Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 480 I Am Ye Luo

Chapter 480 I Am Ye Luo
The blood of the full moon is half full, the starry sky is endless, in front of the Tianhe Inn.

Faced with the vigilance and murderous intent of the guard on the right, Ye Luo couldn't help being stunned.

dead?He also got a grave for himself and erected a tombstone?

How did Chu Xiaohuan, Yang Ying and Zhou Xiaoyu become the fairies of Loulan Holy Land, and now they say that they are Ye Luo, and the guard thinks they are dead relatives pretending to be fairies, so they want to attack themselves?
So much information rushed into Ye Luo's mind, even Ye Luo didn't turn around for a while.

"Woof woof! Damn it, are you two stupid? Isn't this a waste of time? Stare your dog eyes wide, it's not Ye Luo who is it?" The donkey who followed, Zheng was anxious, but when he saw two guards blocking him, he couldn't help being furious.

However, a hint of bewilderment flashed across the donkey's anxious eyes. The donkey had never seen Chu Xiaohuan before, and only then did he learn from the guard that Ye Luo's niece was the ancient and mysterious Lou Lan. Fairies of the Holy Land!
The donkey went on to say: "Wow! Damn it, two guards in the district, even the relatives and uncles of your holy land fairies dare to stop you. Who gave you the courage to bear the heart and leopard? Don't you know that the fairies are in the holy land?" Is it a lofty status? Don’t you know that this emperor is the eldest brother of your fairy’s uncle?”

"What is Loulan Holy Land?" Ye Luo turned his head and asked the donkey hastily.

"Compared to Emperor Qingzong," the donkey said.

"What!" Ye Luo's eyes shrank fiercely again.

Chu Xiaohuan, Yang Ying and Zhou Xiaoyu's level and background, no one knows better than Ye Luo, two junior high school students, one high school student, except for Chu Xiaohuan who has experienced killer training, the other two are almost all The little girl has nothing to do with cultivation at all. How could she become a fairy in the Holy Land of Loulan, who is comparable to Qingzong?
What are these three kids doing?
"You don't even know about our Loulan Holy Land, and you dare to pretend to be our fairy's dead uncle, heh! I think you are tired of working, get out of here, or I will break your legs and throw you out!" Left The guard at the side also had murderous intent in his eyes.

"What did the donkey say just now, saying that this person is the uncle of the three fairies? It's really audacious. Ye Luo, who has died, is not the uncle of our three fairies at all, but our three fairies are kind-hearted and have always kept him Treat him like an uncle, every year and festival, he will burn paper to worship, even if he doesn't know his identity, you want to pretend to be?" The guard on the right, with the powerful aura in his hand, has already begun to gather.

It seems that if this mischievous man and donkey don't leave, they will be killed directly!

"Wow, woof, woof! Damn, you're not a kiss? Why are you pretending not to be a kiss? Go, go quickly!" The donkey looked at Ye Luo in astonishment.

"No, it's such a time, it doesn't matter if you kiss or not, well, I'm really Ye Luo, you just inform me, don't do anything, since Chu Xiaohuan is your fairy, then we are My own son, just do it.

What, the blood moon is about to be full, don't worry, call out how many of you there are, for the sake of your respect to the three fairies, I will take you all out of this city, hurry up! " Ye Luo said urgently.

"Boy, do you really don't want to live? After pretending to be the noble uncle of our fairy, now you dare to talk nonsense, saying that you can get out of this god city?" The guard on the left took another step forward.

"I know the purpose of this kid. Perhaps, he has heard some rumors that the supreme power of our Loulan Holy Land is discussing with several other powerful figures against the sky. This kid is trying to pretend to be , and then go out with us." The corner of the guard on the right was cold.

"What the hell are you dripping? Don't talk nonsense, call someone for me." Ye Luo was impatient and wanted to force her way in, but when she was about to force her way in, Ye Luo suddenly opened her throat, pumped up her blood, and went straight to the door. Looking at the Tianhe Inn, he yelled: "Chu Xiaohuan, Yang Ying, Zhou Xiaoyu, come out quickly, I'm Ye Luo!"

Ye Luo's roar was astonishing, the majestic blood energy turned into sound waves, the sound was astonishing and terrifying.

The bodies of the two guards were shaken by the huge sound wave, and their ears roared.

The two guards were shaken by the huge sound wave, their ears roared. With Ye Luo's current strength, if he really wanted to do something, even Liu Yuan, a monk who practiced eighth levels of qi training, could blow him up with one punch. Ye Luo could easily knock down a mere Qi-practicing seventh-level monk.

It's just that the Loulan Holy Land is mysterious and terrifying, and even the two guards are at the seventh level of Qi training. In addition, they always call Chu Xiaohuan and the other three fairies, with respectful expressions, Ye Luo didn't do anything to them.

"Shut up! Our inn in the Holy Land of Loulan, how can you allow a counterfeit to disturb the tranquility? It seems that if you don't interrupt your dog legs, you won't leave!" Yes, he punched Ye Luo directly, and his aura surged.

"Stop!" At this moment, a soft shout came from Tianhe Inn.

"You have saved your life, kid!" The guard on the left stopped his hand an inch in front of Ye Luo's nose, and stopped suddenly. Then, the guard turned around, and when he looked at the person, his expression changed drastically, and he blinked fiercely. Respectfully, he bowed his head and said, "Master Yu, this person pretends to be Fairy Chu Xiaohuan's deceased uncle, and came to our place to make a big fuss. I'm chasing him away."

Take a life?The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched, and silently withdrew the terrifying punch that was about to be thrown.

"Uncle pretending to be Xiaohuan?" In the Tianhe Inn, there was a graceful and elegant woman in light blue clothes with a ponytail and a scholarly atmosphere. She was about twenty years old and had a mysterious aura on her body. Walked out the door.

"That, yes, I am Xiaohuan's uncle. What, can you inform me? When someone comes out, the truth will naturally come to light." Ye Luo felt that from this graceful and elegant woman with a scholarly atmosphere, There was a powerful and mysterious power.

"Bold! It's this time, and you dare to impersonate!" The guard on the left wanted to strike again, but before the woman opened her mouth, he stopped abruptly. He was extremely respectful to the woman. , even awe.

"Call Yang Yu to come and identify." The woman looked at Ye Luo, her voice was calm and gentle, she said something to a person in the door behind her, then she looked at Ye Luo and said, "I am Chu Xiaohuan, Yang Yu and Zhou Xiaoyu's master, Concubine Yu."


Ye Luo was stunned!

What surprised Ye Luo even more was that this woman just said, who is she calling, Yang Yu?Isn't Yang Yu the young woman doctor at the No.1 People's Hospital in Nanjiang City?she is here too?

"Boy, you are waiting to die, you dare to impersonate!" The guard on the left was waiting for Ye Luo, with awe-inspiring killing intent!
(End of this chapter)

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