Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 281 Mysterious scriptures

Chapter 281 Mysterious scriptures
Under the dry well, it was pitch black.

Ye Luo's body was tense, and he maintained the most vigilant state. Holding a strong flashlight, he walked into the dark passage under the dry well, and walked deep underground along the way he entered last time.

The passage was winding and long, and after a long time, Ye Luo finally stood in front of the huge bronze gate again.

The giant bronze gate is two stories high, heavily rusted, and the mottled traces reveal the atmosphere of simplicity, vicissitudes, and time, thick and silent, mysterious and desolate.

Ye Luo remembered very clearly that as long as he opened the huge bronze door, he could see the huge underground space again, the ancient altar, the donkey, the dark river and the ten-story demon tower!

Standing in front of the door, Ye Luo took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and pushed towards the huge bronze door.

The moment Ye Luo's hand touched the huge bronze door, something in his arms suddenly gave a strange vibration, and then, a crystal clear bronze flower flew out of Ye Luo's arms.

The small bronze flower vibrated, and a mysterious halo flowed on the ten petals. On the petals, there were ten ancient characters faintly flashing, and the ten ancient characters were impressively: Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog!

The bronze flower flew out, vibrated and groaned softly in front of the door, revealing a touch of longing, nostalgia, and a touch of sadness.

Ye Luo stopped his hand and stared at the bronze flower in a daze.

The last time I came down, the small bronze flower grew on the huge bronze gate, and then it mutated and fell off when it matured. The regular lines, mysterious atmosphere, and the ten ancient characters on the huge bronze gate all leaked through the gate. Out of the body, poured into this bronze flower.

It seems that this bronze flower is the rebirth of the giant bronze gate, just like a child is the rebirth of a mother.

for a long time.

The small bronze flower seemed to have completed some kind of farewell ceremony in front of the door. It suppressed all the breath in its body and slowly fell. Ye Luo stretched out his hand, and the flower fell into the palm of his hand.

"There seems to be some secret in this little bronze flower." Ye Luo muttered to himself. After going out last time, she didn't pay much attention to this little bronze flower. Now, it seems that this little bronze flower is not an ordinary thing.

Ye Luo thought to himself, when he goes out this time, he must study this mysterious little bronze flower carefully.

At the same time, Ye Luo thought about it. Since this little flower is so mysterious, it should be a very powerful spiritual object. I wonder if it can be put into the space of the beads on the neck?
Thinking of this, Ye Luo picked up the small bronze flower in his hand and approached the beads on his neck.


Almost at the moment when they approached, the bead and the small bronze flower shook at the same time.

The bead and the bronze flower, which were originally in a state of silence, seemed to have woken up again, exuding a terrifying, strange, powerful, and mysterious aura from their bodies.

The bead fell off Ye Luo's neck automatically, and the small bronze flower flew up again. The two were suspended in the air, facing each other.

"Eat it..."

Ye Luo could clearly feel that Zhuzhu seemed to have a strong desire to devour the little bronze flower.

At the same time, Ye Luo could also feel that the little bronze flower seemed to be out of the world, facing the mysterious bead, it showed a strong resistance and a childish anger.

In front of the giant bronze gate, the two confront each other!

As if the bead couldn't bear it any longer, a black swallowing vortex suddenly appeared around it, swallowing towards the small bronze flower, with a terrifying and powerful aura.

The small bronze flower trembled. Under the petals, the heaven and the earth were not benevolent. Ten ancient characters flashed and floated out from the petals, turning into a light curtain of ancient characters, firmly guarding the small bronze flower.

The devouring vortex came into contact with the ancient character light curtain, and there was a creepy cracking sound. Standing not far away, Ye Luo could even see that when the collision occurred, cracks appeared in that space, and the space was broken!

Ye Luo was a little hairy.

How terrifying is the collision between the bead and the small bronze flower?
In the first collision, Zhuzhu and Bronze Flower seemed to have no advantage, and each retreated.

However, the bead couldn't swallow it once, and seemed very unwilling. The swallowing black hole on his body skyrocketed, and with an attitude of not swallowing it, he slammed into the bronze flower again aggressively.


At this moment, the entire underground space shook quietly, and in the silent darkness, something seemed to wake up!

There seemed to be a door opening sound that had been silent for thousands of years. This sound carried the weight of endless time and the background of millions of years, and this sound came from the silent giant bronze door!
Afterwards, an aura that seemed to destroy nine heavens and ten earths and surpass everything suddenly came out from the huge bronze gate, and in the blink of an eye, it swept towards the pearl that wanted to devour the small bronze flower again.

This breath seems to come not only from the giant bronze gate, but also from the entire underground space behind the giant bronze gate.

The bead, which was originally aggressive and devoured the vortex, suddenly froze under this terrifying and powerful aura, as if a robber wanted to rob a child, but was surrounded by the child's parents with an army of [-].

The beads froze in the air.

The small bronze flower vibrated, as if accusing the pearl of something.


The huge and terrifying aura enveloped the bead, and the bead shook violently, trying to struggle violently, but it couldn't get rid of it. After a while, a mist of bronze was forcibly drawn out from the bead.

After the bronze mist was drawn out, it was poured into the small bronze flower by the powerful aura using the supreme secret technique. The petals of the small bronze flower became more and more crystal clear after receiving this mist of bronze.

Afterwards, as the bronze mist was drawn out, golden characters floated out of the beads one by one, forming a mysterious scripture and floating in the air.

That huge aura seemed to "glance" at the mysterious rune, then "look" at Ye Luo, and then retreated slowly.

As the huge aura receded, the mysterious scripture suddenly fell from the air like a rootless duckweed, and without giving Ye Luo a chance to resist, he got in directly.

Ye Luo woke up like a dream, and the mysterious scriptures entered his body, and many intermittent fragments flashed before his eyes.

From these clips, Ye Luo saw that at the Hongxiu Zhao Auction two days ago, the nameless ancient bronze book that was photographed by the fat man but disliked, and thrown away by Wu Banxian, was picked up by himself. , was sucked into the space inside the bead by the bead.

After that, the page of the ancient bronze book was decomposed by the one-acre area in the space, and turned into two parts: bronze mist and mysterious scriptures.

The bronze mist was absorbed by the huge stone tablet in the Kanda space, and was used to repair the horrible cracks on the stone tablet. The cracks were also shrunk a little, and the scriptures floated on the one-third of an acre of land.

But now, the powerful and terrifying aura on the huge bronze gate unexpectedly pulled out the bronze mist that was used to repair the stele, and poured it into the small bronze flower. fell into his body.

After "watching" these clips, Ye Luo felt a shock in his mind, and felt a wave of mysterious information rushing into his mind.

The content of this message is astonishingly, the mysterious scriptures in that page of the ancient bronze book!

(End of this chapter)

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