Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 295 Heavenly Book

Chapter 295 Book from Heaven
Ye Luo was dumbfounded.

It's so upright and confident after defrauding people, what kind of weirdness is this.

Ye Luo shook his head, walked towards the backpack that was thrown to the corner of the ancient altar during the teleportation, and while reaching for the black donkey's hoof and cinnabar inside, he said: "How do I feel, if you really go out and break into the city , will there be a big mess?"

"Nonsense! The emperor has always loved the people like a son, obeyed the law, how could there be trouble?" The donkey ran the train with his mouth full, and when Ye Luo was digging out, he asked curiously: "Well, the ancient bronze coffin on the big black canopy boat was not swallowed. Without your blood, how did you survive?"

"You still have the guts to say that you don't tell me such an important thing. If it wasn't for my tricks, I would have died on it?" Ye Luo gritted his teeth, his face was obviously not good. If he didn't happen to have the exercises in the ancient bronze book, I'm afraid I've been sucked dry.

"A man has to look forward, why mention him about the past..." Donkey said confidently, seeing Ye Luo's face darkened, looking like he was about to fight, coughed, and changed the subject: "By the way, you Let me see first, the mark on your chest?"

Ye Luo thought about it. Although this donkey is a black-bellied and rotten thing, after all, it has lived for so many years, and it should still have some knowledge. Let it look at the strange bronze ancient coffin mark, maybe it will be of some help.

Ye Luo was also very afraid of the terrifying and strange ancient bronze coffin.

Ye Luo took a step forward and remained vigilant, as did the donkey.

Ye Luo pushed aside the clothes on his chest, revealing the mysterious imprint of the ancient bronze coffin.

"Wow woof woof..." The donkey took a closer look, as if its tail had been stepped on, it took two steps back in shock, and said in surprise, "It's, it's this ghost thing, it's impossible, why are you not dead? ?”

"Bah, you're the one to die!" Ye Luo retorted.

The donkey turned a deaf ear and muttered to himself: "It's unscientific. Once this thing appears on your body, unless you are a person above the level of Almighty, or a practitioner of the most mysterious and unpredictable Devouring Volume in the legendary Seven Volumes of Heaven, anyone else Everyone has to die, how can you not die?"

"With your cultivation base, you are thousands of miles away from Da Neng. Could it be that the legendary Heavenly Book swallowed you up?" Donkey speculated, staring at Ye Luo with twinkling eyes, and there was a strange light flickering inside.

"What is this imprint?" Seeing the donkey's reaction, Ye Luo couldn't help feeling a little hairy, and then he was dubious, and asked cautiously: "What is the Swallowing Scroll of Heavenly Book?"

"Wow, woof, woof! Don't you know what is an ancient bronze coffin and what is a heavenly book?" From the donkey's eyes the size of a walnut, there was a frightening, greedy light.

"Nonsense, don't know, why are you asking me?" Ye Luo became furious after being stared at by the donkey, and became more and more vigilant.

Compared with the imprint on the ancient bronze coffin, this donkey’s degree of evil is not low. It has been trapped for more than 2000 years without dying. It thinks that it is a dog’s donkey, and it can speak three languages: human, donkey and dog. , still so resistant to beatings, black-bellied, and pretending to be aggressive, it doesn't look like a normal thing at first glance.

"Woof woof! Young man, you don't know about the imprint of the ancient bronze coffin. After all, it is a very evil thing. It is so weird that even the ancient sages had to take a detour when they saw it.

However, you have to know about the Heavenly Book. This is actually a very deceiving exercise. The name of this exercise seems to be very powerful, but in fact, there are huge flaws in this exercise.

Generally, people who practice this heavenly book mainly focus on devouring and plundering in the early stage. The speed of practice may be very fast, but in the later stage, if there is a slight error, they will explode and die.

In ancient times, there were often scams, using heavenly books to deceive people, you will not be deceived, just practice this exercise, come on, read the scriptures once, and I will analyze and analyze for you first, if it is really heavenly books, resolutely Can't practice. "The tone of the donkey suddenly changed, and there was a sense of righteousness and awe.

However, the donkey's eyes kept flickering, staring at Ye Luo, as if staring at a living heavenly book.

Seeing the change in donkey's expression, Ye Luo narrowed his eyes suddenly, numb, how could this donkey be so kind?Absolutely impossible, very possible, and fooling around again!

"Okay, then listen carefully, the way of heaven is too damaged to give enough, and the way of man is not enough to give more than enough to give. Everything in the world is born of Tao. One life is two, two is three, and three is all things...

This exercise is too domineering and will harm the peace of heaven. If you practice this exercise, you must first leave the palace to bring peace to the sky. " Ye Luo recited in his mouth.

In fact, Ye Luo just read the beginning of the book from heaven, and added the contents of the Tao Te Ching that can be seen everywhere in the bookstore, and made up some random things. At the end, he specially added a sentence Pen.

The more the donkey listened, the more frightened he became, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes. Why is this scripture so weird, especially the last sentence, if you want to practice this skill, you must first leave the palace?
The donkey looked at Ye Luo's eyes, which flickered, and the donkey was surprised for a moment.

These words are unfathomable, and they have a taste of heavenly scriptures, but I have never heard that people who practice heavenly scriptures need their own palace?

The donkey pondered, and suddenly realized that it was a donkey that had lived for more than 2000 years, and it still had some knowledge. It could guess that Ye Luo might have seen through its intentions, knowing that it was fooling her, and fooling it in turn!
However, after what Ye Luo said, especially the first sentence, the donkey can almost conclude that there is a great possibility in Ye Luo, there is a heavenly book.

Heavenly Book, this is something that many great powers in ancient times dreamed of. If you miss this frankly, even God will not be able to see it!


The donkey swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then, as an old and cunning donkey, it quickly remembered the unbearable battle experience before, and a strange look flashed in its eyes again, and it secretly said: woof woof!Damn it, I still can't do anything now, the emperor is now at the lowest ebb of his life, and all the divine power in his body has been exhausted by time, if he fights this ant now, it won't take advantage of it.

However, once he can leave here and return to the human world, wouldn't it be a piece of cake to quickly recover his strength with his own terrifying background?
The most important thing is that looking at Ye Luo's current strength and previous cultivation, it seems that he has only obtained a very small part of the Heavenly Book, otherwise, his strength would never be as weak as it is now.

And according to what I know, no matter ancient or modern, as long as people who can get the book from heaven are people with great luck, as long as they don't die, they will become existences against the sky in the future.

And the seven heavenly books scattered in the world are also responsive to each other. As long as you get a page of one of the books, you can follow the clues to gather the other seven heavenly books.

Judging from the current situation, the kid doesn't seem to understand what is a heavenly book, let alone what is luck.

Wouldn't it be nice if I could stay by his side, find an opportunity to plunder his great luck without his knowing, and trick him into finding the heavenly book, and then snatch it away.

However, Ye Luo was very vigilant, which was a bit difficult to deal with.

When the donkey thought of this, his heart moved, the greed and black belly on the donkey's face retracted, and with a shy face, he tried to squeeze out a donkey's smile, waved his hand with the donkey's hoof, and said haha: "Big brother, you Seeing that the two of us are trapped here, it is not an option to be hostile to each other, and cooperation is the kingly way, don't you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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