Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 284 Blackmailing the Black Donkey

Chapter 284 Blackmailing the Black Donkey
Hearing what the donkey said, Ye Luo touched his chin, thought for a moment, and said, "That's right, if I can't get the things in the tower, or if there is any danger to my life, no one here can save you out again." , if you fool me, it really doesn't seem to do any good."

"Wow, woof, woof! That's right, you finally have an epiphany!" On the ancient altar, the donkey was overjoyed, and then said: "Then why are you still hesitating, go quickly, and I will teach you when you get the heaven-defying thing." The method of astral body cultivation, and then you save me and me, this is a perfect win-win solution."

"It sounds like that's the case." Ye Luo looked up.

"That's what happened in the first place. My emperor is so honest, honest and kind, how could he lie to you, a mere mortal." The donkey regained his majesty, and said without blushing.

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched. This donkey really dared to say such shameless words. Afterwards, Ye Luo asked another doubt, saying: "You are obviously a donkey, why do you call yourself a dog? You still bark like a dog ?”

"It's from Mahler Gobi, it's not because of that bastard Xu Fu..." The donkey stopped abruptly after speaking halfway, it seemed to think of something, the anger disappeared, and the donkey's face changed, and then said: "Actually, this What the emperor cultivates is the way against the sky. Among them, when he practiced to the deepest point, there is a state against the sky. This state is called transformation, which means that he can change into another form. For example, the original body of the emperor is a dog, but You can pass through the supreme realm and turn into a donkey. This kind of realm is too profound, even the supreme one may not be able to do it, and ordinary people can't understand it at all."

"Then why don't you go back to the dog?" Ye Luo narrowed his eyes. There was obviously something wrong with the dog's reaction before and after, and what he said later was obviously more like bragging.

"Woof, woof, woof! The realm of transformation is so advanced that even Daozu, Sakyamuni, and the three emperors of heaven, earth and man failed to comprehend it. This emperor just broke through comprehension 2000 years ago. Now he has transformed into the body of a donkey in order to better understand it." Realize this supreme realm." The donkey looked serious.

Absolutely a fool!
Seeing what the donkey said, Ye Luo didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, if he asked the donkey, he could continue to fool around. However, the donkey mentioned Xu Fu earlier. Could it be that the dog knew Xu Fu?

In Huaxia, almost most people have heard of Xu Fu.

During the Qin Dynasty, Xu Fu took five hundred boys and girls on a journey east to Dongying under the pretext of looking for immortal medicine for Qin Shihuang, but he never returned and his whereabouts are unknown.

Moreover, in the real historical records, Xu Fu did more than just do this big event. During the Qin Dynasty, Xu Fu did many things that cannot be explained by science. This person is very mysterious and weird. Many experts in later generations have no Research this person thoroughly.

"Woof woof! Young man, it's useless to ask so many questions. While it's still early, hurry up to the tenth floor demon tower and get something that defies the sky. I'll teach you the method of astral body cultivation later, as long as you have these two things Things, you can meet gods and kill gods in this era, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, overthrow saints in holy places, step on forbidden areas, fight against supreme beings, prove Taoism and become emperor, embark on the road of immortality, and seek longevity!" The donkey urged Ye Luo also looked forward to the future.

Donkey's words are very inspiring and can make people's blood boil, but Ye Luo is not moved.

"Well, I still feel a little unreliable. In this way, in addition to the method of astral body cultivation and the things in the tower, you can show some real sincerity." This donkey is really unreliable. Just in case, Ye Luo thought for a while and said.

The donkey was stunned for a moment, then directly vetoed it, and said angrily: "Woof, woof, woof! You don't believe in the great character of this emperor. This emperor is such an earth-shattering king, would he do something that deceives people?"

Ye Luo nodded and said seriously, "Yes."

"..." The donkey choked for a moment, and then said angrily: "The method of astral body cultivation, and the thing that defies the sky, can't these two things express my sincerity?"

"No, no one knows whether there is a hidden crisis in that tower, so I won't talk nonsense, and it's getting late, I will give you two choices now, one is that you show some real sincerity, or I won't Once it’s done, leave now, get some truckloads of cement and pour it here, and you’ll never get it out in your life.” Ye Luo threatened.

The donkey was furious, this was an undisguised threat and extortion!

It has lived for so many years, and it has always been the one who pretended to be coercive, threatened, blackmailed, and blackmailed others. How has it ever been done in the opposite direction?Its black name for a lifetime, is it going to fall into this kid's hands?

Moreover, this kid looks no worse than he did back then. He pretends to be aggressive and has a black belly, and he seems to be quite capable. If he really doesn't show some sincerity, with this kid's character, he really dares to leave. Last time he went straight away.

If I leave again this time, I don't know how many years I will be trapped.

Thinking of this, the furious donkey can only bear it again!

The donkey thought for a few seconds, then looked at Ye Luo again, with a strange look in his eyes, and said, "Young man, I am watching you. The astral body has reached the first level and has stagnated. It's impossible to practice this way.

However, you kid is not bad, you actually started body training when you knew there was no hope in training qi, and you have already reached the third level of body training, the realm of training flesh and blood.

After ancient times, Qi training rose and body training declined. During the Qin Dynasty, the monks who practiced body training were almost extinct, and many secret techniques of body training basically disappeared in the long river of history with the extinction of body training monks. .

In this way, in order to show my sincerity, how about I first pass on to you a set of supreme secret techniques for body training monks? "

"Supreme secret technique?" Ye Luo narrowed his eyes.

"That's right, this secret technique was created by the No. 1 Great Chan Temple before ancient times, when the Tianlong sage realized Taoism. In the era when body training has begun to decline, the Tianlong sage insisted on relying on this set of secret techniques to compete against the great masters of the great families. Dude, fight against the Holy Lords of the major holy places without losing the wind.

Later, the Tianlong sage proved the Tao and became the emperor, and even upgraded and perfected this set of secret techniques against the sky. In the post-ancient era, body training declined, Emperor Tianlong disappeared, and secret techniques were also lost.

However, the Emperor and Tianlong Great Emperor are old friends, and have the only copy of this secret technique. "The donkey's tone was stirring and mysterious.

Ye Luo was unmoved, and was already immune to the donkey's bragging, so he asked directly: "Mysterious secret technique, just tell me the content."

"Wow, woof, woof! This secret technique is to drive away blood!" The donkey's tone was quite proud.

"Go ahead." Ye Luo stared at the donkey.

"Body-refining cultivators, before they reach the realm of the Supreme Immortal, can't release the blood energy in their bodies. When fighting against Qi-training practitioners, they can only rely on their tyrannical flesh, while Qi-training cultivators can transform them with spiritual energy. Shapes, even imperial swords, and magic weapons are used as attack methods, and battles in the same realm often suffer some losses.

And the secret art of exorcising blood energy can completely make up for this.

Once this secret technique is completed, the blood energy can be released, and the blood energy can be used to control external objects.

For example, before this practice, if you want to hit someone with a brick, you can only use your hands, but after practicing this secret technique, you can control the brick to smash it through the release of blood, or, if you want to smash it through the air Stealing other people's treasures and elixirs, even flipping the skirts of saints and goddesses is not a problem..." The donkey man stood upright with a serious tone.

(End of this chapter)

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