Chapter 447

The donkey stood on the branch of the bronze tree, staring at the two ancient characters "Wu's" on the embroidered shoes carried by the seven little paper figurines, his hair stood on end in shock, Ye Luo had already opened the ice crystal cloud coffin above the canopy of the tree!


"Crack clap-"

"Jingle Bell--"

The moment Ye Luo opened the ice crystal cloud coffin, an eternal seal that seemed to come from the ancient times, under the Nine Netherworld, seemed to break free from the shackles and wake up faintly after sleeping for countless years.

From the bronze flower on Ye Luo's waist, the brisk bell sound became more and more urgent. Since Ye Luo brought the bronze flower out of the dry well, it was the first time that the bronze flower vibrated so violently.

After hearing this sound, the donkey's bristling hair suddenly burst, and it suddenly stood upright. The donkey's eyes were wide open, and it looked up at the tree crown that was close at hand. At the same time, it roared: "Wow!" Bark! Damn, you just opened the lid of the coffin? I'm stupid..."


Before the donkey finished speaking, suddenly, a monstrous blood energy, carrying a breath of life bigger and more terrifying than Wang Yang, as well as the majesty of an ancient emperor, shot out from the bronze cloud coffin!


In the cloud coffin, the sound of the beating heart is like an ancient war drum. Every beating of the heart is like an ebb and flow, swallowing the essence of heaven and earth, the rhythm of the Tao is strong, and the chain of laws vibrates.

Ye Luo's face changed drastically.

Because, at the moment when this monstrous aura rushed out, Ye Luo, who was standing in front of the ice crystal cloud coffin, felt a coercion that crushed the world, as if it was going to crush him into a pulp.

From the heart of the demon emperor, the three breaths of blood, vitality, and the coercion of the emperor formed a coercion that could crush everything. Previously, due to the barrier of the ice crystal cloud coffin, I hadn't felt it yet, but now The moment it is opened now, everything is released.

Ye Luo was horrified, his bones cracked and cracked, and under this coercion, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't move his whole body!

The Demon Emperor's Heart can change the fate of stars against the sky, but Ye Luo never imagined that the coercion of the Demon Emperor's Heart would be so terrifying that even if he used his Heaven Devouring Skill with all his strength, he would still be unstoppable.

His bones were still broken one by one under this terrifying pressure.

It was only now that Ye Luo realized that he was so small and weak in front of just a demon emperor's heart, and that just a heart could have such terrifying coercion.

But at this moment, the bronze flower on Ye Luo's waist, amidst the increasingly violent vibrations, quietly transmitted a faint voice into Ye Luo's mind.

Suddenly, Ye Luo grabbed the bronze flower brought out from the dry well!
"Woof, woof, woof! Are you stunned? This is how you opened the demon emperor's heart? You killed me!" Heart, most recently, the donkey was directly crushed on the huge bronze tree branch under this terrifying and powerful coercion.

Even though the donkey's body was so powerful, under this terrifying pressure, the bones on its body were still rattling.

However, in front of the donkey's head, the seven little paper figurines and the embroidered shoes they were carrying didn't seem to feel this overwhelming coercion.

In front of Wangxin Well, Ji Yanjue, Fatty and those low-level practitioners who had been abandoned before all looked at the ancient bronze tree, and they all felt the monstrous blood energy, the soaring vitality, and the emperor-like aura. Coercion, the double-check terror coercion formed by the three forces!
At the same time amazed!

Even Taoist Cangsong, the group of big figures in the Foundation Establishment period who wanted to rush towards the Ancient Demon Emperor's Palace, subconsciously stopped at this moment and turned to look at the ancient bronze tree.

His face was full of shock!
"It's a pity that even I can't suppress the demon emperor's heart, let alone a mere astral body at the peak of the fourth level of body refinement. If the demon emperor's heart can really be suppressed, will I give up?" Taoist Cangsong raised his head and said , sighed slightly, as if regretting something.

"This trash star, does he want to use the demon emperor's heart to change his life against the sky? Hahaha, he really dares to think about such a legendary thing. Not to mention other things, the coercion of the demon emperor's heart, It's enough to crush him into a pulp!" A big man in the Foundation Establishment period looked at him with disdain.

"Did he really think that we ignored the ancient bronze tree, and he picked up a loophole? It's simply wishful thinking. If the heart of the demon emperor can be obtained so easily, how can we give up?"

"However, there is indeed something weird about this star. How did he bring the weak people we abandoned to catch up with us unscathed, and how did he approach and climb the ancient bronze tree unscathed? He There must be some secret hidden in him."

"Unfortunately, he is about to die. Even if he has any secret weapon, he will still be killed by himself after all. If he dared to open the ice crystal cloud coffin and move the demon emperor's heart, it would be like eating a bear's heart and leopard's guts."

"Hehe, I'm afraid I want to congratulate the Huo family and the Miyamoto family. Huo Wanzhong, Huo Lingfeng, the saintesses of the Miyamoto family, the people you've always wanted to kill are going to die now."

"Hmph! It's just a trash star. Our Huo family has never taken him seriously. The so-called one-year agreement has always been just a joke. He is just an ant, and he is still qualified to challenge my family's genius." Huo Aotian? Dreaming!"

"Our Miyamoto family has never regarded him as the real number one. He is just an ant. It's a pity that we didn't kill him with our own hands. He has killed many elites in our country over the years. It's a pity that our family was born late. Some, otherwise, you can destroy it with your hand."

"Oh, is that right? What if he really merged with the demon emperor's heart and changed his fate against the sky, what do you guys do? Rumor has it that he can become a star and be able to fight the Supreme!"

"Absolutely impossible, the heart of the demon emperor, even if he is powerful, he can't suppress it, let alone merge it into himself, and change his fate against the sky. It is absolutely impossible for him to be a trash star!" said a member of the Miyamoto family. The big man, his complexion changed slightly, and he spoke directly!
While the big shots and the monstrous geniuses were discussing, the blood from the corner of Ye Luo's mouth dripped silently onto the half-held bronze flower in his hand.

Ye Luo has reached the limit, the hundreds of bones in his body are breaking apart inch by inch!
Blood dripping!

On the bronze flower in Ye Luo's hand, there appeared ten ancient characters: Heaven and earth are inhumane, and everything is a humble dog!

The ancient characters appeared and hung on the waist, and the bronze flowers brought out from the dry well flew out quietly, and with the sound of jingling bells, they flew to the ice crystal cloud coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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