Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 280 Collected Cards

Chapter 280 Collected Cards
"Have you found the secret treasure in Ghost Valley?" Kaka asked curiously.

Ye Luo didn't answer, but just glanced at her lightly.

It was just like this that made Ka Kajia's heart tremble, and he couldn't help but feel uneasy, wondering how Ye Luo would deal with her.

In fact, not only he didn't know, but Ye Luo was actually a little bit embarrassed. In principle, he should be killed to avoid future troubles, but it would be a bit violent to kill such a charming beauty, and her nature is not bad. Being controlled by the black snake, Ye Luo couldn't talk anymore.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Luo asked, "Do you want to die or live?"

After saying a word, Ye Luo almost slapped himself. What kind of problem is this damn? If he can survive, who would choose to die.

Without waiting for Kaka's answer, Ye Luo continued: "The black snake is dead. I will also prescribe a prescription for the poison in your body. As long as you take it on time and cooperate with my acupuncture, it can be completely relieved..."

Speaking of this, Ye Luo paused, not knowing what to do next.

But he didn't know that Kaka is not a fool. Knowing that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, he said to himself: "You will definitely not give up like this for no reason. What do I need to do to become your follower and serve you?"

As a top killer, Kaka has always had a fanatical worship of the legendary war doctor, but he has never had the opportunity to meet him, coupled with being controlled, now, the idol is in front of him and saved himself, Kaka Cards made a decision almost without hesitation.

"Followers?" Ye Luo was slightly taken aback.

"Yeah." Kaka looked up, his small face was amazingly beautiful, and his figure was slender and flexible, and then he said: "I am willing to obey all your orders."

Follow all orders?this……

Ye Luo swallowed secretly, glanced at the exquisite card card, which made the man have a strong desire to conquer the body, and said casually: "Obey all orders? Then if I let you take off the warm bed, you will also promise?"

Kaka's body froze, and a blush flashed across her delicate face. She bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, nodded in an inaudible voice, and said a word: "Yeah."

When Ye Luo saw that the usually cold and murderous card appeared like this, her lower abdomen felt hot and her throat was a little dry, but she also knew that now was not the time to do this, so she coughed and said: " That... don't rush to warm the bed, first bring the black donkey's hoof and cinnabar, I will be of great use."

Ka Card's body froze again, she was in a hurry to warm the bed?When did she say it, obviously he said it himself.

However, after thinking about Ye Luo's identity, Kaka didn't say anything, but bit his lip.

Those delicate little eyes made Ye Luo's heart feel hot again.

After one glance, two glances, three or four glances, and finally looking away, Ye Luo finally withdrew his gaze, thinking that Chu Xiaohuan and Ka Paiyou had an appointment to fight, and fearing that the two would kill each other, he confessed: "I'll give you Introduce someone."

"Who?" Kaka asked puzzled.

"The person you've always wanted to find is the killer Linglong. Well, Linglong is Chu Xiaohuan. She's in the room. I'll take you to see her. By the way, don't tell her who I am. Try not to expose yourself. identity." Ye Luo said casually.

"What?" Kaka was shocked, a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes, that little girl who looked like a junior high school student was Linglong?
Ye Luo returned to the rental house with the shocked card and opened the door of the rental house.

"Hey! Why isn't this little girl here?" Ye Luo opened the door, but she didn't see Chu Xiaohuan's figure. She frowned, but she didn't care too much. Huan's biggest threat card is right by his side, so there is nothing to worry about.

"She's not at home, just remember not to provoke her in the future."

"Yes!" Kaka nodded, and asked hesitantly, "Then if Linglong sees through my identity and attacks me, what should I do?"

"You can dodge, you can be beaten, you can run away, and you must not hurt that girl at all, otherwise..."


After explaining the card and telling her to leave here, Ye Luo also went out.

Cinnabar and the old black donkey's hoof have been found, but Ye Luo still plans to prepare some other things to ward off evil spirits and catch ghosts, just in case they are needed.

The donkey on the altar, he thought it was weird no matter what, and he had to prepare some backhands to restrain it.

I heard that black dog blood, ashes before Buddha, black donkey hooves, big red rooster, etc. all have the ability to drive away ghosts and catch demons.

Ye Luo spent a certain amount of effort to find all these, and even went to Sanqing Taoist Temple, the largest Taoist temple in Nanjiang City, and Lingyin Temple, the largest temple, specifically to ask the Taoist priest and master for advice. Some consecrated talisman Jade Buddha, although I feel that what the Taoist priest and the master said is a bit mysterious, but it is better than nothing.

Anyway, that donkey was trapped by the ancient altar, even if you can't use these things to subdue it, there is no danger, and once it works, then take out the cultivation method and the ten-story demon tower from the donkey's mouth The heaven-defying things in it are much easier.


More and more monks gathered in Nanjiang City, and the atmosphere became more and more tense, as if a storm was about to come.

At this time, Ye Luo once again entered the mysterious space of the beads, looked at the condition of the bronze book, but found that the bronze book was indeed strange, it was decomposed by the beads, and turned into a cloud of erratic green mist, and a mysterious scripture .

He didn't dare to touch the green mist, but he wanted to touch the mysterious scriptures, but he couldn't understand and couldn't touch them, so he could only give up resentfully.

Having scriptures but not knowing what they mean is the same as not having them.

Ye Luo put all his attention on the dry well, and actively prepared the things needed to go down the dry well.

The card also helped Ye Luo prepare, thinking that Ye Luo had found the secret treasure of Guigu, and remembered an important conversation between Black Snake and Saburo Miyamoto about the secret treasure of Guigu, and reminded: "The secret treasure of Guigu is not just a The secret is so simple. When Black Snake talked to Saburo Miyamoto, he once said that after ancient times, a strange and great change seemed to have taken place. Since then, the world of comprehension has begun to wither.

Until the previous period, after the last supreme being, Guigu Supreme, succeeded in proving the Tao and disappeared mysteriously, the spiritual energy in the entire world was basically completely exhausted, the practice world was completely withered, and most of the inheritances disappeared mysteriously or were hidden from the world.

However, extremes of things will be reversed, and extremes will come.

The world of practice, which is almost destroyed now, has been giving birth to a new life for tens of thousands of years. Once this new life breaks out of the ground, the world will undergo great changes. An unprecedented, prosperous and splendid world of practice will come. At that time, thousands of schools of thought contended, the Three Thousand Ways reappeared, amazing geniuses grew like weeds on the wasteland, the supreme inheritance shocked the world, the seven volumes of heavenly scriptures defied the sky, immortal medicine emperors came out together, saints preached, and the chance of eternal life, etc. wait.

In this supremely prosperous age where there is nothing but prosperity, and rebirth from the ruins, there will be a fairy road pursued by countless powerful supreme beings from the ancient times to the ancient times, and now to the present.

And Ghost Valley Secret Treasure is the opportunity for this prosperous age to be reborn. "

After hearing this, Ye Luo couldn't help frowning.

The world is going to undergo terrible changes, and the prosperous world will be reborn. The secret treasure of Ghost Valley is an opportunity. This is not the first time Ye Luo has heard this kind of statement. Is this true or false?

However, whether it is true or not, or even whether the dry well is hidden in the ghost valley, is not important anymore. The important thing is that the weird donkey below has the hope of becoming stronger, so he has to go down again.

Finally, on a windless and moonless night, Ye Luo quietly came to the ruins of the demolition area, beside the dry well, removed the stones above it, and jumped down.

(End of this chapter)

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