Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 426 Slap Flying With One Slap

Chapter 426 Slap Flying With A Slap (Part 4 Seeking Tickets)
The mysterious and powerful ninjutsu of the island country is rubbish, full of loopholes?
As Ye Luo said it in a flat tone, when the high-level ninja equivalent to the eighth level of Qi training made a move, all those who had doubts about Ye Luo's previous words all stared at him.

Ye Luo is so confident, is it true what he said?He is really a celestial wizard who is rare to meet in all ages, a hidden boss, the so-called astral waste, but he just wants to experience the world of mortals?

The members of the Huo family and the Ning family were even more puzzled, and their faces were solemn, especially the members of the Ning family. If what Ye Luo said was true, then their Ning family divorced not long ago, and then chose to marry The Huo family's engagement would probably become the most tragic joke in this era.


Break off the engagement, and then go to the Huo family?

The decision that once seemed extremely clever, everyone thought that a waste was not worthy of their eldest lady's opinion, and they couldn't wait, and even wanted to completely obliterate Ye Luo...

Among the crowd of the Ning family, there was an old woman with gray hair, her face was a little ugly, she muttered to herself: "This is impossible, he is a waste of astral body, how could he be a hidden boss?"

"Paralyzed, Ye Luo's pretentiousness is going too far, right?" The fat man froze for a moment, a little confused.

The corner of the donkey's mouth twitched, and he said in a low voice: "Woof! Damn, you're pretending to be sneaky. I'm afraid that when the high-ranking ninja of the Miyamoto family makes a move, I'm afraid it will be revealed."

The ninja of the Miyamoto family didn't really believe what Ye Luo said, but now he heard Ye Luo say that their island country's extremely sacred ninjutsu is rubbish, and that it is full of loopholes, and immediately became furious.

He suddenly stepped forward, walked towards Ye Luo, and said, "Baga, how dare you say that our sacred ninjutsu is full of loopholes? Today, I will use ninjutsu to suppress you!"

The other ninjas were also about to move, but they were stopped by a woman from the island country who was wearing pure white clothes, with a holy aura, a light veil, a graceful figure and a mysterious aura.

That woman is obviously the saint of the island country. She said softly: "China's background is mysterious and unpredictable. Let's take a look first. If he says it's fake, it won't be too late to arrest him and put him to death."

The high-ranking ninja had already walked ten steps in front of Ye Luo, his eyes were stern. As a high-ranking ninja with the eighth level of qi training, his status in the island country was very high, and his strength was also very strong. Even if he was suppressed At the fifth level of Qi training, it is also at the peak state.

"You take action? Today, I will let you know why ninjutsu is rubbish!" Ye Luo's tone was still flat, and he gently took his hand away from his left eye, and pressed it on his pocket.

Because, Ye Luo felt that the little fairy bridge beast in his pocket seemed to move.

"Baga! You're just a waste, let me attack first, you're looking for death!" The ninja was furious at first, but he didn't refuse. He stood where he was, and quickly condensed an extremely mysterious and complicated ninja imprint .

As he formed seals, everyone felt that a strange and mysterious atmosphere was circulating.

The saint in the island country dressed in white and wearing a light veil moved her eyebrows slightly, and a female ninja in black beside her said softly: "Mr. Oda is using a forbidden technique, which he can currently master The strongest kind of ninjutsu."

"It's always good to be cautious," the saint said.

The high-level ninja in the island country finally formed the mark between his hands. Suddenly, his figure disappeared from the sky and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Hey! Why did his figure disappear?" A monk who was watching suddenly asked.

"Damn! Why are the little devil ninjas in this island country so evil? What kind of ninjutsu is this, so weird?" Someone was surprised.

"He won't be fighting while invisible, right?" A monk guessed.

"Paralyzed, how do you fight this? That trash, no, it might be a boss, can you beat him?"

"Perhaps, this is the only way to test his true strength. Whether he is a waste or a boss depends on how he responds..."

The onlookers were a little surprised when they saw this scene. The ninjutsu of the island country seems to be very different from the Chinese cultivation system. Many monks of the younger generation were very surprised. Not many waves.

"This is somewhat similar to ninjutsu and the illusion of invisibility that can only be practiced at the ninth level of Qi training. It is a high-level illusion." A big man said, and then said: "Low-level monks can't see through it."

At this moment, everyone is staring at the field.

Ye Luo's left eye moved slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Ye Luo was also a little surprised when the figure of the eighth-level ninja disappeared suddenly, but after a moment, Ye Luo's left eye , the figure of the invisible monk completely appeared.

If it's other ninjutsu, maybe there are flaws, but this kind of invisibility, in front of Ye Luo's mutated left eye, is simply deceiving. He thinks Ye Luo can't see it, but Ye Luo can see it clearly.

Moreover, this high-ranking ninja seems to be struggling after using the forbidden technique in this ninja, and his movements are much slower after entering the invisible state.

"Heh, such rubbish ninjutsu is still being used in front of me?" Ye Luo taunted, standing still.

The arena was quiet, and none of the ninjas with a cultivation level below the ninth level of qi training saw any traces. Hearing Ye Luo say this at this moment, they were all stunned. Could it be that Ye Luo saw it through?

Some foundation-building figures of big families, although their realms were suppressed, their vision and powerful spirits were not suppressed. They all vaguely saw a vague figure, three steps away from Ye Luo.

And, that vague figure suddenly took out a ninja blade in his hand, and stabbed quietly towards Ye Luo's chest.

And Ye Luo was still standing there, as if he didn't feel it at all.

"You're looking for death, so he's just pretending!" A woman dressed in pitch black next to the island saint's voice turned cold.

In the Zhu family, the fat man patted the second uncle of the Zhu family, Zhu Yang, a big man in the foundation period, and asked, "Old man, can you see people?"

"Where is he?" the fat man asked.

"I have stabbed Ye Luo in the chest with a knife." The second uncle of the Zhu family was serious, and then said: "Oh, why is he so pretentious at such a young age, just wait, I will remind him."

The second uncle of the Zhu family comforted the fat man, and planned to speak.

The donkey also moved slightly, and the donkey seemed to see it too.

However, at this moment, Ye Luo glanced at the seal of the Demon Emperor's tomb that was collapsing faster and faster, and a faint smile bloomed on the corner of his mouth again. The air in front of him was drawn, and the ninja vomited blood and flew out. He said proudly, "Trash ninjutsu is still showing off in front of me. It's really courting death."

(End of this chapter)

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