Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 411 The Holy Maiden 1

Chapter 411 The Holy Maiden 1
Ye Luo didn't intend to leave any room for the red-makeup girl Feng Jiu to fight back. After piercing the aura armor, the blood-red sword pierced directly towards the skin at her heart.

All these ups and downs happened in the blink of an eye.

Although he never thought of taking the life of the girl with red makeup, he didn't dare to hold back at all. He wanted to pierce the skin of her heart with a thunderous move, and directly held her heart with the blood-red sword. Using this extreme method , to control the powerful and mysterious red makeup girl Feng Jiu.

Otherwise, no one would know that the saint who came from this mysterious and powerful family would have any terrifying hidden means.

After Ye Luo finished all these actions, only one second passed!
To be successful!

"Get out of the way!" It was also within this second that Fatty used it. The only and strongest combat technique he can use now, the Freezing Technique, also arrived.

Fatty's freezing technique was performed a second ago. He originally wanted to make a surprise attack and directly freeze the red makeup girl, but in Fatty's view, in this short second, Ye Luo actually made so many The movements and attacks were completely beyond his expectations.

The most important thing is that the fat man has just advanced to the fifth level of Qi training. The combat skills that Ji Yanjue passed on to him are powerful, but the fat man is not familiar with it. He can't control it when he uses it like crazy.

The freezing technique was originally aimed at Feng Jiu, but now, one second later, Ye Luo blocked Feng Jiu, that is to say, if Ye Luo didn't get out of the way, the fat man's attack would hit Ye Luo. Lo!

The fat man let out a loud roar, wanting Ye Luo to dodge the attack that he had exhausted all his strength to feed, but it was too late.

The sealing time required for the freezing technique is long, but the speed has surpassed their understanding at this level.


By the time Ye Luo sensed the danger behind him and wanted to dodge, it was already too late.

The blood-red sword in his hand had successfully pierced Feng Jiu's skin. It can be said that when he succeeded, Ye Luo felt a bone-chilling, extremely cold temperature, which directly pierced Feng Jiu's body. Freeze!

Ye Luo never imagined that this fat man, who is so stupid, couldn't even control the combat skills he unleashed, and when he succeeded, he sealed himself up?
In the blink of an eye, Ye Luo was furious, but he had already turned into an ice sculpture.

Even Feng Jiu beside Ye Luo suffered the same experience. No matter how powerful she was, she was suppressed in the fifth level of Qi training in this secret realm, and her realm was suppressed. When she was on Ye Luo's body, she also fell for the fat man's sudden move.

For Feng Jiu, at the second when the fat man used the freezing technique, she could have completely avoided it with her strong strength. The two combo attacks, as well as the hidden killer move, the little blood-red sword, had already restrained most of her energy in that extreme second.

As a result, she had no time to deal with Fatty's freezing technique.

Feng Jiu also became an ice sculpture in this short moment.

The fat man stared, looked at this scene, then looked at his hands, and said in shock: "They're all frozen? Damn! You're paralyzed, with this strength, how dare you give it to me and the fat man, and want to If you want me to be a slave to Fat Master, why are you still calling me a waste? Look down on me, grandma, I will accept you today, Fat Master!"

Afterwards, the fat man looked at Ye Luo again, rubbed his hands, and said with emotion: "Cough! What are you in a hurry for? Just pretend to be a forceful, noble saint. Fatty, I can easily seal it up. You are still in a hurry to come out!" What hand? It’s all right now, it’s sealed with you, right?”

Long Xuanba watched this scene helplessly, and his arrogant and powerful aura couldn't help but stagnate. The ancient bronze lamp in his hand flickered, as if he was also shocked by the fat man's hand.

"Paralyzed, what are you looking at? Do you understand that the realm is suppressed here? You are also practicing Qi at the fifth level. Who is afraid of anyone? Look at the fat man and I will seal you together. Damn it, you still want to kill the fat man and me!" Take it away too, and put it in front of my aunt to claim credit? Who gave you the guts?" The fat man sneered, his tone contemptuous.

The fat man swelled up with one blow, and most importantly, the fat man had already seen that the donkey behind Long Xuanba had quietly stood up. Oh, it's realm suppression again, and why do you want to take a donkey as a spiritual pet, this guy is too long-lived!

Fatty is not cowardly at all!
"You're looking for death!" Long Xuanba's aura suddenly increased, his voice was cold, and he slapped the fat man directly. His palm seemed to imply combat skills, and there was a faint dragon chant between his palms.

Fatty's face changed drastically. He didn't expect that Long Xuanba would strike him first before the donkey made his move. It wasn't until this moment that Fatty realized that besides the combat technique of freezing technique, he had no other attack methods. Knowing nothing, this is so pretentious.

In an instant, the fat man had no choice but to turn on the aura armor to resist.


With one palm, the fat man, who had only been pretending to be coercive for a few seconds, was slapped flying by the palm and landed on the edge of the bridge, almost falling into the abyss. A crack appeared in the aura armor on his body.

For a moment, the fat man was a little stunned.

And the donkey was already ready to use the secret technique to hit the sap, but the fat man's trick caused Long Xuanba's aura and figure to change, and the donkey's movements couldn't help but pause.

Afterwards, the donkey glared fiercely at the bloated and sad fat man, but could only stop quietly, wanting to change the angle and do it again!

Just when Long Xuanba was about to slap the fat man directly with another blow, the two ice sculptures that had frozen Ye Luo and Feng Jiu uttered a vision almost at the same time.

Immediately after Ron—”


"Booming the ice sculpture suddenly exploded at the same time.

Ye Luo and Feng Jiu came out of the frozen ice sculpture almost at the same time.

"You are all courting death!"

The lofty Feng Jiu, with red makeup like fire, was full of anger. As the proud daughter of a generation, she was almost overthrown by two ants, which was a great shame and humiliation.

Ye Luo was also furious, the fat man cheated his father, this is not an ordinary trick, they have already succeeded, the fat man's freezing technique is simply desperate.

Fatty's pit, no one can compete with him!

However, it was too late for Ye Luo to be angry now, since sneak attack was not enough, then use force.

Ye Luo is not afraid to forcibly suppress this saint girl of the Feng family while being suppressed on the fifth level of Qi training!

Almost at the moment when Ye Luo broke the ice, the blood-red sword stabbed out again undisguisedly, and the fighting spirit hidden in his body burst out suddenly, like Wang Yang, and roared: "Since the sneak attack failed, then I will forcefully suppress you! "

"Hahaha! Feng Jiu, thanks to the fact that you are still a heavenly girl, I didn't expect that you were almost suppressed by two trash. If this news gets out, I'm afraid your reputation will be ruined once, right?" Long Xuanba couldn't help laughing wildly, sarcasm Feng Jiu, until now, did not pay attention to the two of Ye Luo.

However, at this moment, the disguised donkey finally broke out, and the two hooves silently condensed a mysterious mark, and the black collar on the neck emitted a terrifying and mysterious black light, roaring: "Woof!" Wang woof! Damn it, beep beep, let me down!"

(End of this chapter)

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