Chapter 473

At the moment when the knife fell, a terrifying, mysterious, and vicissitudes of life erupted from the original stone!
At this moment, everyone's body was shocked, and they all looked at the ghost stone that Ye Luo had chosen. Even the old man who cut the stone trembled slightly.

The girl Bi Zhu, who was wearing a blue robe, had planned to take out the crystal card of the three thousand spirit stones to make a rescue, but at this moment, her movements also froze. Leng.

Liu Yuan's cold, mocking and contemptuous eyes suddenly shrank.

The eyes of the donkey and Zhao Xuanfeng were full of disbelief, and the donkey's mouth opened.

Ye Luo's expression was still calm, but there was a wave of turmoil in his heart, because Ye Luo felt a familiar smell from this breath, it seemed that there was the breath in the restricted area of ​​Styx!
The knife fell again.

Kacha, Kacha, the stone-cutter old man slowed down a bit.

After a few breaths.

A half-palm-sized, dark blue piece of wood that exudes a star-like depth and vastness, exuding a terrifying, simple, and vicissitudes of life, appeared in front of everyone.

"This, what is this?" Someone asked, although he didn't recognize what it was, but only from this breath, he could definitely feel that this thing must be of amazing value.

"How do I feel that there is a breath of death and vitality, two completely different breaths?" Someone was extremely shocked and unbelievable.

"This, this is Xingchenmu!" Finally, an old man stood up from the crowd and said something.

"What? Star tree? Isn't there only one star tree in this world? It is rumored that it was cut down by a mysterious supreme with extreme weapons, and the only bridge was built in the restricted area of ​​the Styx River. In the meantime, only the bridge made of star wood can last forever on the Styx River, could this be the legendary star wood, how is this possible?" Some monks were shocked.

"You young people may not have heard of it. It is rumored that in the lost ancient times, a Kowloon coffin appeared in the restricted area of ​​​​the Styx River, and stayed on the bridge for several months, and then disappeared mysteriously. After that, the only one on the Styx River The bridge was shattered into countless wooden pieces and scattered in the Styx River, and some of the gambling stones in the Fengjia Stone Gambling Workshop were transported from the Styx River restricted area!"

"Hiss! This, this bumpkin's random pick of a piece of ghostly stone, unexpectedly got astonishing shit luck?" Someone was completely shocked.

"I remember that the last piece of star wood was born, and it was sold for 2000 yuan as a middle-grade spirit stone, right? Whether this star wood is used for refining or research, its value is extremely amazing."

"Liu Yuan lost this gamble? Because of the luck of a bumpkin, Liu Yuan lost?"

In the Gambling Stone Workshop, there was a deathly silence in an instant.

Liu Yuan's face has completely changed, it has become extremely ugly, even a little pale, lost?If you lose, you will have to pay three thousand middle-grade spirit stones, or have your legs broken.

Even for Liu Yuan, three thousand middle-grade spirit stones is definitely an astronomical figure, definitely not something he can get out now.

The eyes of the two stealing donkeys are straight, this is amazing, that bumpkin monk at the first level of Qi training is against the sky.

"Woof, woof, woof! Hahaha, what are you all looking at? This ghost stone is my favorite, and I instructed this kid to take it. Don't you know? The real cards are all In the end, don't look at me with such adoring eyes, keep a low profile, understand?" Donkey's tone was serious and serious.

Then, the donkey looked at Liu Yuan quietly again, and said, "Mal Gobi, what did you just say? Broken leg? Whose leg was broken?"

Zhao Xuanfeng was dumbfounded, he finally understood that in terms of shamelessness, no one is weaker than this donkey by more than 01:30 points.Did it choose this?When Ye Luo chose it, how did it look disgusted and contemptuous, and deliberately distanced itself from Ye Luo, thinking that Ye Luo was ashamed, so it turned out that it chose this in a blink of an eye!
The two donkey thieves were also dumbfounded, and even the faces of many onlookers who knew about it could not help but twitch. What kind of spiritual pet is this? It is also a kind of ability to be able to raise such shameless.

Under the shocking, inconceivable, and complicated eyes of countless people, Ye Luo still looked calm. However, there were waves in his heart. Kowloon coffin crushed?

