Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 425 It's time to pretend to be a wave

Chapter 425 It's time to pretend to be aggressive
In front of the Yaohuang's tomb, when everyone looked at Ye Luo, there was a sudden silence.

The person who made a big fuss in the Sakura community, robbed the moon wheel, and killed the terrifying foundation-building ancestor Miyamoto, was he just an ordinary young man who didn't even have aura fluctuations?

"Isn't this a waste star?" Someone suddenly asked in surprise.

"Yes, the waste astral combat doctor, he is, I have seen his battle video, paralyzed, that donkey is talking nonsense, just drop the waste astral body, can kill this era, the terror of the first foundation period Big shot?" Someone was surprised.

"Absolutely impossible, don't forget, he is an astral body, he can't practice qi at all, and in the body training that has been eliminated, he practiced the legendary Tiandaoquan. Half, only the first five levels of body training, he can only stop at the first five levels in this life, and cannot advance an inch, unless he has the seventh volume of the heavenly book, but that is basically impossible!

He is still just a waste, why did he kill Patriarch Miyamoto, that donkey is definitely fooling around! "Someone made an in-depth analysis.

"Damn, if the waste star can kill the ancestor of the foundation period, I will eat shit..." Some people disdain!
However, at this moment.

A high-ranking monk of the Miyamoto family who was chasing the donkey looked at Ye Luo, and suddenly shouted angrily: "It was him, the one who killed the ancestor of Miyamoto. Although he changed his face that night, but The aura on his body cannot be changed!"

The terrifying bigwig of the Miyamoto family who was guarding the entrance of the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure also roared: "The moon wheel is in his hands. Earlier, when he pulled that fat man into the entrance of the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure, it was because he used holy The moon wheel resisted and escaped from my palm!"

After these two sentences, the scene became silent again. When everyone looked at Ye Luo again, their expressions suddenly changed. Is this true?All this was really done by trash Ye Luo?
How can this be?

Many people were very shocked.

The monk who threatened just now that if Ye Luo did it, he would eat shit, his body froze suddenly, and then quietly took a step back, got into the crowd, and stood in another place.

The Miyamoto family and the ninjas who were chasing the donkey couldn't help but pause.

The donkey jumped up and ran to Ye Luo's side, and said again seriously: "Wow, woof, woof! People from Mahle Gobi told you a long time ago that the moon is not in the hands of the emperor, and neither is your ancestor. The emperor killed everything, it was all done by this person!
The reason why I went there in the first place was entirely because I was shamelessly drugged by this human being. I was forced to do so. How could I do such a bad thing if I am so kind and kind?

This person not only killed your ancestors, robbed your holy objects, but also forced donkeys into prostitution, which is a heinous crime. If you want revenge, you can find him. The emperor raised his four hooves to support you! "

There seemed to be a trace of grief and indignation in the righteous words said by the donkey, as if what it said was true!

The terrifying seal of the Demon Emperor's tomb is still crumbling. At this moment, Ye Luo's body has attracted a lot of attention, attention, and shock for a short time.

The members of the Huo family and the Ning family were even more shocked, because the one-year agreement was approaching. Has Ye Luo's strength really reached the level where he can kill the masters of the foundation establishment stage?

This is absolutely impossible, right?
Ye Luo, is it really that scary?
In the Zhu family, Ji Yanjue's eyes flashed with murderous intent, she knew what was going on, while thinking about it, she also thought of the absurd scene in the wilderness that night, and twisted proudly. Fatty's ears, one turn, two turns, three turns, the fat man suddenly screamed, but he didn't figure out what was going on...

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched. Seeing so many eyes on him, he wanted to kill the donkey. However, at this time, it was useless to explain. Now when he entered the secret treasure of Ghost Valley, people from the Miyamoto family had already discovered Yue The wheel is in his hands.

Turn around and run away?

In Ghost Valley's Secret Vault, no matter how terrifying the big shot is, after entering, his strength is suppressed at the fifth level of Qi training, do he need to run?Besides, the Miyamoto family in front of him is one of the three major ninja families in the island country.

"Heh! Isn't it just a sacred moon wheel, isn't it just an ancestor of the foundation period? Just killed it casually, so there is no need to make such a fuss?" Ye Luo said, his tone was very flat, as if he was talking about an insignificant trifle .

Then, Ye Luo took a step forward, and said again: "Did I kill fewer islanders before? On the battlefield in the Middle East, I killed all the special forces from a peninsula country. Oh, I forgot to tell you, ten Killing one person in one step, never staying behind for a thousand miles, is what I said."

Under the eyes of everyone, Ye Luo spoke lightly, as if killing a Miyamoto patriarch in the foundation establishment period seemed to be a very rare and common thing.

Before the grave, it was quiet again.

Ye Luo admitted?
Ye Luo really killed the patriarch in the foundation period?Ye Luo also stole the sacred object?

Is the waste star they have been talking about before so terrifying?How old is he, and at such an age, he can kill the ancestors of the Foundation Establishment Period. I am afraid that even the holy sons and saints of the major holy places can't do this kind of cultivation, right?
If this is the case, has this trash been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger since his debut?He was originally a powerful big shot, but instead of pretending to be an astral body, he pretended to be a slap in the face?
At this moment, some people began to doubt.

The donkey was also stunned for a moment, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said in a low voice: "Wow, woof, woof! I'm so stupid, the emperor originally wanted to trick him, why did he pretend to be coercive?"

Ye Luo looked around the audience, and said lightly: "Is there any need to be so shocked? I'm just a monk in the foundation-building stage of an island country. I'm a genius by nature. At the age of ten, he passed three thousand priests, and at the age of 12, he succeeded in building a foundation, and then he traveled around the world, realized the world of mortals, and deliberately pretended to be a star, trying to experience the sorrow of a small person, that's all!"

After the words fell, many monks were shocked. Since Ye Luo's aura was restrained, Ye Luo's cultivation could not be seen. Ye Luo.

"Oh! Don't you believe me?" Ye Luo said in a flat tone. Then, Ye Luo casually pointed to a high-ranking ninja who had just chased a donkey, and asked, "What is his cultivation?"

"The eighth level of ninjutsu is equivalent to your eighth level of qi training, but here, it is suppressed at the fifth level of qi training." The ninja could understand Chinese and answered involuntarily.

"Oh, I have seen your ninjutsu before, it is full of loopholes, it is not worth mentioning, your sacred ninjutsu is rubbish in my eyes, come here, hit me, let me tell you, your ninjutsu How rubbish is it?" Ye Luo's tone became even more flat, and he couldn't help touching his left eye.

(End of this chapter)

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