Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 479 Blasphemy the Fairy

Chapter 479 Blasphemy the Fairy
The endless fear in Shenshi City spread like a plague.


When Ye Luo was in a state of shock, there was a sudden sharp pain on his shoulder, as if he was hit by something hard, Ye Luo suddenly turned his head, and saw a donkey's hoof on his shoulder.

"Woof, woof, woof! Hurry up and follow me!" The donkey glanced at the half-red blood moon, lowered his voice, and looked anxiously.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Wang! Get out of the city!" the donkey said while pulling Ye Luo, and pulled Ye Luo out forcibly.

"The ancient Heavenly Book Sealing Formation has been activated. Even if the terrifying taboo is born, it will not be able to break through the formation. Do you have a way to get out?" Ye Luo wondered.

"Woof, woof! Damn, if the emperor can go out, I will pull you to dry the wool? Damn, you can go out! Don't talk about it, hurry up and go with the emperor. Once the suppressed things in the city are born, everyone will be scared." If you die, this city will become a dead city." Anxiously, the donkey pulled Ye Luo towards the outside of Gambling Stone Workshop, keeping his voice low.

"Can I go out?" Ye Luo froze for a moment.

"Fuck, right now, in the whole city, even Da Neng can't get out, woof! If you can get out, stop talking nonsense and go with me." The donkey dragged Ye Luo.

"Why?" Ye Luo touched the hot ancient characters on his neck, a little stunned.

"Woof, woof, woof! There are seven volumes in the heavenly book, and they are the most mysterious things between heaven and earth. They are integrated with each other. This ancient heavenly book seals the city, and even the forbidden things that are against the sky cannot break out of the formation." Great array, but you are different, what you practice is the swallowing volume of the seven volumes of the heavenly scriptures.

Even in this magnificent and unprecedented era, you are the only one who can get the heavenly book. All the worlds are lacking, and this ancient heavenly book seal city formation also has its only flaw.

That is to say, those who practice the Heavenly Book can come in and out freely, and can lead people in and out according to their cultivation level. With your current strength, you can bring three or four people out. "The donkey said anxiously.

"Really?" Ye Luo was shocked.

"Wow, woof, woof, of course it's true, hurry up, find a place where no one is around, and get out, you won't be able to get out if it's too late." The donkey looked at the half-stained blood again moon.

Hearing this, Ye Luo paused, looked at Zhao Xuanfeng suddenly, and asked hurriedly, "Do you know where the Tianhe Inn is?"

"Ah! Tianhe Inn? I know, in the east of the city, why are you asking this?" Zhao Xuanfeng was also shocked, seeing Ye Luo's sudden question, he was taken aback.

"Come on, take me to the Tianhe Inn, my niece is still in the city." Ye Luo was also anxious, ignored the donkey, grabbed Zhao Xuanfeng and walked out.

When he first left the Styx restricted area, he had already learned about Chu Xiaohuan from the mouths of the two monks who wanted to capture Chu Xiaohuan, Yang Ying and Zhou Xiaoyu as gifts for Huo Aotian. The three of them are now in the Tianhe Inn in Shenshi City.

"Woof, woof, woof! What time is it? Why are you saving people?" The donkey was anxious, but Ye Luo had already dragged Zhao Xuanfeng out and hurriedly explained as he walked. I can only keep up anxiously.

The two donkey thieves were panicked and at a loss. At this moment, they didn't have the heart to follow the donkey.

The gambling stone workshop was in chaos, the god stone city was in chaos, and the whole city was in chaos.

However, some powerful thousand-year-old aristocratic families, ancient sects, and even some holy places, places where terrifying and powerful forces such as unknowable places are stationed, still have the proper order and there is no chaos.

Some powerful and mysterious figures of these powerful forces temporarily issued emergency orders to control their own monks. The powerful forces that have been passed down for countless years have a profound and mysterious background.

In times of crisis, the background of the major forces is fully revealed.

Above the sky, there was another trace of the blood moon dyed red.

In Ye Luo's pocket, the little fairy bridge beast and the little paper figurine were looking at the starry sky, and the little paper figurine asked, "Xiaoqiao, will your father come?"

Xiaoxianqiao Beast was stunned, and said, "I don't know, where did Liu Shui, the red embroidered shoes and those six little paper figurines go, and how did they disappear?"

Shenshi City was in chaos and the streets were congested. It took a full three hours for Ye Luocai to be taken from Gambling Stone Workshop by Zhao Xuanfeng to Tianhe Inn. I don't know what to say.

After Zhao Xuanfeng brought Ye Luo to the Tianhe Inn, he left in a hurry, because the jade badge on his waist also vibrated seven times in a row, and he was summoned by the Taixuan Sect. The Taixuan Sect also has its own The place where they are stationed, and it is near the Tianhe Inn.

Ye Luo couldn't care less, asked Zhao Xuanfeng's address, wanted to take Zhao Xuanfeng out together, and then rushed directly to the Tianhe Inn.

Tianhe Inn is a high-end inn in Shenshi City. It is very large in scale. Even, on the exquisite ancient building of the inn, there are mysterious guardian patterns exuding spiritual fluctuations.

Ye Luo rushed towards the inn. However, when he rushed to the door, two guards at the door stopped him. However, the two guards were a little strange. They were wearing light blue clothes, and, On the chest, the word Loulan is embroidered.

Ye Luo rushed in, but was stopped directly.

"Who are you?" The guard on the left stopped Ye Luo with a powerful aura bursting out from his body. It seemed that his strength was at the seventh level of Qi training, and a mere door guard had the seventh level of Qi training?
Ye Luo's eyes narrowed sharply, the world has changed drastically, countless hidden powers and important figures have been born one after another, this Tianhe Inn has only two guards, and the realm has reached the seventh level of Qi training, I am afraid this inn is not simple.

The most important thing is that Shenshi City is already in chaos, but there is no chaos in this inn.

Ye Luo didn't force his way.

"I'm looking for someone. Are there three little girls named Chu Xiaohuan, Yang Ying, and Zhou Xiaoyu living in your inn? Please let me know." Ye Luo asked.

The faces of the two guards couldn't help but change when they heard the three names. The guard on the right had a look of caution on his face, and said, "Who are you? Why are you looking for the three fairies from our Loulan Holy Land?" .”

"Holy Land of Loulan? Fairy?" Ye Luo was stunned, but before he had time to ask carefully, he said, "I am their Uncle Ye, please inform them quickly and tell them that Ye Luo is coming, and tell them to come out quickly."

"It's nonsense. The whole Loulan knows that Uncle Ye, the three noble fairies, was buried in the Forbidden City of Styx when the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure was born, and a grave has already been erected. Ant monk, dare to pretend to be the relatives of the three noble fairies, it is a blasphemy to the three fairies, who gave you such courage!" The guard on the right yelled loudly, bursting with murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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