Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 439 Refers to who died

Chapter 439 Refers to who died (4 more votes)
In front of the open stone gate, the atmosphere was eerie, terrifying, and silent.

All the people who heard the conversation between Ye Luo and the donkey froze in the midst of surprise, terror, and complex emotions.

A strange and terrifying ominous event has already happened. At this moment, the donkey and the man are still thinking about spirit stones and property?Still want to fool?

"They don't have to believe you, you stupid donkey, but they don't have to believe me." Ye Luo's tone was flat, and then, Ye Luo turned to a ninja from an island country more than ten steps away from him, and said, "He's standing there. The location is a safe location.”

When the donkey heard this, he became even more furious and paralyzed. When he was fooling people just now, he wanted to use this method to prove that his position was safe, but that person died, and now Ye Luo even learned from him ?
This is simply disgraceful plagiarism!
The ninja of the Miyamoto family in the island country had seen it with his own eyes before. The donkey pointed and said that the position of the monk was safe. As a result, the monk was killed by the mysterious horror in an instant. Now, with the donkey The war doctor Ye Luo who was with him suddenly pointed at him in the same way.

He couldn't help feeling tense, this is so bad luck, after he cursed secretly, he took three steps back to prevent accidents.

"Ah... help..."

The monk took three steps back. Before he could stand still, there was a sudden pain between his brows. Then, his eyes widened, the screams were not over, and the fear of death was on his face. After that, he went down.

This time, everyone saw it.

However, no one saw clearly what it was that killed this monk!
The atmosphere became more and more eerie and terrifying.

At the same time, the look in Ye Luo and Donkey's eyes became more and more weird. These two are really fooling around. This is saving lives. Anyone who is pointed at will die!
The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched. When he pointed, the island ninja was standing on the white road in his left eye, but he stepped back three steps, but just stepped on the blood-red area in his left eye .

In Ye Luo's left eye, there are three colors of black, white and blood, and only the white part is the safe zone.

"Wow, woof, woof! Hahaha, boy, you can't learn from me, this ninja was killed by you directly." The donkey took a look and immediately gloated.

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched again, and he said lightly, "He moved. If he doesn't move, he's safe. Let me point to another one. Hey, the place where the fat man is standing is a good place."

When the fat man heard this, he was terrified instantly, and roared: "Ye Luo, no, Brother Ye, no, brother-in-law, you forgot, in Nanjiang City, Fatty, I gave you my sister-in-law, you can't take revenge, don't Point at me, numbness, Fat Lord, I can see that both you and that dead donkey have a tendency to cause harm, whoever you point at will die!"

Ye Luo: "..."

The other monks also looked wary when they saw this. Many big figures in the Foundation Establishment period secretly took out the holy objects of their families, and activated the spiritual energy to pour them into them, protecting their whole bodies.

Almost no one believed in Ye Luo and the donkey again. Many people looked at Ye Luo with contempt and contempt again. This waste actually wants to cheat Lingshi!
Even when the ninjas of the Huo family and Miyamoto family looked at Ye Luo, there was always a faint killing intent in their eyes.

At this moment, Taoist Cangsong, whose gaze had been on the back of the stone gate, suddenly spoke, "The horrible mutation has occurred, the exit has been closed, and there is no way out from the entrance."

"What? Senior Cangsong, what should we do now?" A big man in the foundation building period raised his head immediately after hearing the words. Although the realm here is suppressed to the fifth floor, but in terms of hole cards, experience, knowledge, and secret techniques, as A generation of powerful pines is enough to beat them by a few blocks.

The most important thing is that according to the legend, Taoist Cangsong once participated in the design of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum. Perhaps, there is still a way out if he follows Da Neng.

"Since there is no way to retreat, let's force our way in. You are all major families and practitioners. You should have heard of the most basic four-element formation. Anyone who is willing to forcefully break into the tomb of the Demon Emperor with me, stand up!" Come here and listen to my orders." Taoist Cangsong seemed to have made a certain decision, and finally spoke.

As soon as the words fell, there was a commotion immediately among the monks and the major families. If you had to stand still here, it would definitely not be an option, and you would not be able to retreat, and all the treasures of the Demon Emperor were in the In the past, for many big shots, they didn't want to give up, so the only way left is the one that Taoist Cangsong said.

for a long time.

After the deliberation and discussion, it was finally decided that the vast majority of monks with cultivation bases above the eighth floor went to Taoist Cangsong, while those with cultivation bases below the eighth floor were directly abandoned from the formation.

Because, although the realm is suppressed here, the essence of the monks has not changed. To form this magic circle, the cultivation must be above the eighth level of Qi training, otherwise, people with lower cultivation bases will become loopholes in the formation. .Once the formation is formed, the members of the formation will form a very powerful protective ability.

This is a world where the weak prey on the strong, and the strong form a magic circle, following Taoist Cangsong, to enter the mist.As for the weak below the eighth floor, at the time of life and death, and at the time of adventure, no one will show cheap sympathy for the weak.

Weak, abandoned.


The formation was formed, and the powerful monk walked into the stone gate step by step with Cangsong Taoist. The moment he walked into the faint blood-red blood mist, there was a strange attack immediately.

The appearance of blood red, the light of the sacred object, and the powerful aura shield of the formation appeared at the same time.

However, even so, amidst the horrific and weird attacks, there are still horrific high-ranking monks who continue to die, and as they go deeper, it seems that there are more and more horrific and weird attacks in the bloody fog ahead.

Ye Luo and the donkey were naturally also excluded from the formation.

Ye Luo watched coldly as the group of powerful characters formed a team, but abandoned the weakest.

The law of the jungle preys on the strong, the practice world is so cruel.

In the past, those people might pay attention to face, but at the juncture of life and death, self-protection is not enough, so how can they judge others.

"The heart of the demon emperor, I must get it." Ye Luo muttered to himself as he looked at the many powerful monks who went in.

"Woof, woof, woof! It's ruined, I didn't expect this old man to organize a formation, what a fucking dog!"

The donkey was anxious, and then said: "The treasure of the Demon Emperor, I'm afraid it's about to fail, but they really think it's enough to form a formation? I'm afraid if they really want to break through, most of them will die, and even the group will be wiped out! Really! Do you really think that forming a formation can break the taboo?"

When the donkey opened his mouth, Ye Luo suddenly walked forward alone, and said to the abandoned fat man: "Fatty, come with me, into the ghost fog, staying here is just waiting to die, breaking in maybe Another chance."

(End of this chapter)

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