Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 417 Shocking the Cultivation World

Chapter 417 Shocking the Cultivation World

The donkey was serious and serious, and sincerely counted the spirit stones. Ye Luo and the fat man had quietly walked behind the donkey, ready to cross the bridge first and enter the hidden treasure in Ghost Valley.

Ye Luo has already seen that the donkey is using the method of jumping numbers to trap the Xianqiao Beast, which is so powerful that it can swallow the giants of the ages in one bite, but never actively hurts people.

When the donkeys are counted, the bridge can be crossed!

Ye Luo quietly took out the internal map of Ghost Valley Secret Store and held it in his hand.

At this moment, outside of Ghost Valley Secret Vault, the atmosphere in the Western Suburb Cemetery was chilling and tense.

The Feng family, a terrifying family that has existed for 5000 years, is suddenly furious!
Because, the secret weapon of the Feng family sensed that Feng Jiu's Seven Star Orb was broken.

On the wrist of Feng Jiu, the celestial girl of the Feng family, a girl with red makeup, there are seven life-saving seven-star beads made of seven beads.

This life-saving seven-star bead will never be used unless it is absolutely necessary.Once she uses it, it means that she has fallen into an extremely dangerous situation and must use the Seven Star Bead to seal herself.And once the seven-star bead is broken, the secret weapon of the Feng family can sense it.

And not long after Feng Jiu entered the entrance of the emergency circle, the secret weapon of the Feng family sensed the shattering of the Seven Star Orb, that is to say, Feng Jiu encountered a life-and-death crisis and fell into a desperate situation.

The most frightening thing is that not long after the seven-star bead was broken, the blood-red golden lotus, the incomplete holy object with a positioning circle inside, suddenly lost contact and lost its positioning function.

That is to say, Tianzhi's daughter of the Feng family had an accident and was forced to seal herself, and the blood-red golden lotus also mysteriously lost contact.

According to calculations by an ancestor of the Feng family, it is extremely possible that Feng Jiu was ambushed by an extremely powerful and terrifying master, and was controlled. The second possibility is that he was obliterated by the taboo trap in the secret treasure of Ghost Valley.

The Feng family was furious, and all the major forces were very sensitive for a while.

However, at this time, a piece of news came out from nowhere. The content of the message was: At present, only Long Xuanba of the Long family and Feng Jiu of the Feng family are the only ones entering the secret treasure of Ghost Valley. It is possible that Long Xuanba used some taboo technique to sneak attack and kill Feng Jiu in order to monopolize the secret treasure of Guigu!
After this news came out, the major forces did not make any moves on the surface, but secretly increased their vigilance. The secret treasure of Ghost Valley is in front of them, and the holy objects of the major families will arrive soon. Before the secret treasury that changed fate against the sky, no matter how terrifying things were, they could happen.

And the Feng family has also activated the highest alert for the Long family!
The members of the Long family kept silent all the time, because Long Xuanba also lost contact. They have not received any news about Long Xuanba yet, but there is a very arrogant genius of the Long family who threatened to say something to the outside world: Ghost Valley Secret Treasure, those who can live there, enter the secret treasure, life and death are up to the heavens, if Xuanba kills someone, he will kill him too!
The strength of Feng Jiu and Long Xuanba is very well-known among the younger generation, and they are all geniuses who can be ranked in the top ten in their respective families that have existed for 5000 years.

After that arrogant genius of the Long family released these words, many people gradually decided that it was very likely that Long Xuanba killed Feng Jiu in an ambush attack. Otherwise, Feng Jiu would never have lost any contact so easily. .

The Long family continued to remain silent, because, within their family, some people believed that Long Xuanba could really do such a thing. However, for the sake of Guigu Secret Treasure, the members of their family did not think there was anything wrong with it. .

If they can really get the things in the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure, let alone kill Feng Jiu, even if they are enemies with all the major families at the same time, they will not hesitate. The things in the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure are really too important.

The Ghost Valley Secret Treasure was born, and an unprecedentedly magnificent era is coming. If you want to gain a foothold in this era, or rise against the sky, who can not take some risks?What's more, this is the secret treasure of Ghost Valley!

The members of the Long family and the Feng family did not expect that there would be a taboo magic circle at the entrance of the secret treasure of Ghost Valley, so they did not think of bringing the holy relics of the clan's treasure, except for the incomplete holy relics on Feng Jiu, As well as the false sacred objects on Long Xuanba, before the sacred objects of their family were delivered, even people as powerful as the Long family and the Feng family could not enter.

Now, all the powerful thousand-year-old families, as well as some mysterious and powerful rogue cultivators and forces, are waiting for the arrival of their own sacred objects. The truth can only be known by entering, and the secret treasure of Ghost Valley can only be obtained by entering.

Everyone is vigilant, and everyone knows that once they enter the Ghost Valley Secret Vault, blood will inevitably flow into rivers in order to compete for the things in the Ghost Valley Secret Vault!
And at this time, the Zhu family's headquarters occupied the corner of the entrance to the secret treasure of Ghost Valley.

"Second Uncle, are you sure you're not joking? That fat man and that useless star Ye Luo have already gone in?" Ji Yanjue's eyes, which were devastating to the country and the people, very rarely flashed a look of shock.

"That's right! I told you to make friends with Ye Luo, the star body. You still don't believe me. You see, Xiaopang has a good eye. When he was a rich second generation, he knew how to give away his sister-in-law. Now it's great luck! "The second uncle of the Zhu family said with emotion that among the many high-cold figures in the foundation-building period, Zhu Yang, the second uncle of the Zhu family, can be regarded as one with a rather strange personality.

Zhu Tianyi, the real genius of the Zhu family, felt extremely incredible after hearing the news. Now there are countless terrifying figures in the major families, and everyone is waiting for the sacred object, and they can't get in. Those two trash, a million-dollar It's a rare encounter every year, Xing Zi, who was divorced, and a fat man who only knows how to eat, drink, prostitute and gamble, went in?

"Second, Second Master, you are not joking, are you?" Zhu Tianyi swallowed.


Zhu Yang, the second uncle of the Zhu family, patted Zhu Tianyi directly on the head, and said, "Your second uncle, am I joking? Well, I asked you to learn from Xiaopang, but you still don't accept it, do you accept it now? Yes, you have to learn from Xiaopang in terms of measurement, do you know what it means to have a big body and a wide heart? Your talent is similar to that of Xiaopang, and your strength is stronger than Fatty, but there are many places where you are not as good as Fatty. "

If you have a big belly, how good is it to eat?What kind of vision, that's obviously shit luck!

Zhu Tianyi didn't take the words of the second uncle of the Zhu family to heart at all, he just felt that such a fat trash, had such a shocking luck, and actually got in!

However, Ji Yanjue's face changed slightly, and she said, "Second Uncle, that fat man and Ye Luo may be in danger."

Zhu Yang, the second uncle of the Zhu family, was taken aback for a moment, his face suddenly changed, and he said, "You mean, even Feng Jiu, the daughter of the Feng family, has fallen, and Long Xuanba of the Long family may also treat them both A strike?"

"That's right, if Long Xuanba really attacked and killed Feng Jiu, then Long Xuanba would never let Fatty and Ye Luo go. The real strength of Long Xuanba is very powerful. It's easy to crush ants to death, Fatty and Ye Luo are too weak, they are no match for Long Xuanba at all!" Ji Yanjue's charming eyes flashed a hint of worry and cold killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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