Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 283 "Meeting Frankly"

Chapter 283 "Meeting Frankly" (Fourth Watch for Tickets)

Know Sakyamuni?

Sakyamuni is still alive and knows this kid?Impossible, I casually made up an awesome character, just happened to happen by such a coincidence?
On the ancient altar, the donkey couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard Ye Luo's words, and then he reacted, secretly thinking, isn't this kid also pretending to be aggressive?

"Woof, woof, boy, don't rush to leave. I remember wrongly. You see, many years have passed, and my memory is a bit messy. At the beginning, the person I saved in the restricted area was not Sakyamuni. Ni, but Daozu Laozi, he is the star." The donkey's tone changed, and he continued to fool around tentatively.

"Hey! Daozu Laozi, that's more familiar. That's my neighbor next door. Hey, this old neighbor is really good. He didn't say a word, and made me go so many detours." Ye Luo was surprised and continued to walk out.

"Then what, woof! I made a mistake again. It's not Daozu Laozi, but Chiyou, the god of war. Look at my memory." The donkey changed his words again.

"Haha! That's my elder brother. I didn't expect that he is from my family. It seems that I will trouble my elder brother Chi You when I practice in the future." Ye Luo quickened his pace while talking.

Even though he has seen countless big winds and waves, and countless donkeys pretending to be coercive, he can't help being a little dumbfounded when he meets Ye Luo's reaction. ah!

It opened its mouth, seeing that Ye Luo seemed to be leaving here, it was really anxious, and shouted: "Young man, don't go, let's have a good chat, I just remembered that what I just said seems to be What I dreamed when I was dreaming is not true, after so many years, I am a little old and confused."

The donkey already understood that Ye Luo must have seen that it was pretending to be coercive, so he used the same pretentious method to deal with himself, but it was not easy to expose it directly, so he had to make up another reason.

Ye Luo's footsteps still didn't stop, but he just said: "There's nothing to talk about, Brother Chiyou, the neighbor Daozu next door, and Brother Sakyamuni are waiting for me to play mahjong at home, three missing one."

Playing mahjong, what is that?
But, no matter what it is, it should be bragging, paralyzed, neighbor, big brother, brother, if these three people, would they still come here?
The donkey was in a hurry. If Ye Luo really left, the devil would know how long he would have to wait before the next one. It has been trapped here for thousands of years, and it has already gone crazy thinking about going out.

"Woof! Little brother, what, I feel that pretending to be bragging is useless, let's be honest with each other, don't go, let's talk human, woof, don't go!" Ye Luo had already reached the gate, and finally said something useful.

be honest and open?

Only then did Ye Luo stop, turned to look at the donkey, and asked, "Are you trapped on the ancient altar?"

"Woof! Of course not. This emperor is the supreme being of a generation. With a flick of a finger, the sky and the earth can be broken, the sun and the moon are dimmed, and the starry sky is shattered. I have discussed Taoism with the emperor, studied gossip with Fuxi, and called the emperor a brother. How could something trap me? ?" As soon as the donkey heard this question, the donkey's face suddenly collapsed again, and the man stood upright, trying to exude the majesty of the king.

Ye Luo listened halfway, without further ado, raised his foot again and walked out.

"Hey! I've said it all, why are you still leaving, can you still have a good chat, what, well, don't leave, I probably should be trapped here." Seeing Ye Luo leaving again, the donkey felt anxious. I understand that this person is not good at fooling, and the low-end fooling methods will not work at all.

Sure enough, he was trapped.

Ye Luo's footsteps finally stopped again, and he asked again: "The formation that traps you is this ancient altar and these 24 small flags around the ancient altar?"

The donkey was taken aback, and a flash of astonishment flashed in the depths of the walnut-like eyes of the donkey, and then he said seriously: "Yes, you are indeed fearsome in life, you can see such a hidden formation, it shows that your talent is really extremely high!"

covert?The ancient three-story altar and 24 small bronze flags half a foot high can be seen by anyone who is not blind. The compliments of this donkey make people, people can't help but really want to slap it.

"What is this place?" Ye Luo finally asked a question that he really wanted to ask.

The donkey hesitated for a moment, and said, "The forbidden area of ​​the ten-story demon tower."

"The forbidden area of ​​the ten-story demon tower?" Ye Luo was puzzled, and at the same time, he was also trying to tell whether what the donkey said was true or not.

"That's right, the ten-story demon tower is something that existed in ancient times. It has gone through the three magnificent eras of ancient times, ancient times, and modern times. It has survived thousands of years without damage. It is one of the most mysterious things in the world, woof!" the donkey said seriously. road.

"What is the ten-story demon tower used for?" Ye Luo was very skeptical about what the donkey said, and asked again.

"It is used to seal the heaven-defying thing. In every prosperous age, there will be the existence of the heaven-defying thing. Because the heaven-defying thing is too powerful and destructive, once it is born, it will be obtained by someone with deep luck. Then, Those who hold something against the sky can meet gods and kill gods, meet Buddhas and destroy Buddhas, and even shatter the earth!

This kind of heaven-defying thing is too terrifying, so once it is born, it will be stared at by the ten-story demon tower soon, and then the sky-defying thing will be sealed in it with the supreme law. ’ replied the donkey.

Then, the donkey said again: "Wow! This emperor knows how to take out the heaven-defying thing from the ten-story demon tower. I can make a deal for you. I will tell you the method of astral body cultivation and the method of taking out the sky-defying thing." However, you want to help me break this trap and let me see the light of day again, how about it?"

Seeing Ye Luo's skeptical expression, the donkey said seriously: "Be honest, don't brag this time, don't pretend, don't cheat, don't play tricks, let's make a deal honestly, each get what he needs, what do you think?"

Ye Luo stared at the donkey, squinted his eyes, and said, "How can I believe what you said is true?"

The donkey said more and more seriously: "Wow, woof! I can tell you, let you go to the ten-story demon tower first, take out that heaven-defying thing, and then tell you the method of astral body cultivation, and then you let me out. How about it?"

Ye Luo was vigilant, thinking carefully about every word the donkey said.

"Wow! You don't have to doubt my sincerity, my character, can you still believe it? Let me tell you the truth, I have been trapped here for thousands of years, and now, I just want to go out, whether it is something against the sky, or astral cultivation Regardless of the method, these are not as important as freedom, and the Emperor has already realized it." The donkey said in a very candid tone.

"Why do I feel that you are still fooling around?" Ye Luo stared at the donkey.

Donkey Yu rolled his eyelids, and said angrily, "How is it possible? You get the heaven-defying thing first, and then let me out. How could such a good condition be a lie? If you can't get it, or if there is any danger to your life, I will Still trapped here, what good is it if I fool you?"

(End of this chapter)

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