Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 419 Ancient Immortal Temple

Chapter 419 Ancient Immortal Temple
Ye Luo, Donkey, and Fatty were shocked!

The two of them stood together at the end of the path, looking up at the bloody, majestic, strangely powerful, mysterious, vicissitudes and time-filled tomb of the Demon Emperor. They all felt that they were just a lone wolf in front of this tomb. The ants are humble.

"Wow, woof, woof! Damn it, the tomb of the demon emperor, the heart of the demon emperor is indeed in the hidden treasure of Ghost Valley!" After a long time, the donkey came back to his senses, and finally murmured something to himself.

"F, developed!" Fatty trembled.

The bronze flower on Ye Luo's waist trembled silently. On the petals of the bronze flower, a bronze pattern appeared faintly. If you look carefully, this bronze pattern is impressively the ancient bronze coffin pulled by the donkey.

Ye Luo's attention was also attracted by the tomb of the Demon Emperor, and he didn't notice the abnormality of the bronze flower.

"Wow, woof! It's really its tomb. In ancient times, the last demon emperor who defied the sky and proved his way, the Taishang Demon Emperor! It is rumored that it once brought the first ancient scripture "The Demon Emperor's Sutra" into the tomb!" Donkey murmured mumbling to himself.

"Why do I feel that this tomb of the Demon Emperor is a taboo place?" While Ye Luo was shocked, he also felt a burst of hidden terror above the tomb of the Demon Emperor!Murder came out.

"Woof, woof! Are there any taboos? The tomb of the Demon Emperor is given to you. The first scripture in ancient times, "The Ancient Classic of the Demon Emperor" and the Heart of the Demon Emperor, are all yours. Go in, I still have something to do Son, let's go first." The donkey said something, turned around and walked far away from the Yaohuang's tomb, suddenly accelerated, and ran towards the depths of the Ghost Valley Secret Vault.

At the same time, the donkey roared again: "The heart of the demon emperor contains the most powerful and pure laws of heaven and earth, which can change your waste star body against the sky, go in!"

The donkey bypassed the Yaohuang's tomb from a distance, and ran towards the depths of Guigu's secret treasure.

The fat man's eyes were shining, and he walked towards the stone tablet of the Demon Emperor's Tomb, but just after taking a step, he was grabbed by Ye Luo, who said, "Don't go in, this Demon Emperor's Tomb may be It is a taboo place, there is a very high possibility of horrible changes in it, first run with the donkey, the donkey must know some unknown secrets!"

Ye Luo said, pulling the fat man, temporarily bypassing the mysterious and terrifying Demon Emperor's Tomb, followed the direction of the donkey, and chased after it.

"We can't just leave like this!" The fat man was shocked and reluctant to part.

"Let's take a look at what's in the secret treasure of Ghost Valley first. It's not too late to enter the tomb of the demon emperor when you come back. The tomb of the demon emperor must be a taboo place. If you enter rashly, you will be sent to death, otherwise this donkey , I will definitely not give up on the Demon Emperor's tomb and continue running to the depths." Ye Luo responded to the fat man.

Then, Ye Luo said again: "Perhaps, the scariest and most taboo place in Ghost Valley's secret treasury is the tomb of the Demon Emperor. I once saw it in an ancient book, saying The tomb of the Demon Emperor once triggered the passage of Yin soldiers!"

Ye Luo and Fatty chased the donkey, and continued to run towards the depths of the ghost valley.

After about a cup of tea.

Ye Luo, the fat man, and the donkey stopped again.

Because, in front of them, there appeared an endless stretch of huge palace groups. I don’t know when these palace groups were built. Some were made of marble, some were made of white jade, some were made of blue bricks, and some Some of them used mysterious materials, and there were even ancient bronze temples!
These palaces are built on a huge mountain, with exotic flowers and plants, shore Zhitinglan, flying waterfalls, tall trees, lush and verdant, like a fairyland.

However, in such a fairyland-like place, there is no living animal, not even birds, beasts, ants, locusts, not even the sound of the wind.

The silence was a little scary.

And the palace complex, I don’t know how long it has existed, it is full of rust, and the breath of time is entangled, many of them have collapsed and become a barren and dilapidated ruin. Occasionally, there are fragments of buildings scattered in the mountains, which seem to have mysterious The runes flickered.

However, among these palace groups, there are also a few ancient palaces that have gone through endless years and are still shining brightly, with divine light flashing, and infinite power, standing alone.

Most of the palaces are destroyed or collapsed, and those that are still standing and glowing with divine light are only three or four, and in those few ancient palaces, there seems to be something sealed!
"Woof, woof, woof! It turns out that the ancient lost Inheritance Immortal Palace is located in this place, and it was sealed up by the Supreme Ghost Valley. What a pity that I have been looking for it for more than 2000 years!"

The donkey barked wildly, and after being dazed for a while, it ran straight towards one of the luxurious and brand-new ancient temples again, its eyes were full of greed, its hooves were windy, and its body was like an afterimage.

"Damn! Fatty, I feel that there is an ancient temple in the middle of the area calling me!" The fat man was shocked, and he followed the donkey, ran wildly with Ye Luo, and roared loudly.

After entering the ancient ruins, the fat man yelled: "Split up, Fat Lord, I feel that there is a chance waiting for me, Ye Luo, you should find a good ancient temple and go in, we will go against the sky this time!"

The fat man and the donkey each chose the most luxurious, intact, shining, and shimmering ancient temples and ran wildly, but Ye Luo did not immediately choose these ancient temples to enter, but continued to run towards the east of the ruined ancient temple.

Because the beads on Ye Luo's neck began to vibrate even more wildly after entering the ancient temple complex, sending out faint and vague thoughts all the time, telling Ye Luo to go east.

Suddenly, Ye Luo came to the end of the palace complex, and saw an ancient bronze palace that was incompatible with the surrounding environment!

This ancient temple does not have any divine brilliance. On the contrary, there is a thick layer of patina on top of the ancient temple. The inside of the temple is dark, and there is a powerful, mysterious, and strange aura that circulates silently.

This ancient temple is completely different from the ancient temple with divine light on the ruins!
The beads on Ye Luo's neck became more and more excited, almost wanting to break away from Ye Luo's neck and enter the ancient palace.

Ye Luo stood in front of the ancient temple, walking in vigilantly step by step. When he reached the gate of this huge ancient bronze temple, Ye Luo looked up and saw a line of ancient blood-colored words engraved on the ancient temple: The world is not benevolent and treats all things as dogs, the sage No benevolence treats the common people as straw dogs!
The ancient characters are like blood, so bright!

Suddenly, when Ye Luo stood at the door and looked up at the words, the gate of the ancient bronze temple opened silently, and a surge of darkness sank in the ancient temple.

In the center of the ancient temple, in the turbulent darkness, a nine-story blood-stained ancient altar stood quietly.On the ancient altar, a dark scripture exuding a mysterious and terrifying atmosphere floated silently.

(End of this chapter)

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