Chapter 286
Hearing the donkey's description before, saying that there is something against the sky, Ye Luo himself wanted to explore it, and now that he got another secret technique, he naturally wouldn't push it away.

Ye Luo tidied up his things, calmed down, and finally looked at the ten-story demon tower across the dark river.

The dark river flows silently in the darkness. It is wide and full of water. The ten-story demon tower stands alone.

Ye Luo asked the donkey some more things to pay attention to when going to the ten-story demon tower, and then walked towards the ten-story demon tower.

Not long after walking forward, Ye Luo stopped, because a boat suddenly appeared on the dark river. The boat was a pitch-black black boat, and there seemed to be something on board!

The mist was surging on the dark river, and the distance was so far that it was hard to see what was on the boat.

Ye Luo was startled, and a chill couldn't help but rise up on her body.

Except for the donkey, no one has entered this underground space for thousands of years. How could there be a boat?Even if there is a boat, after such a long time, shouldn't it have turned into a pile of ruins?
Ye Luo turned around, looked at the donkey on the ancient altar from a distance, and asked, "What is that boat on the dark river?"

"Wow, woof! What could it be? It's a boat. However, the boat is a special kind of wood, made of ebony. It will not sink, rot, or deform for a thousand years. It is nothing to be afraid of. Go ahead. , you can see two small awning boats by the river, and you can cross the river in a small boat.” The donkey’s tone was very casual, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing, but in the walnut-like eyes of the donkey, But there was a flash of fear.

The distance was too far and the space was dark, so Ye Luo couldn't observe the expression change in the donkey's eyes at this time.

However, when Ye Luo heard about ebony, he was a little surprised. In this day and age, thousand-year-old ebony can be said to be worth ten thousand gold, and the price is even more expensive than gold. The boats on the dark river are all made of ebony. Called luxury to the extreme.

Ye Luo continued to move forward, his movements becoming more and more cautious.

The underground space is quiet, and if you walk a little further, you can already hear the sound of the flowing water in the underground river, and you can also see the general appearance of the underground river. The width of the river is 800 meters, which is comparable to the Yangtze River, and the depth of the water is bottomless. Somewhat amazing.

On the dark river, the huge black-covered boat was still ups and downs in the mist on the river surface. Even when it came to the river, it still couldn't see its true face clearly.

"Wow! Young man, after crossing the river and entering the ten-story demon tower, don't forget to smear cinnabar on your body, and then take out the black donkey's hoof and hang it around your neck." The donkey reminded.

Ye Luo nodded, but he had other plans.

When going down the dry well last time, Ye Luo saw with his own eyes that the moment the mist gushing out from the ten-story demon tower was contaminated on the mouse, the mouse quickly aged and died.

The mist was just as terrifying as the mist on the ruins of the Great Chan Temple in Hidden Dragon Mountain, so Ye Luo naturally wouldn't touch it easily.

This time, Ye Luo prepared more than last time. Not only did he prepare double portions of cinnabar and black donkey hooves, but also a lot of things to catch devils and demons, as well as big rats.

Ye Luo has already made a plan. After crossing the dark river and arriving at the ten-story demon tower, first smear the mouse with cinnabar, then tie the mouse to the black donkey's hoof and throw it into the tower to see if there is any abnormality. , and then decide whether to enter.

Ye Luo continued to move forward, and after a while, he reached the bank of the dark river.

According to the information given by the donkey, Ye Luo observed the river for a while, and found a small dilapidated pier 200 meters to the right. On the edge of the pier, there were two small boats.

The boat is a black awning boat with a black awning, a deck, a hull, and a wind lamp. You can see the structure of the whole boat at a glance.

Ye Luo walked to the side of the dilapidated wharf, and reached out to touch the black-topped boat. The hull was cold and hard, without any trace of water leakage or damage. He couldn't help sighing, the boat made of ebony was really extraordinary

After careful observation, Ye Luo suddenly found that the two small boats docked by the pier seemed to be different in some places. Different touches, one is warm and the other is cold.

"Strange, the boat is the same, why is the temperature different?" Ye Luo muttered to himself.

However, Ye Luo didn't care too much.

Ye Luo checked the carrying capacity of the awning boat again, stood on it and tried it, and saw that the hull of the boat was strong enough to carry people, and there were no problems, so he shook the oars and drove towards the opposite side of the dark river.

Ye Luo was very cautious. When he was on the boat, he did not forget to look at the surrounding environment. After a few breaths, he suddenly found that the huge black-covered boat on the dark river was drifting towards the upper reaches. drifting away.

The water vapor was hazy, and it was impossible to see what was on the boat.

The small boat that Ye Luo was riding in was only three meters long, while the big boat with a black roof floating on the river was a full 100 meters in size, just like the difference in size between an elephant and a mouse.

The boat continued to sail towards the other side, and Ye Luo became more and more vigilant. At the same time, he took out four strong flashlights that he had prepared earlier, turned on the lights, and placed them on the deck to illuminate all directions.

The dark river was quiet and the current was calm. The boat sailed safely through the middle of the river and slowly approached the other side of the river.

"Huh! What is that?"

The boat drove forward for a while, Ye Luo was startled, and suddenly found that there seemed to be white things swaying in the river, like a human figure.

Ye Luo immediately took a bright flashlight from the deck, and pointed it towards the place where the white shadow was seen just now. Under the light, the river water was clear, and there was not even a fish, let alone a human figure.

"Did I read it wrong?" Ye Luo muttered to himself.

Ye Luo didn't see that the big black-covered boat suddenly turned around in the water when he crossed the middle of the river and was heading towards the opposite bank, and started to go back.

Ye Luo swung the oars and continued to drive completely. This time, he had just gone for less than a minute when he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be another figure flashing in the water.

Surprised, Ye Luo directly took the flashlight, and quickly shot it underwater again.


When the light fell, Ye Luo was startled, his hand shook, and the strong flashlight fell on the deck of the boat. according to go.

At this glance, Ye Luo's body trembled, and he couldn't help but gasped.

The white shadow I saw earlier turned out to be a person, very similar to a fair-skinned, beautiful young girl in palace attire.

These girls are underwater, dancing to a unique melody!

"Hey! Who are you?"

Shocked, Ye Luo couldn't help but asked underwater, how could there be people here, and they were still dancing underwater?
Ye Luo asked, but none of the girls in palace costumes under the water responded.

Ye Luo frowned, and holding a bright flashlight, he approached the side of the boat, taking advantage of the moment when one of the girls was swimming in front of the boat, he patted the girl in palace costume with the flashlight.

After that, Ye Luo's hand froze suddenly!
As a generation of war doctors, Ye Luo can almost conclude that the girl is not a living person but a corpse through observation and the feel of the flashlight.

Under the water, a group of female corpses of girls in palace costumes are dancing!

Ye Luo's pupils shrank sharply, and his scalp felt numb, as if it was going to burst.

(End of this chapter)

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