Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 297 The Unreliable Donkey

Chapter 297 The Unreliable Donkey


In the underground space, a donkey screamed angrily, "Bastard, what are you doing?"

"Bloodletting, don't be so excited, isn't this all about getting out of trouble?" Ye Luo chuckled, but his hands didn't relax, and poked the donkey's butt hard again.

"Bastard, I killed you." The donkey was furious, rushing forward to give Ye Luo his life.

Ye Luo hurriedly opened the distance, and said: "The blood has already been released, break the formation quickly, otherwise the blood will freeze in a while, and the blood will be wasted."

"Boy, just wait for me." The donkey glared viciously, but he also knew the priorities, and focused on breaking the formation.


On the mysterious, simple, vicissitudes, and weird five-color ancient altar, a burst of earth-shattering aura erupted, sweeping the underground space, and even the big black-covered boat pulling the ancient bronze coffin on the dark river swayed a bit .

"Wow, woof, woof! Quack! The emperor is here! Roar! Tremble, human world!" The donkey has continued to be alone and lonely for more than 2000 years, and at this moment, with this earth-shattering roar, it poured out crazily!

Ye Luo looked at the creeps from the side. At the moment of breaking the formation, although the donkey's strength did not increase, its momentum gushed out like a vast ocean.

This donkey is so evil, what kind of thing is this?

The donkey didn't know what he was thinking, his eyes flickered, and his body was turbulent, "Boy, if this emperor can be born and rule the world again, you also have a little credit, follow this emperor from now on, and this emperor will make you under one person, ten thousand people!" The king above, rules all races!"

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed for a moment, but he didn't respond. He was no longer a person who knew nothing about donkeys. Listening to the donkey's words, he felt a bit deceitful.

After the donkey finished speaking, before Ye Luo could speak, its body turned into an afterimage, rushing towards the bronze gate with the madness that had been trapped for more than 2000 years.

After more than 2000 years of imprisonment, the donkey is free again!
On the ancient altar, Ye Luo looked at the back of the donkey rushing out, and felt more and more uneasy. In this society, in the current Nanjiang City, once the donkey goes out, what kind of waves will be caused.

"Forget it, the sky is falling, and there is a tall person holding it up. Besides, Nanjiang City has already gathered so many big figures in the cultivation world. If this donkey really makes trouble, some big people will definitely take action. It's just that this donkey is so wicked. Can those big shots subdue this donkey? Why do I feel unreliable?" Ye Luo said to himself.

Afterwards, Ye Luo followed and left. When he reached the gate of the bronze gate, he couldn't help but glanced back. The ancient altar was mysterious, the dark river was flowing, and the big black-covered boat on the river was pulling the ancient bronze coffin up and down. On the other side of the dark river, ten thousand The layered demon tower stands tall, full of horror, weirdness, and a faint breath of vicissitudes of time.

"There are still too many secrets here. With my current strength, I'm afraid I can't solve them for the time being. However, this place must not be discovered by outsiders. After I get out of here, I must find a way to remove this dry well and the surrounding demolition area. , they were all bought with money, and real estate developers cannot be allowed to develop them.”

Ye Luo secretly decided, took a deep breath, and walked out of the bronze gate.

The bronze door seemed to feel something, and it quietly closed automatically.

The little bronze flower in Ye Luo's arms trembled silently when the bronze gate was closed, as if it was nostalgic, thinking about something.

Outside the dry well, the night is already dark.

The donkey stood on top of the ruins, with a pair of donkey eyes the size of walnuts, staring at the neon lights flickering outside the ruins, the towering buildings, and a trace of doubt mixed with the crazy momentum.

This world seems to be completely different from what it was more than 2000 years ago.

Ye Luo came out of the well and saw the donkey man standing upright, so he couldn't help asking, "What are you doing?"

"Woof, woof, woof! The emperor is thinking, whether to conquer this world now, and let all races tremble at the feet of the emperor!" the donkey said.

"It's all out, why are you pretending?" The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched, and then he said: "Let me remind you, the world today is very different from what it was in 2000. You are a donkey, and your strength is not as good as it is now." It's about the same as me, if you still pretend like this, have a black belly, and speak out people's words, I'm afraid that after a few days of tossing around, you will be suppressed by big shots as monsters."

This is Huaxia after all, if this donkey really breaks into a big mess, it might hurt innocent people, Ye Luo couldn't help but warn.

"Woof! What are you talking about? Being suppressed? Do you know what it means to break through and then stand up? After more than 2000 years, although the emperor's divine power has been exhausted, if the emperor wants to re-cultivate and suppress all races, isn't it just a snap of his fingers?" What happened between the two? Who dares to suppress me!" The donkey yelled, but there was a secret in his heart.

As the donkey spoke, he walked towards the ruins.

Not long after walking, it suddenly pointed at a car parked not far away under the streetlight, and asked, "What is that? An iron box with four wheels?"

"Car." Ye Luo had a headache, what to do with this donkey, should he let it go?
"A car? A treasure?" A flash of greed flashed in the donkey's eyes, and he ran over quickly.

The donkey walked to the side of the road and the car, looked at it for a while, and then tapped the car glass with its hoof.


The glass shattered.

When Ye Luo heard it, he saw that in the blink of an eye, the donkey had already smashed the glass of his car, so he hurried over and said, "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I'm paralyzed. I thought it was a treasure. I didn't expect that it would break a hoof without being beaten like this." The donkey shook his head, then put his head into the cart, glanced left and right, and said: "There's nothing in it, but this chair looks good, it's quite soft, kid, take it apart, it's good to take it back as a seat."

"That's the car seat, dead donkey, come out, there may be surveillance here!" Ye Luo's face darkened, and his headache grew worse.

"Surveillance?" Donkey wondered.

"That's right, look here, this is the monitoring on the car. However, the car is not driving, and the monitoring is not on. However, there are monitoring in generally driving cars. Not only that, on the road, in supermarkets, shopping malls, Even in the alleys that are slightly popular, there will be surveillance." Ye Luo reminded helplessly.

"What is surveillance?" Donkey was even more puzzled, staring at Ye Luo.

Ye Luo rubbed his swollen temples, took out his mobile phone with a large battery, turned it on, and saw that it was still charged, he turned on the video recording function, and said, "Look at this, this thing can do what you do, Record it and watch it again later, this is surveillance.”

The donkey looked at the phone, and after Ye Luo's explanation, he suddenly realized, and said, "Damn it, I thought it was something. The function of this thing is somewhat similar to the previous memory crystal."

The donkey pursed his lips in disdain, turned his head by chance, and said, "What do you think it is? It's another iron box with four wheels, and it can still run?"

The donkey walked towards the middle of the road while talking, eyes straightened and said: "According to my judgment, being able to run so fast is the real treasure. Just looking at the speed, it should be at least a third-grade magic weapon. Looks like it's good luck, as soon as I come out, I will give the emperor a magic weapon, and grab it!"

Ye Luo turned his head to look, and couldn't help being surprised, because on the road, a top-notch Faraday was running wildly on the road at an alarming speed, and the donkey suddenly blocked the middle of the road.

"Damn donkey, don't mess around, it belongs to someone else!" Ye Luo shouted hastily.

"Other people's, what I see is my own!" the donkey roared arrogantly, his eyes glowing.

(End of this chapter)

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