Chapter 472 Reversal
Shenshi City was brightly lit, and Gambling Stone Square was full of hustle and bustle.

No one noticed that there was a small thing in Ye Luo's pocket, and it stuck out its head blankly. It didn't look at the lively scene of betting on stones, but looked at the boundless starry sky. It suddenly whispered something "Hey! Liu Shui, those six little paper figurines came here from the starry sky with their embroidered shoes."

"Hey! That's strange, why did they come here? No, is that horrible thing really going to come out of the seal in this city?" The little paper figurine couldn't help but tremble.

The starry sky was boundless, clear and mysterious. Six little paper figurines carried an embroidered shoe and floated in silently. On the embroidered shoe, the word Wu's seemed to be covered with some dew and was a little wet.

Feng's stone betting workshop, the stone cutting place, the stone betting has reached an important moment to determine the outcome.

Arrogance, ridicule, and contempt finally stopped as a slender and sharp stonecutter fell from the hand of an old man. The old man's hand was steady and his speed was also very fast.

Liu Yuan of the Shang Qingzong used 71 medium-grade spirit stones, and only picked an oval-shaped rough stone weighing more than 500 jins. The old man cut Liu Yuan's stone first.

The stone chips were flying, and Liu Yuan's arrogant and contemptuous face was also a little more nervous at this moment.

"Wow, woof, woof! Damn, there must be nothing." The donkey muttered.

"It should be useless." Zhao Xuanfeng swallowed, followed the donkey to watch nervously.


While one person and one donkey were chanting, the old stonecutter dropped the knife in his hand again, but suddenly paused, and then, a strange fragrance suddenly flowed out from the rough stone, and after a short pause, the slender knife in his hand The sharp stone cutter accelerated again, and the stone chips flew.

Shi Kai, a spiritual herb with seven leaves that exudes a strong spiritual energy, suddenly appeared!

"This, this is the seven-leaf spiritual grass!" Someone was shocked!
"It's worth at least three hundred middle-grade spirit stones. This seven-leaf spirit grass is the most important medicinal material for refining Qixing Dan. It is expensive and very rare. Liu Yuan was able to cut out one with only 71 middle-grade spirit stones. A seven-leaf spiritual grass!" Someone rubbed his eyes.

When Liu Yuan saw this scene, the nervousness on his face disappeared, and he suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, I, Senior Brother Huo Aotian, will soon marry Junior Sister Ning Caier, and I am thinking about sending him What is a congratulatory gift, this seven-leaf spirit grass appeared just right!"

The crowd was amazed once again, Liu Yuan was so grand that he wanted to cut out a seven-leaf spirit grass worth more than [-] middle-grade spirit stones as a congratulatory gift from Huo Aotian and Ning Caier. The relationship between Liu Yuan and Huo Aotian, the genius of Longshou Peak of the Shang Qing Zong, is extraordinary.

However, after that, everyone turned their heads to look at Zhao Xuanfeng, Donkey and Ye Luo, and even the girl Bizhu in the blue gown, shook their heads slightly and sighed.

Liu Yuan also turned his head, and a murderous intent flashed in his contemptuous eyes. How dare these two mere fish dare to provoke him?Liu Yuan glanced at Zhao Xuanfeng, then at Ye Luo, his brows were slightly frowned, this bumpkin seemed calm from beginning to end.

"Hahaha! It's beyond self-control. You dare to bet with Senior Brother Liu on stones. Zhao Xuanfeng, I'm afraid you will lose all face of the Taixuan faction. And that man and donkey, two bumpkins who have never seen the world, were beaten. After breaking your leg, you can spend the rest of your life in bed!"

"Not necessarily, that donkey can be cooked as donkey meat, and it's good to sell!" Several monks who seemed to have a good relationship with Liu Yuan couldn't help but sneered.

"Look, that bumpkin who raised a donkey was so frightened that he didn't move. I'm afraid he was thinking about what kind of miserable life he would lead after he broke his leg?" Someone looked at Ye Luo and shook his head.

The donkey and Zhao Xuanfeng were furious, but also a little guilty. The donkey smacked its mouth and said, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. uncertain!"

The old man had already started cutting rough stones selected by the donkey, Zhao Xuanfeng, and Brother Dao who stole the donkey while everyone was clamoring. , and then, cut the second piece.

"Wow, woof, woof! How could you not have it? Cough, Zhao Xuanfeng, this is something you have to choose. Back then, the emperor didn't let you choose, so you had to choose. Now it's all right, but calm down, this one It was chosen by the emperor, there must be, the emperor has never missed it!" the donkey said a little unsteadily.

"Come on, the first piece was obviously chosen by you, but I chose this one, and this young master has never missed it!" Zhao Xuanfeng's face was tense, and the two shied away from each other.

The knife rose and fell, another blink of an eye, the second piece, still nothing.

Donkey and Zhao Xuanfeng froze again, and the corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched. These two guys just slapped themselves in the face in front of so many eyes.

The onlookers also had strange expressions on their faces.

"Cough! Wow! I remember wrongly. The piece just now seemed to be picked by the monk with the scar face, and the last piece was chosen by the emperor. What, that stupid monk with the scar face, what the hell are you going to do in the future?" Master Di is dangling in front of the emperor!" the donkey said.

"That's right, it was chosen by that scar-faced cultivator." Zhao Xuanfeng said the same.

Brother Dao who stole the donkey was stunned for a moment, what the hell is it about him?Mahler Gobi, I had been watching at that time, so I didn't express much opinion.

The last gambling stone picked by the donkey and Zhao Xuanfeng was cut in half by the old man's unstoppable hands. At this moment, the old man's hand paused, and a spirit suddenly emerged from the rough stone. .

"Woof, woof, woof! I know that the things I pick are not fake! Hahaha, Liu, you f-cking, just wait for your leg to be broken! This last piece is carefully selected by me. The original stone!" The donkey man stood upright, his momentum like a rainbow.

Liu Yuan's face changed slightly, and the murderous intent in his eyes also fluctuated.

However, after one breath, when the old man cut the spirit stone completely, everyone was completely stunned, because what was cut out of the last rough stone was only a small piece of middle-grade spirit stone That's all.

In other words, the three rough stones that the donkey and Zhao Xuanfeng picked were the size of a millstone, and there was only this one spirit stone.

The faces of the donkey and Zhao Xuanfeng finally changed completely.Even the faces of the two donkey thieves changed, only Ye Luo remained calm.

The dust seems to have settled, and the game seems to be decided.

"Zhao Xuanfeng, those bumpkins and donkeys, are you going to do it yourself, or do you want me to do it?" Liu Yuan suddenly took a step, the powerful aura in his body surged, and quietly pressed on the two and the donkey.

"Heh! Is the game over? Have you cut the stone I picked?" Only then did Ye Luo calmly take a step forward, and casually put the two spirit stones in his hand on the stone-cutting platform.

"You? One is a well-recognized waste rock, and the other one doesn't even have a label, and you dare to take it out? Dude, don't you still want to win this bet by chance?" Liu Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then Scorning Ye Luo mockingly, a hint of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"It's really a ghost stone, this bumpkin is a bumpkin, and he picked a ghost stone that is impossible to cut out? Haha, it's just asking for humiliation, it's embarrassing!" Someone booed and laughed.

Even the stone-cutter old man shook his head, but he habitually picked up the fist-sized ghost stone and cut it off with a single stroke.

Suddenly, a terrifying, mysterious, and vicissitudes of life emanated from the original stone the moment the knife fell!
(End of this chapter)

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