant. He was tricked by the little devil, who exaggerated the function of the forbidden technique. It took a long time, but the side effects were extremely weak.

The black snake was startled, frightened and angry, and couldn't help roaring: "Male Gobi, you little devil, I fucked your ancestors, I dedicated myself to you, yet you still tricked me, and gave me such a cheating forbidden technique!" ! It’s agreed that it can increase the combat power by three times, it can last for 3 minutes, and it’s only a little weaker…”

(End of this chapter)

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