Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 446 The Demon Emperor's Bell

Chapter 446 The Demon Emperor's Bell
Ye Luo's left eye was bleeding!

The bell of the Demon Emperor sounded, and everyone's eyes turned to the ancient palace of the Demon Emperor. Afterwards, the big figures headed by Taoist Cangsong moved their eyes and bodies, as if they were all moving towards the ancient palace of the Demon Emperor.

"It is recorded in ancient books that in the ancient palace of the Demon Emperor, there are all the treasures of the Demon Emperor during his lifetime!" A big man said.

Cangsong Taoist’s eyes also emitted a gleam of astonishment, and he said: “I only take the Demon Emperor’s Bell, and the rest of the scriptures, medicines, and treasures belong to you. Don’t keep any more, activate the formation with all your strength, and follow me.” This deity is going to the ancient palace of the Demon Emperor."

Taoist Cangsong opened his mouth, the formation was activated, and the terrifying power dispelled some strange ghost fog, which made people frightened. The formed formation is still terrifying.

However, Ye Luo didn't go towards the ancient temple of the Demon Emperor, but directly tore the white robe of a monk in white, and pierced the fat man's finger with a dagger at lightning speed.

Then, Ye Luo picked up a dead branch from the ground, stained it with the fat man's blood, quickly drew a simple map on the white robe, and, on the map, marked a conspicuous red line.

Afterwards, Ye Luo handed the white robe to Ji Yanjue, and said, "This forbidden land is coming to an end, you see, after passing this dry well and walking forward, the ghost fog will fade away, if you don't come out Unexpectedly, there is a ghost fog, which is another exit of the Demon Emperor's tomb, you can lead people out by following the route on the white robe."

Afterwards, Ye Luo forcefully opened the bleeding left eye again, closed the right eye, and said loudly: "All follow Ji Yanjue, I have given her the map.

After finishing speaking, Ye Luo turned around and walked towards the ancient bronze tree, with a sudden increase in speed.

The ancient bronze tree stood opposite the Ancient Demon Emperor's Palace, Ye Luo did not rush towards the Ancient Demon Emperor's Palace, because when Ye Luo just looked at the Ancient Demon Emperor's Palace with his left eye, he suddenly saw that the closer he was to the Ancient Demon Emperor's Palace, the less white it was. , the thicker the blood and black.

Even, around the Ancient Demon Emperor's Palace, it has completely turned into a sea of ​​blood and black. That area has absolutely completely evolved into a forbidden area, and if you get close, you will die!

That's a terrible Jedi!

The most important thing is that Ye Luo glanced into the ancient palace of the Demon Emperor with his left eye, and saw that there seemed to be a terrifying blood-colored shadow sleeping inside. Ye Luo took a look, and the sleeping blood-colored shadow seemed to be Feeling something, he directly and automatically sent out a trace of defensive power, which injured his left eye!

Still want to grab the Demon Emperor Bell?
Ye Luo looked at the group of tall and powerful figures, and there was no trace of pity in his eyes!

Ye Luo turned around and ran towards the ancient bronze tree. Ye Luo wanted to use the heart of the demon emperor in the ice crystal cloud coffin on the ancient bronze tree to change his fate against the sky. The great world is coming, and the one-year agreement is getting closer If you are not willing to be humble and ordinary, you must go against the sky!

"What did you see in the Wangxin Well?" Just as Ye Luo ran three steps, Ji Yanjue suddenly asked, her charming eyes were as clear as water.

Ye Luo paused slightly, but still didn't answer, and ran towards the ancient bronze tree at a faster speed again.

Ji Yanjue stood indifferently, her body was so beautiful, suddenly, she handed the map in her hand to the fat man, and wanted to follow Ye Luo's footsteps.

However, at this time, the donkey stopped him, and the donkey said, "Wow, woof! My niece, I will tell you the truth. Behind the ancient bronze tree, there is actually an abyss, which is a very dark place." , Under that abyss, is a real barren and forbidden land. Back then, the Demon Emperor built it here to suppress the external erosion of the barren and ancient forbidden land.

It's just that no one thought that after tens of thousands of years, there would be a terrifying and ominous mutation here. You are certainly strong, but as a young girl, your physique is too dark, and you really can't go any further, otherwise, there will be more... Occurs for a terrifying ominous mutation.

This emperor feels that when the Supreme Ghost Valley set up the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure here with his supreme mana, it was also to suppress this ancient forbidden zone. Under this ancient forbidden zone, there is the source of the unknown in the world. "

After the donkey finished speaking, Ji Yanjue was stopped, but she spread her hooves and followed Ye Luo's footsteps, chasing after her.

Ji Yanjue's footsteps paused slightly, she could feel that at this moment, this cheating donkey didn't seem to be telling a lie.

The fat man was anxious and wanted to rush over, but Ji Yanjue grabbed his ear and twisted it back. The fat man screamed and shouted: "Auntie, take it easy, I'm here to win the treasure!"

Ji Yanjue didn't speak, she glanced at Ye Luo, walked three steps forward, reached the Wangxin Well, and took a deep look inside.

Ghost mist filled the air, Ye Luo opened his bleeding left eye, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the mysterious and powerful ancient bronze tree. Afterwards, Ye Luo jumped up and climbed towards the tree with the help of the branches of the ancient bronze tree. climb.

"Woof woof! Ye Luo, there is danger. Wait for me, my lord, isn't it the heart of a demon emperor, can I steal it for you?" The donkey hoofed like the wind, followed Ye Luo, on the mysterious ancient bronze tree.

Although the donkey only has four hooves, it can climb trees no less than Ye Luo.

At the same time, the donkey cursed in a low voice: "Woof, woof, woof! With Ye Luo's personality, if he doesn't go to the ancient palace of the Demon Emperor, it means that he must not go there. It should be a pit, otherwise If that is the case, this guy has a secret treasure in his body, and it is absolutely impossible to let go of the Demon Emperor Bell, and those old guys may die! ”

Ye Luo had already reached the top of the tree of the ancient bronze book, and stopped in front of a demon emperor's heart exuding strong vitality and bursts of blood like a vast ocean.

Ye Luo even saw that under the nourishment of the powerful vitality of the Demon Emperor's Heart, bronze leaves grew miraculously on the branches of the surrounding bronze ancient books!

Shocked, Ye Luo reached out and pushed the lid of the ice crystal cloud coffin!

The bronze flower on Ye Luo's waist suddenly trembled slightly the moment Ye Luo pushed open the coffin lid, and there was a sound like a silver bell in the tung flower.

The donkey finally climbed up too, but when the donkey was about to jump up to the canopy of the tree, he saw the seven little paper figurines appearing on the tree trunk in front of him, and on top of the paper figurines, Carrying a brightly colored embroidered shoe.

This time, the distance was so close that the donkey even saw two words engraved on the embroidered shoes: Wu Shi!

When the donkey saw these two words clearly, its hair stood on end in an instant, its movements froze suddenly, and it exclaimed in surprise: "Wow, woof, woof! Yes, it's her shoe. I'm so stupid. How could I meet her shoe?" ? This turned out to be her shoe!"

At this moment, Ye Luo completely pushed away the ice crystal cloud coffin on the bronze canopy!
(End of this chapter)

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