Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 296 Breaking the Formation

Chapter 296 Breaking the Formation
When the donkey mentioned being trapped, Ye Luo immediately felt bad, rolled his eyelids, and reprimanded: "You still have the face to say, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be trapped here."

"Isn't that because we don't know each other well? Now that we've had a fight, it's considered that we don't know each other. Naturally, it's not the same as before."

The donkey was full of flickers, not giving Ye Luo a chance to continue speaking, and then said: "Well, give me the black donkey's hoof and cinnabar, and I will break the battle. After I go out, I will take you to rob houses, dig graves and seize the land." Treasure, cheating people to release... Cough, I made a mistake, it should be saving the common people, cultivating against the sky, proving the Tao and becoming an emperor, how about it?
The donkey changed so quickly, but Ye Luo became more cautious, knowing that the donkey had no good intentions.

However, Ye Luo didn't directly expose it. After all, if he wanted to get out of this trap, he had to use this donkey.

Ye Luo thought to himself, how could he kill the donkey after he got out, and then said, "Are you sure you can get out of trouble?"

"It goes without saying, you must get it, just look at it." The donkey took the black donkey's hoof and cinnabar from Ye Luo's hand, and then said: "With this formation, the emperor has no one to take advantage of. If there is one, break it at will!"

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched, and the donkey began to blow again. However, this formation really needs to be broken by the donkey, but can it be broken?If you can't break it, you will really be trapped to death.

I am afraid that I will spend the rest of my life with a donkey.


When Ye Luo was trapped on the ancient altar, Ding Yuan was also having a hard time.

Thinking of the consequences of letting Ye Luo know that he asked a practitioner to deal with him, he shuddered and felt like sitting on pins and needles, and finally gritted his teeth and decided to ask the Japanese for help.

However, as soon as he proposed this idea, an old man from the Ding family raised objections, saying: "Master, why don't you cooperate with the Japanese, this group of people is not a good thing."

"If you don't cooperate with them, who do you want to cooperate with? Other practitioners won't talk to us at all. Now they are the only ones who have a grudge against battle doctor Ye Luo, and they may be used by us." Ding Yuan asked back.

The old man of the Ding family pondered for a moment, and said: "I still think it's inappropriate, why don't we go directly to Ye Luo to plead guilty, and at worst, give him some blood and give him some compensation. Seeing our sincerity, he shouldn't embarrass us of."

"It shouldn't be embarrassing. What if he wants to be embarrassing? The fate of our Ding family cannot be handed over to an unknown option, but we should take the initiative."

"I heard that war doctor Ye Luo is more tolerant towards Chinese people. As long as it is not a death feud, he will not kill people who offend him. At most, he will teach them a lesson. But when it comes to islanders, he will He became a murderous maniac, according to our information, when he was on the battlefield in the Middle East, he only killed islanders, and countless soldiers and agents sent by the island countries to the Middle East died at his hands."

"Based on the character of war doctor Ye Luo, we are all Chinese. As long as we show sincerity, he may not care about the conflict between us and let us go. What if the Miyamoto family kills us this time?" Ye Luo failed, he knew that we colluded with the islanders, and the consequences would be really serious."

The old man of the Ding family put forward his point of view and said firmly: "I still don't agree to ask the Japanese for help. This kind of behavior is a shameful traitorous behavior."

"Shut up! What's the matter with the traitor? As long as you can kill Ye Luo, what can you do as a traitor? Besides, the Miyamoto family is absolutely impossible to fail! They are the legendary ninja family, as long as they agree to send monks to kill Ye Luo, you will be safe!" Ding Yuan's tone became more fierce!


Nanjiang City, the residence of the Miyamoto family in the island country.

Ding Yuan came here, and after exchanging pleasantries, he directly stated his intentions, "Mr. Miyamoto Saburo, as long as you can kill the war doctor Ye Luo, my Ding family is willing to pay [-] million yuan as a reward."

"Battle doctor Ye Luo?" Saburo Miyamoto, who was five feet tall and almost as ugly as Jiro Miyamoto, had a hint of sinister in his gloomy eyes.

"That's right, this man was originally a war doctor who was active in the Middle East battlefield. He was very cruel by nature. He peeped at the wealth of our Ding family, killed our Ding family members, took away my fiancee, and threatened to destroy our Ding family." The family is full, please Mr. Miyamoto help kill this person." Ding Yuan gritted his teeth.

"Battle Doctor Ye Luo, [-] million seems not enough. Seeing how sincere you are, let's say [-] billion." Saburo Miyamoto's face flashed a gloomy Talan.

"That's too much." Ding Yuan's face was pained.

Their family's total assets are only a few billion, and they have done their best to have [-] million in working capital. I thought the Japanese would agree, but I didn't expect the other party's appetite to be so big, and it was a billion when they asked.

"If you think it's too much, you don't have to agree." Saburo Miyamoto said confidently.

Ding Yuan's complexion changed, and he hurriedly said, "I will agree to whatever Mr. Miyamoto said."

Now he has no other choice, even if he knows that the other party is ripping off, he can only grit his teeth and agree. Now he suddenly regrets that he didn't follow the advice of the old man at home.

"Then wish us a happy cooperation."

The two parties reached an agreement, and Ding Yuan left with a bleeding heart.

An island ninja appeared with contempt on his face, "Huaxia people are still as stupid as ever, they even wanted us to kill the war doctor Ye Luo, and even took out a billion billion, don't they know, even if they don't ask us , when we come to China this time, we will also kill this imperial feud!"

"Has the investigation been clear? The person who lives in the rented house is the war doctor Ye Luo?" Saburo Miyamoto's tone was gloomy, ignoring the ninja's contempt for the Ding family.

"The investigation is clear." A frenzy flashed in the ninja's eyes, the feud of the empire can finally be wiped out!

"Let Miyamoto Yu go. It's fine that our ninja family was not born before. Now that we were born, the person who killed so many of our empire's elite must die. A person like an ant dares to provoke our empire! "Miyamoto Saburo's tone revealed murderous intent.

Then, Miyamoto Saburo said again: "In addition, the matter of Guigu's secret treasure must be accelerated. This is related to the fate of our empire. The Chinese people must not be allowed to take away the things in the secret treasure!"


The underground space under the dry well, on the ancient altar.

"Damn donkey, didn't you say that as long as you have black donkey hooves and cinnabar, you will be able to break the formation? Now you have not only used up the black donkey hoofs and cinnabar, but also used up so many things that ward off evil spirits that I brought with me, why? The formation hasn't been broken yet!" Ye Luo stared at the donkey, with a black line on his forehead, he shouldn't trust the donkey.

"Wow, woof, woof! Cough, I made a small mistake, and it seems that there is still a little bit of weight missing. Marle Gobi's, this formation is a bit evil." The donkey touched his nose with its hoof.

"What should we do now?" Ye Luo stared at the donkey.

"If there is no other cinnabar, black donkey's hooves, or other evil spirits, I'm afraid we won't be able to get out." The donkey's face was also a little ugly.

"How far is it? I have a way to get it." Ye Luo asked.

"It's just a little bit, don't need much, half a share of cinnabar, or even half a catty of black dog blood is enough, but we are trapped here, there is no way to get it!" The donkey sighed
"Hey, what do you see over there?" Ye Luo suddenly pointed at the black boat.

The donkey was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and looked over.

Ye Luo took out the blood-red sword quietly, and stabbed the donkey's ass fiercely at the limit speed, and said quietly: "Didn't you say that you were a black dog before? The blood in your body, Isn’t it black dog blood? Let’s break the formation with half a catty.”

(End of this chapter)

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