Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 420 Left eye abnormality

Chapter 420 Left eye abnormality
In the center of the ancient temple, in the turbulent darkness, a nine-story blood-stained ancient altar stood quietly. On the ancient altar, a dark scripture exuding a mysterious and terrifying atmosphere floated silently.

Ye Luo stepped into the ancient temple, stepped on it, and made a slight abnormal sound. In this ancient bronze temple, the ground is made of bronze, and there is copper rust on the ground. When the foot steps on the copper rust, there are countless subtle sounds of copper rust breaking. .

Stepping in, looking around the ancient temple, in the huge dark space, a strong breath of time circulates, except for the blood-stained red ancient altar in the center of the ancient temple, there is nothing else.

"What is this place?"

Ye Luo was shocked, puzzled, whispered, and vigilant.


The beads on Ye Luo's neck vibrated more and more intensely, and even made a strong vibration sound, trying to guide Ye Luo to the ancient altar.

"What is it on this ancient altar that can make the beads make such a huge movement?" Ye Luo was startled, alert in his heart, and walked carefully towards the ancient altar step by step.

As he got closer, Ye Luo discovered that the blood-stained ancient altar seemed to be some kind of jade as bright as blood, which was piled up with supreme magic. Around the ancient altar, there were extremely mysterious and mysterious runes Looming, stepping up to the ancient altar one step at a time, seems to be stepping into a declining era.

Ye Luo stepped forward, and with every step, he could feel the breath of this declining era getting stronger and stronger, as if this was the only thing left in a declining era.

The nine floors of the ancient altar are blood-stained layer by layer, and the darkness is surging, as if to swallow Ye Luo.

After a long time, Ye Luo reached the top!
There are nine floors of ancient altars, as if a century has passed.

There is nothing on the ancient altar, only a dark scripture suspended in mid-air.


The beads on Ye Luo's neck broke the red rope on his body with a "stab" sound. After the rope was broken, the beads wiped a light streak on the skin of Ye Luo's neck at an extremely fast speed. Light bloodstains.

The blood flowed out, the beads stained the blood on Ye Luo's neck, and rushed towards the dark scripture suspended on the ancient altar at an incredible speed.

All of this happened so quickly that even Ye Luo couldn't react.

After the bead was stained with Ye Luo's blood, it rushed into the dark scriptures floating on the ancient altar. The bead shook, and the blood on his body melted into the dark scriptures on the ancient altar like mist.

Above the dark scriptures, a bloody light flashed faintly.

After that, suddenly!
The dark scriptures that circulated quietly erupted with a madness that can be called suppressing the world. The dark scriptures changed, mysterious, blood-colored, and the dark and simple words turned into a vast and strange scripture subtitle like a starry sky.

Then, these words suddenly rushed towards Ye Luo's left eye, frantically.

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes fiercely.

Ye Luo wanted to hide, but he couldn't make it in time. Coupled with the suppression of the scriptures, it was difficult for Ye Luo to move now.

"Is it inheritance?"

Ye Luo flashed a thought, but then, the moment the scriptures, like the vast starry sky, entered his eyes, Ye Luo's thinking was completely disrupted.

Ye Luo felt that there seemed to be countless scriptures, as vast as the ocean and the starry sky, all rushed into his left eye, and endless scriptures were instilled in his left eye.

On the ancient altar, there was also a sudden change. The blood-stained nine-story ancient altar emanated a terrifying blood-red light. This light, along with the dark, terrifying and mysterious scriptures, drilled together It entered Ye Luo's left eye.

for a long time!

I don't know how long it took.

The blood on the ancient altar faded away, and the mysterious runes on it also quietly disappeared, slowly turning into an ordinary, lonely white stone platform.

On the ancient altar, the originally dark scriptures have also disappeared, leaving only a lonely young man standing on the top of the altar. The young man's back is vicissitudes, and a mysterious aura flashed in his left eye.

The youth is naturally Ye Luo!
Finally, Ye Luo came back to his senses.

Ye Luo was a little dazed.

The beads returned to the neck again, and the rope tied to the beads was restored as before.

"This, what is this?"

In the ancient temple, it was still dark and turbulent. Ye Luo stood alone on the altar, his tone was a little bewildered, and he vaguely felt that something changed in his left eye after the terrifying dark scriptures got into his left eye.

Ye Luo touched his left eye, and it was intact as before, but with his hands, he didn't find any abnormalities, and even the eyes returned to their original vision, without any other strange feeling.

"No, I always feel something strange." On the dark ancient altar, Ye Luo muttered to himself.


At this moment, in the dark and turbulent ancient bronze temple, there was a sound like someone snoring in a deep sleep. The sound was not loud, but in this deathly darkness and silence, it was particularly ear-piercing.

Ye Luo's body tensed up suddenly, and he turned his eyes to the direction where the voice came from, and the voice came from the beams of the ancient bronze temple.

Are there other things in the ancient bronze palace?


Ye Luo was vigilant, but the voice came out again.

"Who?" Ye Luo raised his head, looked at the beams of the ancient bronze temple, and spoke suddenly.

"Ah! Dad... you're here?" Just as Ye Luo finished speaking, the snoring sound stopped abruptly, and then, a somewhat dazed and dull voice seemed to wake up suddenly from sleep, and asked in a daze said a word.

The ancient bronze palace was strange, and the darkness became more and more turbulent.

Ye Luo couldn't help but froze. In the ancient palace, there was someone talking?Could it be that there are still living people in the ghost valley secret treasure that has been sealed for thousands of years?

"Huh? You don't look like my dad. Are you my dad? Why do I feel a little different?" The voice sounded again, immature, dazed, dull, like a two or three-year-old child.

The sound came from above the beams of the ancient bronze temple, and the darkness was raging above the beams, but no one appeared.

"Who are you?" Ye Luo became more vigilant and did not relax at all.

"My little bridge, are you my dad? I vaguely remember that my dad looks like a bridge, why don't you look like a bridge?" The immature, dazed, vague voice rang again, with some doubts.

What is it saying?
Small bridge?

It looks like a bridge?

People look like bridges?
"Where are you, who are you?" Ye Luo had already quietly taken out the sacred object, the moon wheel amulet, from the bead, and scanned the entire beam of the ancient bronze temple, trying to find something to speak on the beam.

(End of this chapter)

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