Chapter 285

Blood energy drive?
You can steal treasures and elixirs from the air, and you can lift the skirts of the holy goddesses from the air, and even take off their clothes. You must learn this!

Ye Luo's blood boiled when he heard this. For him now, this secret technique is definitely of great use. Once it is cultivated, it can be used as a trump card.

If you can drive things, gambling in the city, pretending to be aggressive, fooling people and so on, it would be very simple, not to mention such things as driving beautiful women's skirts upside down, panties falling off, or, at the critical moment of the battle, driving a brick towards the Smash the back of the head, or drive other people's medicine pills and treasures to steal them...

Judging from the current stage, it is simply a god-defying magic technique!
Just, is this true or false?

Can this donkey really show such sincerity?

Ye Luo looked at the donkey with a vigilant face and asked, "Really?"

"Woof woof! My emperor is so sincere, yet you still dare to doubt me!" The donkey was indignant, and then it said, "Is it true? You will find out if you try it. Listen carefully, my emperor wants Read the formula for cultivation."

The donkey opened its mouth and uttered a series of obscure formulas.

Ye Luo restrained his mind, comprehended it carefully, and memorized it secretly.

But I found that although this formula is obscure, its meaning is very simple, that is to say: if there is no external force to drive or obstruct, all things in the world will be in a state of uniform motion and static. something that drives, exerts a force by which an object is driven...

"Woof woof! Young man, this secret technique should be kept in ancient times. Once it is born, it will definitely make many holy places, dynasties, and families bleed, causing disasters in the world, and blood flowing into rivers.

Now, I pass on this secret method to you, is it enough to show my sincerity? "The donkey man stood upright, trying to show a simple and honest manner, but the donkey's face tensed up, but it was a little funny.

Donkey said, Ye Luo was silent.

Suddenly, Ye Luo stretched out his hand, using the secret technique secretly, and the surging blood in his body, through his fingers, turned into an invisible thread of energy, flying towards a piece of gravel at his feet.

Ye Luo could clearly feel that the invisible blood energy came out through the body, and after forming a thread of blood energy, it weakened rapidly in the air, and it was already weak to a little bit at a distance of just over one meter.

Even when the silk thread of blood energy touched the palm-sized stone at the foot, it could only make it move a little bit, but it couldn't make it fly.

On the ancient altar, the donkey had just finished speaking, when he saw this scene, the donkey's eyes almost popped out. This secret technique is difficult to understand, and it is extremely difficult to practice. It took only a few minutes, and Ye Luo froze. Bleeding thread?

No, this is not a god-defying magic technique created by the Heavenly Dragon Emperor at all.

This is just an old monk in the Great Zen Temple who has been sweeping the ground for hundreds of years. In order to speed up the sweeping speed, he spent most of his life creating a useless secret technique called garbage.

In ancient times, this secret technique was spread, but no one practiced it.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple.

First: This secret technique is obscure and difficult to understand. It will take years or even decades to figure out the theory in it. What kind of force and movement are mentioned in it, like a heavenly book, it is too difficult to understand .Second: Its power does not seem to be great, it was only used by the old monk to sweep the floor, and no one else has practiced it, so it is basically regarded as a useless secret technique.Third: At that time, most people were Qi training monks, and those who were talented in Qi training had nothing to do to go back to body training, so naturally no one cared about this kind of body training secret technique, and the monks who had seen this secret technique basically thought it was is rubbish.

Even a donkey feels that this repelling technique is rubbish, but it is still a little surprised when it sees that Ye Luo has condensed a bloody thread so quickly. However, seeing that Ye Luo can't even drive a palm-sized stone At that time, it also breathed a sigh of relief.

If this is really a god-defying magic technique, if you just teach it like this, it will be a big loss. It's just fooling a mortal, and you must not spend your money. Donkey actually didn't understand the core principle of this secret technique.

"Young man, you have a good comprehension. You comprehended such a complicated theory so quickly. How about it? Isn't this secret technique powerful?" Donkey said lightly.

Ye Luo withdrew the silk thread of blood energy, looked a little shocked, and muttered to himself: "This theory is indeed a bit complicated, involving a lot of knowledge of physics and mathematics, such as Newton's first law, but people who have gone to school , it is not difficult to understand this scripture.

Of course, for those who haven’t gone to school, reading this scripture is almost like reading a bible, and they can’t understand it at all.

However, this secret technique is definitely a technique that defies the sky. Once it is cultivated to great success, its power will be so-so.

Ye Luo pouted and said, "It's strange, so many of the world's most basic sports rules and knowledge are involved in a secret technique from ancient times. Could it be that the person who created this technique was also from ancient times? Researcher?"

"What are you talking about? What physics, mathematics, Newton's first law, what is this? This is the most mysterious application of rules between heaven and earth. A body training secret technique." The donkey glared at Ye Luo, because it didn't understand what Ye Luo said.

The donkey has indeed seen this secret technique a few times, but the force, direction, acceleration under force and other things mentioned in the secret technique are completely incomprehensible and have not been studied in depth.

Ye Luo ignored the donkey, and carefully comprehended the secret technique again. He was a little startled. He had just comprehended a little bit, plus it was the third level of body refining. He has driven some tiles. If he is given some more time to study and practice this secret technique of repelling objects, it may go against the sky and become Ye Luo's powerful trump card.

"Woof woof! Young man, why don't you talk? Is my sincerity okay?" Donkey asked a little guilty.

Ye Luo nodded and said, "Well, it's okay."

The donkey froze for a moment, feeling even more guilty. After contact, the donkey also saw that this Ye Luo was not easy to fool. Seeing Ye Luo's reaction now, could it be that this rubbish secret technique actually fooled Ye Luo?
"Wow! If that's the case, then you can start to act according to our previous plan, right? Take the heaven-defying things first, and then the emperor will pass on the supreme secret technique of astral cultivation to you, and finally break the formation and return the emperor to freedom. "The donkey is guilty, but his tone is calm.

"For the sake of your sincerity, I will reluctantly agree." Ye Luo said.

A look of joy flashed in the donkey's eyes, and he thought to himself, after all, he was still too young, and he just took out a garbage secret technique created by a sweeping monk, and was fooled by the emperor.

The donkey was secretly happy, but he didn't show it on his mouth. He urged: "Since you are still satisfied, then act quickly, cross the dark river, enter the ten-story demon tower, and take out the heaven-defying thing inside."

(End of this chapter)

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