Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 298 A Big Event Has Arrived

Chapter 298 A Big Event Has Arrived (Third Watch for Ticket)

Late at night, in the demolition area, on the empty road.

Due to the demolition, this area has been deserted. Even the street lights on both sides of the road, due to lack of maintenance, more than half of them are dark, and only a few are emitting dim light.

A luxury car Ferrari, with two bright lights on, was running wildly on the road.

Suddenly, the people in the car saw a donkey appearing in the middle of the road!

The donkey was completely black, its eyes stared like walnuts, its eyes glowed, and it seemed a little dazed. From a distance, he honked his horn wildly, but he didn't brake. He thought that if he honked the horn, this stupid donkey would be frightened. escape.


The car just honked and didn't slow down.

The people in the luxury car Ferrari seemed to have drunk some wine, and their expressions were a little excited. On the passenger seat, there was a beautiful woman in disheveled clothes, who looked up by chance, and saw the donkey, who had already arrived As he approached, he couldn't help being startled, and shouted, "Young Master Liu, there's a donkey!"

"I see, I'm paralyzed. A mere donkey dares to block my young master's way. It doesn't even run away after honking its horn. It's just looking for death. Let's see how I crush it into meat!" The person on the luxury car Ferrari is a rich second generation , the excitement in his eyes became more intense after drinking.

"Is it dangerous to hit a donkey?" The disheveled beauty was a little worried.

"Dangerous? My young master spent more than 8000 million on this Ferrari, which was specially customized and modified. The front of the car was completely changed to titanium alloy, and the body was modified with the safest anti-vibration and anti-rollover. Let alone a donkey It won't be a problem if you bump into an elephant!" A look of contempt flashed in the excited eyes of the rich second generation.

Hearing the words, the disheveled beauty breathed a sigh of relief, and then a hint of charm flashed in her eyes, and she said softly: "Young Master Liu, you are so brave, I don't know whose family's ass dares to block your way, Hmph! Just damn it!"

"Hehe, did you know that this young master is brave? I will find a place where there is no one and park the car later. I want you to know what real bravery is!" Still no slowdown!
On the road.

The donkey saw the four-wheeled iron box galloping fast, and shouted excitedly: "This time, I have made a lot of money. According to this speed, it is at least a fourth-grade auxiliary magic weapon. It would be even better if it can fly."

The donkey's eyes were shining brightly, but Ye Luo was a little worried, and scolded: "Damn donkey, don't act recklessly, get out of the way!"

Seeing that the donkey didn't respond, he then gestured for the Ferrari luxury car to stop!

The rich second generation on the Ferrari also saw Ye Luo's gesture at this time, and a cruel look flashed across the corner of his mouth, and he said, "You want me to stop the car? A pariah, dreaming, not optimistic about your own donkey, and let the donkey go on the road, It deserves to be killed!"

The speed of the car increased instead of falling, and the rich second generation looked excited.

"It's accelerated, not bad, it's so-so for driving, but I don't know how hard it is." The donkey admired, his eyes sparkled, the two donkey hooves were raised, and the donkey's hooves flashed a black light, quite eager to try .

The two sides refused to give in to each other, and then inevitably collided together.


The strong crashing sound pierced far above the quiet demolition area, it was deafening!
The donkey obviously underestimated the impact force of the car, even though it was strong, it was knocked upside down and flew out. The donkey was in the air, and the donkey cursed angrily: "Wow, woof! Damn, this magic weapon attacks Is it quite strong?"


Ten meters away, the donkey fell to the ground.

And the modified Ferrari luxury car was directly crippled under the huge impact force, half of the front of the car was rotten, and the engine was emitting smoke. It seemed to be useless.

Thanks to the amazing shock resistance of this Ferrari luxury car, and the airbags fully deployed, the rich second generation in the car seat, although he was quite frightened, did not suffer any serious injuries, and climbed out of the car coughing.

The beauty in the co-pilot also climbed out of the car in a panic.

Ye Luo couldn't help being startled when he saw this, and first glanced at the donkey, seeing the donkey struggling to get up, thinking of the donkey's abnormally strong physique, he knew that the donkey hadn't suffered any injuries at all.

Afterwards, Ye Luo looked at the rich second generation and the beautiful woman who climbed out of the car, and asked worriedly: "Hey, are you two okay, do you want me to check for you? It’s easy to leave internal injuries.”

"Ahem! Paralyzed, check? Check what? In the middle of the night, why did you take your donkey out for a walk? Did you know that your donkey hit my car!" The man on the Ferrari crawled in disgrace. After getting out of the car and reacting for a few seconds, seeing Ye Luo approaching, he was furious, pointing at Ye Luo's nose and cursing.

Ye Luo saw that this man smelled of alcohol, that he was driving after drinking, and wanted to check his health, but his kindness was taken as malice, so he frowned, turned his head and looked at the donkey again, and said lightly: "I advise you to leave quickly. It wasn't the donkey that hit your car, it was your car that hit the donkey. The consequences of messing with the donkey would be dire."

At this time, the donkey had already got up, and walked towards this side unsteadily. A pair of donkey eyes stared straight at the rich second generation, and his eyes were full of anger. I used a magic weapon, and my luck was a bit overwhelming. I didn't expect that the magic weapon would be scrapped as soon as it hit it.

I failed to snatch the magic weapon, and the owner of the magic weapon bumped into him, and was still cursing over there, reeking of alcohol and domineering, without any aura fluctuations on my body, but I acted like I'm awesome and deserved it for bumping into you , the donkey flew into a rage, shook his dizzy head, and walked over with a long donkey face.

"Let me go? So, it's not the donkey's responsibility, it's my responsibility? I think you don't want to take responsibility, do you know how much my car costs? Do you know what kind of car it is? It's a Ferrari! Don't I told you to buy it, just my car, repair it, and the money you earn in this life, is it enough?"

The rich second generation became more and more angry, and finally pointed at Ye Luo, and said arrogantly: "Little boy, are you still not convinced? You are paralyzed, your donkey hit my car, you are fully responsible, first kneel down and apologize to me !"

At this time, the donkey had already approached.

Seeing that the donkey was not dead, the rich second generation got up unsteadily again, and roared arrogantly: "It's not dead? It's paralyzed, it crashed my car, and it's still alive?!"

"Bastard! Dare to block my young master's car. I will let you know today what life is better than death. I will take your skin and boil donkey-hide gelatin, steam your meat, and cook it as donkey meat!"

The donkey stared at the rich second generation with a ferocious face.

Seeing that something serious was about to happen, Ye Luo took a step forward, stopped the donkey, turned around with a cold face, and said to the rich second generation: "If you don't want to die, get out!"

"Let me go? I'm looking for death? I'm paralyzed, a mere pariah, who broke my luxury car, and dare to talk to me like this? I think you are the same as your donkey, you deserve to die!" The rich second generation was furious, Apparently a madman too.

He is arrogant, the donkey is even more arrogant
The donkey's face was elongated, gloomy like water, and he couldn't hold it any longer. He raised his hoof, pointed at the rich second generation, and said with cold eyes: "Nie Zhan, you are dead, you are in trouble, and you dare to scold me. You, your parents, your parents, including the eighteen generations of your ancestors, will all be punished unbearably and severely for your arrogance."

PS: The third update is asking for votes. There are only three updates today, and the fourth update will continue tomorrow. Please vote for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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