At this moment, the little paper figurine in Ye Luo's pocket couldn't help stretching out his head, glanced at the star wood, and then whispered to the little fairy bridge beast: "Hey! It turned out to be this kind of wood , I remember, more than 2000 years ago, a man named Qin Shihuang used this kind of wood fragments to assemble a boat with forbidden techniques, and entered the restricted area of ​​the Styx River."

"Who is Qin Shihuang? Can he eat it? It seems something is wrong. Do you feel that there is a strange aura inside this piece of wood? Eh, what are the embroidered shoes and those six little paper figurines doing in the starry sky?" Xiaoxianqiao Beast was stunned, a little puzzled.

"Woof, woof, woof! Look at what, the monk surnamed Liu, take three thousand spirit stones, or break his leg?" The donkey man stood upright, yelling wildly, and wanted to return all the oppression and humiliation just now.

"Yes! Liu Yuan, are you handing over three thousand middle-grade spirit stones and breaking your legs?" Zhao Xuanfeng turned his head, looked at Liu Yuan, and then turned his head to look at the girl Bi in the blue dress. Zhu, said: "The bet has been signed, and you have testified, now, it's time for Liu Yuan to honor the bet!"

Bi-colored Luo Chang swayed, and Bizhu glanced at Ye Luo with a strange eye, then looked at Liu Yuan, and everyone also looked at Liu Yuan, their eyes were very complicated. He was desperate, now, who would have thought that that country bumpkin, who had a shocking luck, turned the game against the sky?

Liu Yuan's complexion became more and more ugly.

"It's just bad luck, such a gamble doesn't count at all!" A ruthless look flashed in Liu Yuan's eyes.

"Woof woof! Damn it, it seems like you don't want to admit it, you want to go back on it?" The donkey became angry immediately, what the hell, there has never been anyone who bet with it and wanted to break the contract since ancient times!
"Hmph! You're just a bumpkin and a spiritual pet. I even suspect that you guys came here to make trouble in Shenshi City on purpose. As a disciple of Longshou Peak of the Shangqing Sect, I have the right to kill those who disturb the order in the city!" Liu Yuan coldly.

"Woof woof! I'm an idiot, I lose if I lose, and how dare I frame it, you have to be shameless, if I can't stop hitting your legs today, I won't be a dog!" The donkey was furious, and immediately wanted to shoot.

"You are not his match." Zhao Xuanfeng grabbed the donkey.

"Bastard! How dare you talk to me like that, get out of Shenshi City!" Liu Yuan finally became angry with embarrassment, and a cold murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he struck out without warning, and at the same time, there was a gathering of aura on both hands, one palm was thrown at the donkey, and the other palm was thrown at Ye Luo. Almost at the moment when he attacked, the aura suddenly turned into Two terrifying fire dragons!

If he wants to kill someone, it's just two ants. As a disciple of the Shang Qing Sect, even if he kills him, he will only receive some punishment when he returns to the Sect.

"Stop!" Zhao Xuanfeng was startled suddenly, and roared loudly. He never expected that Liu Yuan would dare to make a move in this place!
Ye Luo only practiced one level of qi, and the aura on the donkey's body was also very weak. If these two attacks were carried out, Ye Luo and the donkey would be burnt into coke by the two fire dragons!
However, this attack was very abrupt and divided into two fire dragons. In his haste, Zhao Xuanfeng could only block the fire dragon in front of the donkey. As for Ye Luo, who was a little further away, he couldn't block it at all.

"Liu Yuan, stop!" Even Bizhu yelled coquettishly at this moment, but no matter how powerful she was, she couldn't stop her at this moment.

At this moment, everyone who looked at Ye Luo was surprised at first, and then there was a pity in their eyes at the same time. Even if the luck is against the sky, I am afraid that they will inevitably die today. There is a gap in strength between the first level of Qi training and the eighth level of Qi training , not 01:30.

This is a world where the weak prey on the strong, and ants are too humble after all.

The fire dragon, carrying terrifying power, rushed to Ye Luo in the blink of an eye, and devoured anyone!

(End of this chapter)

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