Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 278 Ancient Bronze Coffin

Chapter 278 Ancient Bronze Coffin
"Paralyzed, you little devil tricked me!"

The black snake roared angrily, surprised and angry at the same time.

Of course, it was more despair, especially seeing Ye Luo approaching like a god.

After using the blood-stained forbidden technique, his stomach capacity more than doubled in a short period of time. In addition, he has studied body and boxing techniques for 20 years, as well as the fighting style of a qi-training monk, but he is still no match for Ye Luo.

The opponent, from the beginning to the end, just used a set of the most basic boxing method and military style to completely defeat himself. This is not a waste performance.

Ye Luo was not as weak as outsiders said; the military boxing was also unexpectedly terrifying.

The black snake was unwilling, desperate, doubtful, and fearful.

Ye Luo watched the Black Snake yelling and yelling, and the reaction of fear, combined with the details of the battle, he immediately figured out what happened, and sneered: "What? You think the little devil is your father, and the little devil taught you There is a problem with the forbidden technique?"

Black Snake was terrified, but furiously kept silent. If the forbidden technique and the little devil's words had the same effect as the duration, how could he have fallen into the current miserable state.

"Do you really think that if you serve the little devil as a dog, they will teach you the real and precious things? Heh! From the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japan, did all the traitors who believed the little devil's words end well? The little devil only It's just using you, idiot!" Ye Luo's tone became colder and colder.

Ye Luo slowly walked towards the black snake step by step. Ye Luo didn't show any mercy to this kind of person who served the island country as a lackey for the sake of profit.

The black snake was terrified, he clearly felt the killing intent on Ye Luo, as a person who could be a traitor for the sake of strength, he would spare his life more than anyone else.

Almost everyone in the world of killers and soldier kings knows that war doctor Ye Luo hates islanders the most. On the battlefield in the Middle East, almost none of the island soldier kings and ninjas Ye Luo saw survived an hour of.

As for those who serve as lackeys for the islanders, Ye Luo, the war doctor, slaughtered them one by one, and never relented.

Now, seeing Ye Luo approaching step by step, Black Snake suddenly remembered his identity as an islander, and couldn't help but feel fear and panic in his heart.

The failure of the forbidden technique and being tricked had already made Black Snake see his greatest reliance, the true dark face of the little devil. At this time, he was in a life-and-death crisis again, and he, who was extremely resigned to his life, fell into extreme panic.

" can't kill me." Black Snake begged.

"Give me a reason."

"I...I can tell you the real secret of the islanders coming to Nanjiang this time." Black Snake gritted his teeth.

In the past, in order to become stronger, he could serve as a dog for the devil, but now that his life was threatened, he also betrayed the devil without hesitation, and wanted to exchange the devil's secrets for a chance to survive.

"What secret?" Ye Luo asked.

"You have to promise me that if I tell you these secrets, you can't kill me." Black Snake didn't answer directly, but used it as a negotiation condition.

Seeing that he is still coming to bargain with him, Ye Luo frowned, and said coldly: "Do you think you have the qualifications to bargain with me? I will give you two choices now, one is that you tell me the so-called secret directly now , and the other is to force myself to ask.”

Black Snake's complexion changed. Thinking of Ye Luo's tricks, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's about the secret treasure of Ghost Valley, the Destiny Astrolabe, and the treasure of the Miyamoto family—the moon wheel!"

Secret of Ghost Valley, Destiny Astrolabe, Moon Wheel
Hearing these words, Ye Luo's eyes flickered sharply, knowing that what the black snake said was true

Ye Luo took a step forward, stopped three steps in front of the black snake, and said a word lightly: "Say!"

The black snake trembled. Since the battle five years ago, he had always been afraid of Ye Luo. Even if he practiced later, he never really escaped the psychological shadow Ye Luo left on him, even if he said that he could hang Ye Luo.

But after being defeated by Ye Luo again, at this time, in front of Ye Luo Senhan's killing intent, he was desperate, and his psychological defense had collapsed.

"Miya and the Miyamoto family are one of the three major ninja families in the island country. They have a long history. During the Anti-Japanese War, some ninjas from the Miyamoto family participated in the war and stole many precious cultural relics and strange things from the country.

Among them, the two most mysterious things are the Destiny Astrolabe and the Ancient Bronze Coffin.

The Destiny Astrolabe was snatched from the Zhu family. This astrolabe is extremely mysterious. After the Miyamoto family snatched it, they immediately asked the ninja with the deepest cultivation in the family to decipher it.

That day's fate astrolabe was used by the Supreme Guigu, implying the most mysterious laws of heaven and earth. Up to now, even the most profound ninjas have not been able to comprehend all of them.

However, after so many years, it is not nothing. At least, he can control the astrolabe normally and use two or three of its terrifying and mysterious functions.

As for the ancient bronze coffin, this one is weird.

According to the information I got, during the Anti-Japanese War, in order to transport this ancient bronze coffin back to the Miyamoto family from China, the Miyamoto family actually used the huge island aircraft carrier at that time. Nearly half of the cultivators died.

What happened to this ancient bronze coffin on the aircraft carrier back then was all classified as top secret, and I only heard about it occasionally.

Later, after many people died, the ancient bronze coffin was finally transported to the base of the Miyamoto family in the island country, and the most rigorous research was carried out immediately.

To the surprise of the Miyamoto family, let alone research, no matter what method they used, even the lid of the coffin could not be opened, and no trace would be left when the high explosives were blown up.

Afterwards, strange things reappeared, but all the personnel involved in the research of this ancient bronze coffin began to mysteriously disappear and die inexplicably, even the ninjas with the deepest cultivation base were no exception.

At that time, Miyamoto Tenichi, one of the three great ninja saints of the Miyamoto family, died on the way to study the ancient bronze coffin.

Since then, the ancient bronze coffin has become a taboo of the Miyamoto family, and the ancient bronze coffin has also been sealed up.

This seal has been sealed for decades, until half a year ago, and there was a knocking sound in the silent ancient bronze coffin in the middle of the night.

Bronze is weird, and there is an inexplicable knocking sound.

Seeing that Ye Luo was fascinated by listening, the black snake's eyes flickered fiercely, and one hand quietly reached into his waist. When Ye Luo was thinking in astonishment, Youran took out a custom-made one as quickly as possible, A powerful pistol.

He knew very well that even if he told Xin Mi, Ye Luo would not let him go. The war doctor's reputation for slaughtering the island's soldiers and traitors was too famous in the killer circle before, which made people frightened.

So if you want to survive, you must kill Ye Luo.

Ye Luo was astonished, the moment of thinking was an opportunity.

Black Snake took out a pistol, pointed it at Ye Luo's head, and pulled the trigger without hesitation, intending to kill Ye Luo with a gun!

PS: It will be delivered in the middle of the night, and there will be more in the evening. Please recommend tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for rewards, and ask for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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