Chapter 478
The starry sky is boundless, the moon is full of madness, and the full moon seems to be stained with shocking blood, which is already half red.

"The Nine Dragons Coffin is just under the Shenshi City. The Nine Dragons Coffin is suppressing the ancient taboos under the city. The Nine Dragons Coffin was born, and the ancient taboos under the city will also be born. Not good, the ancient heavenly book seals the city. The ancient array is starting. I can't get out!" The face of the stone-cutter old man changed drastically again.

After the words of the old man who cut the stone fell, quietly, standing there for endless time, experienced the ancient times, around the mysterious, huge, and vicissitudes of God's Stone City, there are countless golden light beams that are brighter than stars, carrying mysterious and terrifying coercion , flickering with a strange law of symbols, soaring into the sky!

These beams of light are connected from dots to lines above the ancient Sacred Stone City with a radius of [-] miles, and from lines to planes. In the end, these golden beams form a golden shield like a sky above the entire Sacred Stone City. cover.

On the golden shield, there are terrifying, weird, and vicissitudes of mysterious runes flashing, and even the faint sound of chanting from the golden shield can be heard faintly. The golden shield shuts down the entire God Stone City. in it.

"The ancient heavenly book seals the city formation, it really is so!" The cloudy eyes of the old stone-cutter burst out a frightening and trembling light at this moment, and at the same time, the old stone-cutter's hand, which was as steady as a mountain, finally trembled All of a sudden, there was a touch of dryness in his tone.

"Wow, woof, woof! Damn, it's broken! This is going to kill Qingzong!" The donkey man stood upright, terrified.

In the stone gambling workshop of the Feng family, many people are still in shock, astonishment, and inexplicable panic. What is going on with the ancient heavenly book sealing the city formation, the blood moon, and the taboo things suppressed by the nine dragons in the city?

"Are all the legends true? Ten months ago, on the day of great changes in the world, the Shangqingzong and the ancient god stone city under the Shangqingzong mountain were born at the same time.

At the beginning, on the day when Shenshicheng was born, there was no one in the city, and it was dead silent. It seemed that some horrible changes had happened. When the people of the Shang Qingzong first entered Shenshicheng, they had a good impression of this one of the most prosperous gods in the world in the past. , checked, and initially did not find any abnormalities.

However, in the few days after taking over the huge Shenshi City, every midnight, there will be mysterious visions in the city, and even ancient ghosts will appear.

About five days later, this incident alarmed a Supreme Elder of Shang Qingzong who had survived in ancient times and was powerful against the sky. This Supreme Elder of Shang Qingzong invited out of Shangqing Zong The Excalibur Excalibur, which had killed the Supreme Being and suppressed the forbidden zone of life, entered the depths of Shenshi City.

In the end, under the city, I found a mysterious, terrifying, and huge underground palace. In the underground palace, there were countless unsurpassed formation patterns. The Kowloon coffin that has never been obtained!

Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin is located in the pattern pattern of that underground palace, and that great formation is full of killing intent, even the Supreme Elder of Shang Qingzong can't get close to it.

Afterwards, the Supreme Elder of the Shang Qing Zong deduced the pattern of the underground palace and the coffin of the Nine Dragons in it, using the supreme magic of the Shang Qing Zong - deduction of the Holy Art, and then consulted countless ancient books , after joint research with several other hermit elders of the Shang Qingzong, it was finally determined that under the underground palace, there was the most terrifying taboo in ancient times.

The Nine Dragons Coffin is a taboo under the suppression of the underground palace!
The pattern of killing intent in the underground palace is nothing more than some law pattern derived from the body of the coffin after Jiulong pulled the coffin to the ground, the purpose is to prevent outsiders from approaching.

Moreover, several elders of the Shang Qingzong finally came to another reassuring conclusion, that is: Jiulong coffin has suppressed the underground palace for tens of thousands of years. Judging from the situation at that time, Jiulong coffin can still be suppressed. The underground palace has been suppressed for tens of thousands of years.

As long as there is no change in the Nine Dragons Coffin, it will be suppressed forever, and Shenshi City is also safe.

And the only thing that can trigger the movement of Nine Dragons pulling the coffin is the rumored Blood Moon!
However, the blood moon has only happened once in the endless historical records, and the probability of destruction is lower than that of the world. Therefore, according to the final judgment, it is very safe for Shenshi City.

If the blood moon does not come out, the Nine Dragons will pull the coffin and suppress the underground palace forever.

It is because of this that Shang Qingzong will really take over Shenshi City, and because Shenshi City has been the most prosperous monk god city in the Eastern Wasteland since ancient times, and gambling stones is its most distinctive thing, and it is also in Shangqingzong. At the foot of the mountain, Shenshi City has regained its former prosperity in just a few months.

However, no one thought that the blood moon, which would not occur once in 10 years, would actually appear. I am afraid that even the supreme being alive would not be able to predict such a change! "An old man with a look of memory on his face and shock and disbelief in his eyes.

"The appearance of this blood moon means that the coffin of Nine Dragons is about to be born, and in the underground palace, the forbidden thing that has been sealed for an unknown number of years is about to come out?" A monk swallowed and asked with difficulty. said a word.

"That's right! Once the taboo comes out, God Stone City will inevitably become a dead city, and everyone will die!" The old man trembled.

"What! Then run quickly and get out of the city!" At this moment, all the people in Gambling Stone City who heard these words were terrified.

"I can't get out anymore. After Shang Qingzong took over Shenshi City, in addition to discovering the Nine Dragons Coffin, he also discovered the ancient Tianshu Sealing Formation. According to the Supreme Elders of Shang Qingzong, there must have been The existence of the supreme level against the sky also discovered the suppressing seal under the city. That supreme seems to have insight into something.

Moreover, this supreme existence against the heavens obtained the second volume of the Heavenly Book, the Heavenly Formation Volume!

He used the entire [-]-mile Shenshi City as the foundation of a large formation, carved countless patterns of the heavenly formation, and even used the laws of the second volume of the heavenly formation in the most core position to build a supreme weapon. , a large formation that cannot be breached, that is, the ancient heavenly book sealing the city formation!

And the function of this ancient heavenly book seal city array is just in case, if the blood moon that has only appeared once in the ages really appears, if the nine dragon coffin appears, and the sealed taboo thing is born, then this ancient heavenly book seals the city. Formation, it will become the second seal, locking the taboo things in the city of God Stone, and not letting them go out!

Once the ancient heavenly book sealing array is activated, nothing in the city can go out, even if the strength is against the sky, they still can't go out, so as to trap the forbidden things in the city and serve as the second seal. "The old man spoke again.

In the Gambling Stone Workshop, the faces of all the people changed!
Even the donkey's face changed drastically.

"The mysterious and terrifying mask with mysterious runes just now is the ancient heavenly book sealing the city formation? Has it been activated? We are all trapped to death?" A powerful monk's face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of panic.

"Didn't Shang Qingzong put people to death? Why didn't they make all this information public? For the benefit of a sacred stone city, they hid it all?" There are powerful monks, fearful There was also a look of anger on Zhong's face.

At this time, not only Gambling Stone Workshop, but also the huge Shenshi City with a radius of [-] miles has fallen into terrible fear, and this fear is spreading among countless monks, strong or weak, in the city.

In the Stone Gambling Workshop, Ye Luo was also shocked.

However, what shocked Ye Luo even more was that since the appearance of the blood moon, the mysterious bead on his neck has been emitting a scorching temperature, and Ye Luo even faintly heard some kind of longing from the bead.

The blood moon appears, Zhuzhu seems to be longing for something to come!
(End of this chapter)

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