Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 440 Want to survive, follow me

Chapter 440 Want to survive, follow me

Behind the stone gate, a strange blood-red mist surged, and from time to time, the terrifying death screams of important figures came out. It seemed that there were always important figures falling in the ghost fog.

The strong formed a magic circle to enter, and the weak were abandoned outside the stone gate.

"Paralyzed, what are you going in for? My aunt told me to wait here for her to come back. She said that the place where I am standing is relatively safe, and I will die if I move around!" The fat man shook his head.

Then the fat man looked at Ye Luo, and said again: "Well, don't move, it's too late, fat man, I have already seen that this stone gate cannot be entered, and whoever enters will die. With the terror circle, people are constantly dying, let alone us."

"Are you stupid? You're paralyzed. Once you go in, you won't be able to come back. They will definitely find an exit inside after they seize the treasure, and it's impossible to come back.

Forget it, what the hell, I will send another kind heart, the rest of you, follow me, you are all abandoned, don't wait stupidly, this place has evolved into a restricted area of ​​death and life, those big people are hard to protect themselves, Will come back to take you again?Come with me, I will take you out alive! "Ye Luo glared at the fat man, then glanced at the other monks, touched his left eye at the same time, and said.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for people in my family to abandon me! Don't abandon me, don't give up, this is our family's group training!" A monk at the sixth level of qi training spoke fiercely. However, the more intense the reaction, the more he could It can be seen that he is not confident in his heart.

"Yes! It is impossible for people in our family to abandon them. They will definitely come back. This time, my second uncle is leading the team!" Another young man from a big family also turned pale.

"My uncle will come to save me too. You are just a waste in the astral body. Don't try to deceive the public with false rumors. You yourself have become a waste because you divorced your marriage and were unable to practice. You are humiliated and want to commit suicide. But don't pull us!" It seems that he is a member of the seventh level of Qi training in the Long family. Although he reprimanded him, he was also a little panicked in his eyes.

Those who can enter the hidden treasures of Ghost Valley are not weak in cultivation, and they are not stupid. They may be weaker than those big shots, but they are still much stronger than ordinary monks.

Perhaps, many people have noticed it, but no one is willing to admit it. Some of them are just in case of luck. They have just been born in practice, and it is the first time for many young geniuses to face such a cruel and ruthless test of life and death.

No one wants to believe that they have been abandoned, especially, it is a waste planet that tore apart the truth. Many people have fear and despair in their hearts, but no one believes that following a waste star, there is hope, and no one believes Ye Luo can take them out alive.

"Impossible, how could my aunt abandon me..." Fatty's thinking was rather weird. Until now, he was very convinced that he would never be abandoned, but he was interrupted just after he finished speaking.

"He's right. Once you go in, you can't come back. You've all been abandoned." At this moment, a figure suddenly came back from the edge of the mist at the stone gate. She spoke in a flat tone.

This person was indeed Ji Yanjue, who was so charming and glamorous all over the world. Hearing what Ji Yanjue said, the fat man glared, and his body froze involuntarily.

Everyone looked at Ji Yanjue's figure and couldn't help being stunned.

Ye Luo was also slightly taken aback, and asked, "Why are you back?"

Ji Yanjue looked at Ye Luo indifferently, then at the fat man, and then at the group of weak and superior monks who were normally superior, but after being abandoned here, their faces were confused and weak. They were also silent for a moment, and said: "If I take you out, maybe a lot of people will die, but there is always a hope. High-level monks have formations, and low-level monks also have formations. However, the effect is weaker. If you are willing to follow me, listen to my decree. If you go, you can stay."

Ji Yanjue's tone was flat, as if she was saying an understatement, but at this moment, everyone seemed to realize something, no matter how cruel the truth is, it will always be torn apart.

In their psychology, Ye Luo does not have enough weight to tear apart the truth, but Ji Yanjue has enough weight, because, among the younger generation, the number one beauty in Nanling, the enchanting genius who built a half-step foundation, the name of Ji Yanjue, It has already spread to many thousand-year-old families.

However, Ji Yanjue has always kept a low profile and seldom shows up. On the surface, she seems to have little reputation, but in the cultivation world, she has already become famous for a while. Someone once said that Ji Yanjue once overwhelmed the peerless genius of a thousand-year-old family , and the hermit boy Tianjiao of the ancient sect, also once fought undefeated!
The truth has been torn apart, many people are silent, and some people still don't believe it.

Will it be abandoned?Just before the stone gate was pushed open, those who entered were still elders, clansmen, just in the blink of an eye, the stone gate was pushed open, and before the decision of life and death, were they just abandoned like this?
Is this a little too cruel?
At this time, someone suddenly thought again that at the beginning, there was a person whom they called a waste star blocking the stone door and preventing them from opening it.

"Why did you open the door? Wouldn't it be nice if you had listened to Ye Luo?" A young genius who had been abandoned suddenly spoke up.

"Are we really going to die? After entering the magic circle composed of powerful people, there are many big people falling. Is the magic circle formed by us okay? Before, why didn't everyone believe Ye Luo's words, why did they open the door?" There was a weak casual cultivator with regret in his eyes.

"I don't want to die, but why did the people in the family abandon me? Why didn't those big shots bring us into the formation? Could it be because we entered the formation and would become the weakness of the formation, so they abandoned us? We are People of the family, why do you want to abandon them?" There was a beautiful girl monk with a young and beautiful face who had not experienced human affairs, her eyes were full of unwillingness, confusion, and doubts about the family and the world.

The fat man also opened his mouth, looking a little dazed.

"In the world of practice, the weak eat the strong, feel sorry for yourself, don't embark on the road of practice, wait here, there is only one dead end, if you don't want to die, listen to my decree, form a magic circle, maybe I will lead you to form a magic circle Not as strong as Taoist Cangsong and those big men, but there is always a chance of life, if you want to go, follow me, if you don't want to go, stay." Ji Yanjue softly drank, her eyes fell on everyone, and Ye Luo and Ye Luo Fatty glanced over.

Ji Yanjue never answered Ye Luo's question, why did she come back?Everyone knows that the chances of surviving with those big shots are very high, but with them, it is really close to death.

Why did she come back?
"Woof, woof, woof! What, niece Ji, I support you, I am willing to form a team!" The donkey was almost at Ji Yanjue's words, the donkey turned its eyes, thought of something, raised its hoof, and went straight to the battle. He ran over with a serious face.

Ye Luo touched his nose and said, "Don't be so pessimistic, everyone, I can lead the way, maybe we don't have to die."

(End of this chapter)

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