Chapter 410 Hands-on (2 more tickets requested)
The donkey was just a human-speaking, intelligent and interesting spiritual pet that Long Xuanba liked. Seeing the donkey approaching, Long Xuanba turned his eyes to Feng Jiu, Ye Luo and Fatty.

Long Xuanba hardly took precautions against the donkey. In his consciousness, let alone the donkey, even the enemies of the Long family would not dare to attack him in this era. The most important thing is that the aura of the donkey is too weak. To the extent that Long Xuanba couldn't get off his guard at all.

Only Ye Luo, who glanced this way with one eye, knew clearly that with the donkey's temperament, it is absolutely all that can be tolerated until now when others say that it is mentally retarded, wants to treat it as a spiritual pet, and even grabs it. The picture is very big.

The donkey is definitely going to hit this arrogant and powerful Longxuanba Sap, the kind that kills with one blow!
The more the donkey is like this, the more terrifying it is.

However, Ye Luo's gaze was just a glance over there, and then all of Ye Luo's attention fell on this same lonely girl with red makeup, Feng Jiu.

This Feng Jiu's status is already at the level of a saint.

The donkey wants to hit the sap, but Ye Luo wants to overthrow the saint and steal her wealth and sex.

Under Feng Jiu's aloof eyes, Ye Luo walked towards Feng Jiu step by step, and the fat man followed closely behind. As for acting, after fighting with the donkey a few times, the fat man's acting skills have also reached the point of excellence.

"This is the trash star that was rumored a while ago? Hahaha! Feng Jiu, do you really want to take these two trash as slaves? Do you really want to cultivate a great star?" Long Xuanba suddenly turned his head and laughed wildly.

"Why not?" Feng Jiu said flatly.

"Do you think that astral bodies are said to be rare in ten thousand years, just talking? Do you think the heart of the demon emperor is so good? Let's not talk about whether there is a heart of the demon emperor in the secret treasure of Ghost Valley, even if there is, Do you think that with your strength, you can refine the Demon Emperor's Heart, put it into this trash's body, and help him change his life against the sky?" Long Xuanba shook his head.

Then he said: "It's just a dream. The horror of the demon emperor's heart is beyond your ability to bear. Even if those old guys outside come in with the real sacred objects of their families and want to get the demon emperor's heart, that's too much." wishful thinking!"

"This is not something you need to worry about, Mr. Long. I will definitely have the heart of the demon emperor. When it becomes a star, I will train it. This is my servant.

cluck cluck!I think what you care about is not this trash star, but this trash fat man, right?No one in the world knows that you have always been unrequitedly in love with this fat man's little aunt, Ji Yanjue.

After I revealed the identity of this fat man, you probably want to take this fat man with me, wait until you get out of Guigu Secret Treasure, and take it in front of Ji Yanjue to please him, right? "Feng Jiu changed the topic, her red makeup fluttered, and her eyebrows and eyes were alluring.

Ye Luo and Fatty had already walked five steps away from the girl in red makeup, and the donkey was only one step away from Long Xuanba.

When the fat man saw Long Xuanba and Feng Jiu, they took a mouthful of trash and looked at each other with contempt. Even among him and Ye Luo, his trash status was even lower than that of Ye Luo. In his heart, nothing but the red golden lotus In addition to her greed, there is also a touch of anger!
It's simply contemptuous!

It seems that his previous identity, that is, the rich second generation of the prodigal in the city, has become a complete disgrace, and it seems that he wants to fight for his ownership, and that Long Xuanba wants to take him to his sturdy aunt to ask for credit!
It's really uncle tolerable, and his uncle can't bear it either.

He was already five steps closer. According to Fatty's combat experience, the distance of five steps was enough for a qi training practitioner of the fifth level of his qi training to use it for a sneak attack.

So, the fat man glanced again, and saw that the donkey had already reached a place one step away from Long Xuanba. Qi training is not body training, and five steps away is already a very short attack distance. Before Ye Luo gave him a signal, the fat man went Do it directly.

The fat man put all his energy into feeding him, and with the fastest hand speed in his life, he condensed into the first combat technique that Ji Yanjue passed on to him the day before yesterday after he practiced the fifth level of Qi, the Frozen Technique!

In just a second, Fatty had successfully formed a seal. Just after the conversation between Feng Jiu and Long Xuanba, he roared loudly: "Fuck you, Fatty, I will let you two evil pens to experience it today." Fat Lord, my true strength!"

The roar came out, and the attack was also made at the same time.

Ye Luo's body tightened suddenly, and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely. Five steps was still too far, and one second was also too long. The fat man was going to do something bad. Before he even made a gesture, the fat man had already started to attack.

In fact, in Ye Luo's plan, the distance of two steps is the best attack distance.

However, Fatty has already made a move.

There was no turning back arrow when the bow was opened. Since the fat man had already made the move, Ye Luo could only follow suit. However, even though Ye Luo shot later than the fat man, Ye Luo was faster than the fat man at a distance of five steps.

The moment before Fatty's combat skill Frozen Technique came, Ye Luo's fist had already hit Feng Jiu's heart.

All this happened within a second.

However, if he takes two steps forward, Ye Luo is sure that within [-] second, this long-prepared punch is enough to make Feng Jiu, who is suppressed and cultivated at the fifth level, lose fighting power.

However, now it takes a few tenths of a second longer.

And Feng Jiu's aloofness must be due to her aloofness. For a second, she hadn't made any other counterattacks, but her heart had gathered a layer of aura armor in a short time.


Under the berserk punch, the aura armor showed signs of shattering, but it was not really shattered. However, since Ye Luo made a move, it must not be just this simple move. After the punch fell, Ye Luo's fist suddenly stretched out. Open, in the fist, there is a small blood-red sword hidden. When the fist hits the sword, it also stabs towards the aura armor.

I don't know what kind of material this little blood red sword is made of. It seems that there is a natural restraint for things like this aura armor. Jiu Xuebai's tender skin.

This little blood red sword is a huge surprise to anyone, because Ye Luo has never used it in front of people since he got it, even when he killed Huo Qianyu, he avoided everyone The gaze was only used at the moment when he climbed to the top of the building.

This was also beyond the expectations of the arrogant, powerful, and arrogant girl with red makeup, Feng Jiu. She never even thought that Ye Luo would dare to attack her.

Many dignitaries from aristocratic families have to pay respect to her when they see her. How dare a trash ant attack the saint?

At the same time, Hongzhuang Fengjiu had just entered the Ghost Valley Secret Vault, and hadn't fully adapted to the suppression of the realm in the Secret Vault in a short period of time.

With careful planning and unintentional attack, under the fat man's mistake, Ye Luo's hidden blood-red sword still stabs out, with a determined look in his eyes, whether he can overthrow and control the saint depends on this sword!
(End of this chapter)

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