Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 418 The Tomb of the Demon Emperor

Chapter 418 The Tomb of the Demon Emperor
"The Long family dare!"

The murderous intent on the ancestor of the Zhu family rose instantly, and then he said angrily: "The Long family is certainly powerful, but our Zhu family is not so easy to provoke, Yan Jue, you immediately urge the family to send holy things People, let them deliver the holy object to me within two hours, no matter what means they use!"

The Zhu family is urging, and other major families are also urging with the most serious and urgent orders.


Above the abyss, the fog is raging, the bridge is broken, the donkey is serious, and the sincere ones count faster and faster.

"Woof, woof! 100 yuan of medium-grade spirit stones, each piece of medium-grade spirit stones is converted into 100 yuan of ordinary spirit stones, [-] ordinary spirit stones, enough, for the sake of you being my former brother, I will give you more!" Don't worry, I have always done things without deception!" The donkey's tone became more serious, sincere, sincere, and from the bottom of his heart.

The donkey shared 27 pieces of spirit stones, and unexpectedly counted the effect of 100 yuan abruptly, and counted so sincerely, confidently, and from the bottom of his heart.

The Immortal Bridge Beast is very slow in response and has a very low IQ. Ever since it swallowed the giants of the ages that swept across the world in one gulp, no one has dared to cross the bridge again without giving spirit stones, and even many monks have crossed the bridge When the time comes, we must worship it first before we dare to go there. No one has ever lied to it, and no one dared to lie to it.

After seeing the donkey finished speaking, it was unresponsive, so it didn't count again, and directly swallowed the spirit stone, and slowly stretched its body over, rebuilt the bridge, and let the two donkeys pass through.

Donkey made it!

When the donkey saw it, it almost ran towards the secret treasure of Guigu, roared wildly, and said, "Wow, woof! Secret treasure of Guigu, the emperor is here!"

However, just after the donkey took two steps, Ye Luo, who was quick-handed and quick-eyed, grabbed the donkey's tail!

"Woof, woof, woof! Let go of me, otherwise, I'm going to say something!" The donkey, whose eyes were full of greed, stood upright, turned and roared at Ye Luo.

When the donkey was counting the spirit stones, Ye Luo had a thought, and removed an old wooden stick and a sign from the normal wooden bridge in the first half. The stick and the sign, and said: "Don't rush in, I saw earlier that the engraved stick and sign spit out by the Xianqiao beast, the words written on it are very good, the words on it are simply called Mo Bao, therefore, I would like to ask you to write a few words as a family heirloom."

When the donkey heard this, he froze for a moment with a manic and hasty expression, and said, "Wow, woof! Really?"

"Of course! Your handwriting seems to be written casually, immature, like children's graffiti, but in fact it is just like nature, between the sketches, contains the truth of heaven and earth, and is extremely valuable for collection. For our sake, How about engraving a few words on this wooden block just to delay you for a few seconds? If you don't give it, I will hold you back!" Ye Luo's tone was also very sincere.

"Woof, woof, woof! Cough! In ancient times, the emperor's characters were treasures of calligraphy. At that time, countless big figures wanted to ask for the character of the emperor, and even knelt outside the emperor's gate, offering countless treasures, just for a word. That's all. , for the sake of our friendship, I will give you a few words for free." The donkey man stood upright, his tone suddenly became unpredictable.

A few minutes later, after the words were engraved, Ye Luo let go of the donkey, and the donkey's figure, like an afterimage, shot madly towards the hidden treasure in Ghost Valley, while Ye Luo and Fatty also followed closely.

However, after Ye Luo ran across the second half of the long bridge formed by the fairy bridge beast, at the end of the bridge, he suddenly inserted the wooden stick removed from the first half of the bridge and the wooden sign with the donkey on it. At the end of the bridge.

On the wooden sign, there is an impressive engraving: I opened this bridge, and I carried this tree. If you want to live from now on, you will save money to buy roads for the second time, [-] spirit stones, if one is missing, I will devour them all!
Moreover, at the end of the bridge, there is a large pit on the left side, with wooden signs hanging on wooden sticks, standing alone. Since the wooden sticks and wooden signs were all removed from the previous bridge, the breath of vicissitudes of time permeates, like countless wood from years ago.

As for the words on the wooden sign, although they looked very new, the font was exactly the same as that on the wooden sign held by the fairy bridge beast on the bridge head.

Even if a big person uses secret techniques to identify, he will inevitably conclude that the words on the two wooden plaques are all written by one person. is a taste.

Every time a group of people cross this bridge, a toll will be charged.

Now, at the head and end of the bridge, there is a wooden sign hanging on a wooden stick.

During the ancient times, there was an ancient tycoon who swept across the wasteland. He tried to cross the bridge forcefully without handing over the spirit stones, but was swallowed by one mouthful. This legend is very famous, and the big shots of every family have heard of it.

However, the Xianqiao Beast is extremely mysterious. People in this era have never seen it, let alone know how the Xianqiao Beast will charge after so many years.

Ye Luo inserted the wooden stick and sign in there, and holding the internal map of Ghost Valley's secret store, he chased after the afterimage of the donkey, and together with the fat man, he chased after it crazily.

"Woof, woof, woof! Damn, the words were written by me. When you go out to divide the spirit stones, you will get [-]% of my points!" The donkey roared, and after being complimented by Ye Luo, the donkey He had already fully guessed Ye Luo's intentions.

This is amazing, Ye Luo is a master at digging holes!
A brand, when you go out, there may be a pile of spirit stones at a sky-high price. With the terrifying name of Xianqiao Beast, who would dare not hand it over?Even the ancient and ancient giants have been swallowed up, let alone the people of this era?In front is the secret treasure of Ghost Valley, who dares to risk his life?

From the donkey's point of view, Ye Luo's digging of this hole is simply perfect, and the silent black-bellied and deceitful people are the masters!

Ghost Valley Secret Store is a world of its own, and after crossing the bridge, it is a space that can't be seen at a glance.

However, they ran for less than 2 minutes along a bluestone path covered with vicissitudes of moss, and suddenly stopped because the path had come to an end.

At the end of the path, there is a bloody, majestic, strangely powerful tomb full of mystery, vicissitudes, and time. Above the tomb, there is a grass that looks like blood-stained leaves and is like a small sword that has shrunk countless times. Swaying with the wind.

And in front of this tomb, there is a dark stone tablet that seems to contain countless secrets of heaven and earth. It stands alone, and it has existed for countless tens of thousands of years, with a strong breath of time.

And on the pitch-black stone tablet, four ancient blood characters that seem to despise the ages and suppress all races are engraved impressively: Tomb of the Demon Emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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