Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 279 Go Down the Dry Well Again

Chapter 279 Go Down the Dry Well Again

The moment Black Snake drew his gun, Kaka shouted hastily.

"Boom—" Before the words fell, the gunshots rang out!

Kaka was shocked and his heart sank.

At such a short distance, even if Ye Luo is a combat doctor, facing the bullets flying at high speed, he would never even try to dodge.

And this gun is obviously a special pistol, if it is shot by its bullets, even if Ye Luo is powerful, he will peel off his skin if he is not.

Is it really?

Of course not, Ye Luo is a war doctor.

These years have been ups and downs between life and death, and of course they will not be unguarded against the black snake.

Although he was fascinated, he had been paying attention to Black Snake, so when he pulled out his gun, Ye Luo already knew about it.

Ye Luo stood still but didn't move. When the gun rang, he just tilted his head slightly. As a generation of war doctors, no one in this world knows guns better than Ye Luo.

At the same time that Black Snake drew his gun and pointed it over, Ye Luo had already judged the flight trajectory of the bullet after the trigger was pulled, and turned his head slightly, the bullet almost flew past Ye Luo's hair.

The moment he dodged the bullet, Ye Luo suddenly stepped forward and kicked the black snake with terrifying strength and amazing speed!

The black snake was terrified and wanted to hide, but he couldn't. Ye Luo's speed was too fast!


Ye Luo's kick first touched Hei Snake's hand holding the gun, and his hand suffered a comminuted fracture.

Kicking the Black Snake pistol away, Ye Luo didn't stop at all. He strode forward and kicked again, hitting the Black Snake's chest hard.

Hearing a few crisp crackling sounds, he burst out with tremendous force, breaking several of his ribs, and even kicked the black snake flying out, causing him to spurt out a mouthful of blood while still in mid-air.

The black snake hit the ground fiercely, screamed, its face was contorted and ferocious, but it had completely lost the ability to move.

"Compared to five years ago, you still haven't made much progress. The most important thing in a sneak attack is concealment. Suddenness, when you touch your waist, you have already exposed your intention." Ye Luo's tone was flat, as if everything Already under control.

"You..." Black Snake was shocked and regretted, Ye Luo's strength made him despair!
"What secrets does the Miyamoto family still have?" Ye Luo took a step forward, his tone still calm, but the murderous aura hidden in his body for three years was as heavy as a mountain, and he pressed towards the black snake.

"Hahaha! You still want to know the secret? Dream it! Ye Luo, I won't live today, but your death is coming soon. The Miyamoto family will not let you go. You killed so many island nations back then. Man, do you think that the people of the island country will let you live..." The sneak attack failed, and the black snake was completely desperate, and an abnormal flush suddenly appeared on his ferocious face, and he laughed wildly, madly, and gloomy!
Ye Luo's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly realized something, and suddenly slammed his palm on the mouth of Hei Snake.

However, halfway through the fist, Ye Luo noticed that the aura on Black Snake's body was changing at a crazy pace, and the skin on his body was growing rapidly like an inflated balloon.

At this moment, Ye Luo's whole body turned around strangely, and he retreated violently. On the way, he pulled the card that hadn't reacted yet, and suddenly hid behind a protruding wall.


Almost at the same time, Black Snake's whole body swelled to the extreme, and it exploded quietly, sending out a breath of explosion.

Blow up!

Ye Luo had already realized that the black snake was going to commit suicide when the black snake was insane. Originally, he thought that the black snake would adopt the most common method of biting the tongue, or hiding poison in the back teeth, but unexpectedly, the black snake would adopt another method. way of suicide.

This method should be the self-explosion of spiritual energy unique to practitioners.


In the silence of the night, gunshots and self-detonations were loud, piercing through the night sky and going far away.

This place is very close to the Cherry Blossom Villa where the islanders lived. After the gunshot, the room in the Cherry Blossom Villa was lit up, and it seemed that someone had already rushed towards this place.

Ye Luo didn't stop here, and said to the card: "Come with me."

Killer Kaka's mind was in chaos. Ye Luo's identity and the death of the black snake caught her off guard. However, as a top killer, Kaka's ability to restore calm was still very strong.

After hearing Ye Luo's words, she hesitated a little, but followed.

Half an hour later, in the village in the city, not far from the rental house.

At this time, Ye Luo was looking at the killer card and asked, "Is what the Black Snake said earlier true or false?"

Card was in a hurry. After learning Ye Luo's true identity, he didn't know how to get along with Ye Luo for a while, but when he heard Ye Luo speak suddenly, he couldn't help being surprised.

Afterwards, he quickly replied: "It should be true. I have heard some things."

Ye Luo nodded, thoughtfully.

Then, Ye Luo asked again: "Do you know what happened to the Miyamoto family after the noise came from the ancient bronze coffin?"

"I, I don't know too well, but judging by the posture of the Miyamoto family, something big must have happened." Kaka shook her head, and she was not too clear about the specifics.

These words are the same as not saying anything, Ye Luo also knows that something big must have happened, otherwise they wouldn't have brought the Destiny Astrolabe, and what moon wheel, but what is the big thing?
Ye Luo pondered for a moment, and suddenly figured out why.

Just when he turned his attention to the card, the latter bit his lower lip with his white teeth, and asked: "There is a man named Miyamoto Jiro in the Miyamoto family, who was destroyed by you, right?"

Seeing Ye Luo nodding his head in acknowledgment, Kaka continued: "They have already found out that you are a doctor in the hospital, but they haven't figured out why you are so powerful that you can abolish the ninja Jiro Miyamoto. However, they have already I am ready to continue investigating you, and I am ready to take action against you at any time to avenge Miyamoto Jiro."


Ye Luo raised his brows. The Miyamoto family will definitely come to the ghost valley secret treasure this time. If it is really determined to take revenge, he really can't deal with it with his current strength.

After all, I am only at the third level of body refining.

The strength is still too weak!

Whether it was dealing with the Ning family, the Huo family, or the Miyamoto family, with their current strength, they couldn't fight directly, which made Ye Luo feel a strong sense of crisis.

Under the absolute strength gap, all strategies will fail.

It is imminent to improve the level of strength, and as more and more powerful practitioners are born, Ye Luo feels unprecedented pressure.

Ye Luo took a deep breath and asked Ka Pai, "Did you find both the cinnabar and the 300-year-old black donkey's hoof?"

"I found them all." Card responded.

"Give it all to me!" Ye Luo begged.

The dry well must be lowered, and we must do everything possible to get the cultivation method from the mouth of the donkey, as well as the thing in the ten-story demon tower...

(End of this chapter)

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