Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 294 Shameless Against Black Belly

Chapter 294 Shameless Against Black Belly
The donkey's hoof smashed down hard.

Ye Luo's pupils shrank. As a war doctor of the first generation, Ye Luo, who has the best combat experience in the world, suffered a loss once, how could he suffer a second time?

Almost at the moment when the donkey's hoof fell again, Ye Luo, who was lying on the ground and hadn't stood up yet, twisted his body to the left quietly, avoiding the donkey's hoof.

At the same time, Ye Luo counterattacked, and kicked his foot at a tricky angle, which happened to hit the donkey's egg.

This kick was extremely ruthless, at least five hundred catties in weight.

"Wow! Hiss... I... Grass... Roar..." No matter how powerful it is, if this place is kicked for thousands of catties, it will still hurt and faint.

The donkey's face was convulsed and deformed.

While you are sick, I will kill you!
This donkey tricked him even harder. This time is a good time for revenge!

Ye Luo succeeded in one move, got up, and punched the donkey's head again!
"Roar! Bark! Shameless ants, I want to destroy your nine clans!" The donkey's body is also inexplicably strong. Even if it was kicked, it recovered in a very short time, and its momentum suddenly went crazy. break out.

The donkey's hoof raised up, turned into an afterimage, and slammed down on Ye Luo again, this time much faster than last time, and even more powerful in power.

The donkey is furious!
A hoof smashed down, and there was a faint power of thunder.

Ye Luo was also completely angry!

He also punched him with a punch, with a force of four thousand catties with one hand, without reservation!


The fist collided with the donkey's hoof, and the donkey made a real fire.

The donkey has been trapped underground for more than 2000 years. The divine power on his body has been basically exhausted because he has not received any supplements for more than 2000 years, and his realm has also fallen to the bottom. Before, it could only use physical strength to shake Ye Luo hard.

However, the donkey's body didn't know how it was cultivated, and it turned out to be extremely strong. When the [-]-jin fist hit it, it just made the donkey howl in pain, and it didn't even suffer any injuries.

The donkey's hoof hit Ye Luo's body. Since Ye Luo was already at the peak of the third level of body training, his flesh and blood were as hard as iron, so he didn't get hurt much, but some pain was inevitable.

For a while, the donkey and the human were evenly matched!
People and donkeys were all angry, and they hoofed for punches, and they carried it on. In the small space, dodging was useless at all. In addition, Ye Luo was a generation of war doctors, and his fighting methods were extremely sophisticated, and the donkey didn't know if he was alive. The evildoers who have been around for so many years, their moves are also very insidious, it is difficult to dodge each other, they can only face each other head-on.


Relying on the anger, the donkey attacked wildly. The battle lasted for more than an hour, until the anger slowly disappeared, and the pain like a tide came from all over the body, and the expression of the donkey began to become a little weird .

The donkey's hair was messy, the donkey's face was swollen and tall, and Ye Luo's body was covered with bruises and purple patches, which was extremely miserable.

for a long time.

The people and the donkeys separated, and each stood on one side of the ancient altar. They were all miserable, hostile to each other, vigilant, and at the same time rubbed their wounds with grinning teeth.

"Wow, woof, woof! Stop beating, if you keep beating like this, no one will be hurt except for the pain!" The donkey's mouth twitched secretly because of the pain, and he waved the donkey's hoof.

"Then stop beating!" Although Ye Luo stood up straight, there were pains everywhere in his body.

"Woof woof, young man, I didn't see that your body is so domineering. However, there seems to be something wrong with your cultivation method. We don't know each other. Let me tell you about the shortcomings." Suddenly, he walked towards Ye Luo kindly, as if he wanted to settle the suspicion.

"Really? I'm just trying to learn." Ye Luo smiled and walked towards the donkey. He put his right hand back in his sleeve and shook it secretly.

One person and one donkey approached slowly with "sincere" kindness, and in the blink of an eye, they had already walked two steps away.

"You practice skills..." Just as the donkey finished speaking halfway, he suddenly opened his mouth wide and bit Ye Luo's arm without warning!

When the donkey opened its mouth to bite, one of Ye Luo's hands quietly reached the crotch of the standing donkey. Almost at the same time as the donkey bit down, Ye Luo made a sudden move and squeezed the donkey hard. Egg!
"Ah - put your mouth down, donkey, you still have to be shameless, didn't you mean to teach you how to do it?"

"Aww, I'm so fucked up, it's about to explode, let go, if there's something wrong with me, I'll destroy your nine clans..."

Two screams echoed in the underground space.

Another long time passed.

Underground space, on the ancient altar.

The donkey was lying on its side, rubbing its own eggs, and humming non-stop, while Ye Luo was sitting, using the technique of massage, ninja pain, to dissolve several deep donkey teeth bite marks on his arms.

"Wow, woof, woof! What, boy, the weather is good today." The donkey looked at the dark underground space.

"It's really good, the sun is shining, and the spring breeze is blowing." Ye Luo glanced at the big black-covered boat on the dark river from a distance, and praised.

"Woof, boy, it's not a problem for us to hurt each other all the time. Otherwise, let's put the hatred aside for now and discuss it. Why do we get out of here?" The donkey stood up again and walked towards Ye Luo again. , a little hesitant this time.

"You have been trapped on this ancient altar for more than 2000 years. Didn't you think of any other way to get out except the exchange of the deceitful teleportation array?" Still the same, but more vigilant.

This time, the donkey and the dog didn't get too close, they stopped within five steps.

"Woof! How is it possible? The emperor knows astronomy and geography. He has 50 years of Chinese history and culture in his heart. How can he know a way to break the formation? What, I asked you to bring the 300-year Chen Nianhei donkey's hoof and cinnabar, have you brought it?" There was a hint of pretense in the donkey's flat tone.

"Bring it, what do you want that thing for? Well, don't pretend to be aggressive, you are easily struck by lightning." Ye Luo reminded kindly.

The donkey froze for a moment, rubbed its nose with its hoof, and said, "It's really brought! Bow, woof, take it out quickly, as long as we have these two things, we can hope to break this formation!"

"The old black donkey's hooves and cinnabar are used to break the formation? Didn't you say last time that these two things are used to enter the ten-story demon tower to get the heaven-defying things?" Ye Luo gritted his teeth and glared at the donkey. At first glance, it feels like this guy doesn't have a single word of truth

"Wow, woof, woof! Cough, general, what, don't go into the details, you take out the things first." The donkey said awkwardly, as if he was a little embarrassed, but it was only for a moment, and the next moment he said confidently: "Ask this What are you doing, quickly take it out, do you still want to go out?"

(End of this chapter)

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