Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 441 Crow's Mouth

Chapter 441 Crow's Mouth

Ye Luo touched his nose and said, "Don't be so pessimistic, everyone, I can lead the way, maybe we don't have to die."

"Wow, woof, woof! Damn it, it's already at this point, why are you pretending to be so forceful, Cangsong, who brought so many big people into the ghost fog, is he dead? You still lead the way, you can't lead the way to Huangquan Road ?" The donkey despised Ye Luo, thinking that Ye Luo was putting on a show again.

Then, the donkey looked at Ji Yanjue again, and said, "Woof, woof, woof! What, niece and niece of Ji, you may not know me, but it doesn't matter, I know your fat aunt and nephew very well. Tie, in this way, my emperor also understands some formations, you can command these monks to form an formation, and my emperor will support me!"

Ji Yanjue looked at the donkey, and couldn't help frowning. She had seen this donkey once, when she chased it away from Miyamoto's family, Ye Luo's accomplice was this donkey!

"Paralyzed, who knows you well? Auntie, you don't need to listen to this donkey, this thing is a fucking pit, what, everyone else listen, hurry up, who the hell wants to leave, hurry up , Listen to my auntie's command, if you don't want to leave, just wait here by yourself, then, Ye Luo, come here quickly, don't be so pretentious, listen to my auntie's command, this is life and death, so what are you pretending to do!"

I don't know why, but in the Zhu family, Ji Yanjue is the one who ravages the fat man every day. The fat man scolds Ji Yanjue behind his back every day for being a bitch, but in the entire Zhu family, the fat man trusts Ji Yanjue the most. Absolutely.

There was a brief silence in front of the door, and then a few casual cultivators walked towards Ji Yanjue, and then, there was the first monk who took the lead, and the monks who were abandoned by other major families also walked towards Ji Yanjue.

Ye Luo looked at this scene and shook his head slightly. No matter where, behind the peace, there is a cruel side. With the birth of practitioners, perhaps, in a world where the strong are respected, this kind of cruelty will become more serious. many.

Ye Luo didn't speak again, but looked at the ghost fog. In his left eye, he could see that in the ghost fog, the blood-colored and black parts on the ground accounted for most of the part, and there was even a faint narrow line. The winding road is white.

"Where is the heart of the demon emperor?" Ye Luo whispered, raised his head, and took another deep look behind the door.

Under Ji Yanjue's indifferent command, the formation was formed quickly, and Ye Luo, the fat man and the donkey were arranged by Ji Yanjue's side to be the core of the formation.

The formation was formed, and dozens of monks finally walked into the ghost fog.

As soon as they entered the ghost fog, they saw the corpse of a big man in the foundation period at the entrance. There was a terrifying blood hole between the eyebrows. This was the formation formed by the powerful monks who walked past, leaving of!
"This is the corpse of an ancestor of the Zhang family, hiss! How terrifying is this place, even he died?" A monk was shocked!
"Hey! The monk walking on the far left, stop, don't go forward, take a step to the right!" Ye Luo was not shocked. The moment the monks walked into the mist, Ye Luo closed his right eye and only opened his eyes. He opened his left eye, and in his eyes, in the fog of ghosts, only black, white and blood remained!

"Woof, woof, woof! What are you talking nonsense and pretending to be, when is this?" When the donkey heard Ye Luo speak, he immediately despised it.

"Ye Luo, keep quiet and listen to my auntie." The fat man also stopped Ye Luo.

The monk walking on the far left was startled at first, but when he saw that it was Ye Luo who reminded him, he couldn't help being angry, and said, "You don't even look at this place, what are you talking about, it really disturbs the morale of the army!"

Even Ji Yanjue glanced at Ye Luo indifferently, and said, "Shut up, the previous account will be settled after we go out."


But just as Ji Yanjue finished speaking, the monk walking on the far left took a step forward, and the outer shield of the formation shook, as if something rushed in. Immediately afterwards, the monk was There was a scream, and he fell to the ground. The sound stopped abruptly, and a blood hole appeared between his eyebrows!
In the formation, there was silence.

This monk is actually dead!

There was a burst of panic in everyone's heart, and countless gazes quietly looked at Ye Luo, because Ye Luo reminded me just now!

"Wow, woof! You are a crow's mouth. You pointed one at the door first, but the monk died. Now you say another one, and the man died again!" The donkey turned his head and looked at Ye Luo suspiciously.

"Yes! Ye Luo, don't talk nonsense, this place is a bit evil." The fat man also said seriously.

The fat man and the donkey didn't believe it immediately, but Ye Luo really saw something, thinking that Ye Luo was pretending again.

Ye Luo remained silent, ignoring the fat man and the donkey, but looking forward. Ye Luo's left eye could clearly see that the road that the group of powerful monks walked in front was obviously more white. It seemed that when the big man walked by , using powerful strength, or things like holy objects, cleared some bloody areas.

And Ji Yanjue seemed to have sensed something too, the path she led the group of monks was the same path that the group of powerful monks in front had already traveled.

After walking about four more steps, Ye Luo was vigilant, and suddenly said again: "The third person on the right, stop, take three steps to the left, and then go forward!"

The monk, who was already a little scared, was furious when he heard that Ye Luo had actually mentioned him, and said, "Can you shut up, you pointed out that one died, and you said the other died again. , Now say me again, aren't you cursing me!"

"Wow, woof, woof! Makes sense, that brother, I don't think you will live long! Oh, bad luck, tsk tsk!" the donkey sighed.

"Go, don't speak again." Ji Yanjue glanced at it lightly, and finally stopped Ye Luo from speaking.

The monk was terrified, still didn't listen to Ye Luo's words, and after secretly saying bad luck, he continued to move forward. However, he also just took a step, and suddenly there was another scream, and a blood hole appeared between his eyebrows, as if he had been hit by something invisible. Attacked, fell to the ground again.

The ghost fog was raging, and Ye Luo became the focus again.

Another dead?
"Is he an unlucky crow's mouth, or did he really see something?" Finally, a monk became suspicious.

"Isn't he a trash star? What can he see in a forbidden area that even the powerful and big shots can't see through?" Some people were terrified, but still disdainful.

"Look, what's ahead?"

Just when everyone paused, suddenly, someone saw that at the front of their line, there were two white-haired rabbits, exactly the same as domestic red-eyed rabbits, suddenly came out of the ghost fog, blocking their way .

Moreover, at the place where the rabbit appeared, there were more than five corpses. Those corpses were all left by big figures who had formed a team before and had at least the eighth level of Qi training!
They all died in this place!

"Wow, woof! Hiss! What the hell is this? Is it blocking the way?" The donkey was a little hairy, and suddenly the man stood upright.

(End of this chapter)

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