Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 502 Red Embroidered Shoes Shot

Chapter 502 Red Embroidered Shoes Shot

On the bead, the blood light suddenly appeared.

The light, like dark red blood, flowed directly from the beads, and actually penetrated Ye Luo's clothes and flowed out.

Ye Luo's face changed slightly.

Originally, everyone was shocked and confused about how Ye Luo passed through the powerful array pattern of the Holy Child of Moyue to get the Xingyue Spirit Tea. At this moment, all eyes were on Ye Luo at this moment.

Suddenly seeing the blood on Ye Luo's body, the disciples of the major holy places and sects couldn't help being shocked again.

Ye Luo pushed all the extremely precious Xingyue Lingcha to Chu Xiaohuan and the others. After that, without waiting for anyone to speak, he turned around and walked out of the crowd as quickly as possible.

Moreover, Ye Luo grabbed the beads around his neck and covered all the bloody red light.

Most of the monks only felt a mysterious red light flashing past Ye Luo's body. Before they could see clearly, Ye Luo's figure had already left quickly like an afterimage.

"Uncle Ye, what are you doing?" Chu Xiaohuan yelled in amazement, drank the spirit tea that Ye Luo handed over in one gulp, turned around and chased after her, Yang Ying and Zhou Xiaoyu did the same thing almost at the same time.

Most of the disciples onlookers were still in astonishment, but there were also a few figures who quietly chased after Ye Luo as he ran out.

"That trash, why did you run? What is that flashing red light on his body?" Someone wondered.

However, Ye Luo's speed was extremely fast. When most people reacted, Ye Luo's figure had disappeared under the night and rushed into the intricate streets and alleys of Shenshi City.

"Hey! Why is the Holy Son of Mo Yue gone? Wasn't he still there just now?" Someone was surprised.

Chu Xiaohuan, Yang Ying and Zhou Xiaoyu followed Ye Luo closely. However, after a few minutes of chasing, they were surprised to find that with their powerful strength of seven or eight levels of Qi training, they had lost Ye Luo!
Ye Luo's speed was even faster than them, and they chased Ye Luo away at the corner of an alley.

"Ye, Uncle Ye, why are you running so fast?" Yang Ying gasped, her face flushed, a little surprised.

"Why did Uncle Ye run away?" Zhou Xiaoyu was surprised and confused.

Chu Xiaohuan frowned, and said: "I heard from Master that the physical strength of body-training monks is far stronger than that of Qi-training monks, and their speed also takes advantage. However, Ye Luo didn't practice Tiandaoquan. I can only stop at the fifth level of body training, why do I feel that this speed is too much?"

"Before the world changed drastically, wasn't Uncle Ye a combat doctor? Could he be trained at that time?" Zhou Xiaoyu guessed.

"What's that red light on Uncle Ye's body? By the way, there are formation lines that even Monk Daokong couldn't pass through before. Why is Uncle Ye walking on flat ground?" Yang Ying also gasped and wondered.

"This guy, when you come back, you have to ask him carefully." Chu Xiaohuan frowned.

"I'm a bitch, what are you three running around like, why don't you just stay in the Holy Land of Loulan?" Just when Chu Xiaohuan and the others were shocked and puzzled, a bronze figure quietly appeared in the alley.

When the bronze man saw these three little lolitas, he had a headache and his face turned bitter, but when he was in the western suburbs cemetery, under extremely accidental circumstances, extremely cheating, and unconsciously, he signed a life and death master-servant agreement. The contract binds lives together, and now, as the number one coward in the past...

In order to be safe, the bronze man led the three of them into the Loulan Holy Land, but it never occurred to them that after a few months, the Loulan Holy Land sent three little lolis out to practice again.

Moreover, it was unlucky to encounter a blood moon that would not occur once in 10 years.

"Hey! Uncle Qing, you came at the right time. Hurry up and help us find Ye Luo. This guy didn't know if he had taken the wrong medicine, so he ran away for no reason." Seeing the bronze man appearing, Chu Xiaohuan's eyes immediately widened. one light.

"What are you looking for, go back quickly, the temple is about to collapse, the underground palace is about to come out, I'm a bitch, I don't even have a safe master." The bitterness on the bronze man's face became more and more serious.

"Why?" Chu Xiaohuan was stunned.

"The shoes are here." The bronze man glanced at the starry sky.

"What shoes?" Zhou Xiaoyu was curious.

"Red embroidered shoes, don't ask so many questions, go back quickly, something big is about to happen, based on my calculations, people from all major forces are about to take action.

Hurry up and return to Loulan Holy Land. As the younger generation of genius seed disciples, the Holy Land will not let you take risks. Most likely, it will take you back to the Tianhe Inn. It is safe with the protection of the Holy Land array. "Bronze took one with each hand, turned around and dragged away.

"No, Uncle Ye is still in this city." Chu Xiaohuan said anxiously.

"That's right, find Uncle Ye first, and bring Uncle Ye back together, otherwise, Uncle Ye is only on the fifth level of physical training, even if he can run fast, if he encounters any danger, he doesn't even have the ability to fight back, so that's no good." Always timid It is rare for Yang Ying to persevere once.

"I'm a bitch, this city is so big, how can I find it?" The bronze man had a headache and was anxious at the same time.

"Anyway, I don't care. If I can't find Ye Luo, I won't go back." Chu Xiaohuan was serious, and Zhou Xiaoyu and Yang Ying expressed the same attitude almost at the same time.

Seeing the three little lolitas expressing their opinions at the same time, the bronze man's expression became more and more bitter. Then, it glanced at the sky. In the sky, a red embroidered shoe was swaying. Under the embroidered shoe, one of the little paper figurines , wrote an ancient character in the air.

That ancient character is impressively: .

The true meaning of this ancient character, the Dui Gua in the gossip, the ancient character blood color, lingers in the air for a long time.

Seeing this, the bronze man was startled, and said, "I'm a bitch, I'm scared to death, how can I do this, I have to do it now?"

Then, the bronze man's face became more and more anxious, and he said: "I have something urgent, I have to leave, you three listen, the next thing I say is very important, this is the astrolabe, you take it, use this , you can find Uncle Ye, how to use it, you can inject spiritual energy into the astrolabe, and you will know.

However, after finding you Uncle Ye, you must remember to go back to the Tianhe Inn in Loulan Holy Land immediately, it is safe there, and I will look for you again in about three hours. "

The bronze man handed a rusty compass that exudes a mysterious and ancient atmosphere to Chu Xiaohuan. At the same time, he handed a bronze plaque that looked like a token to Yang Ying, and then said: " This sign must be kept well, and in case of a real life-and-death crisis, you must remember to pour spiritual energy into this bronze plate, I sensed it, and it will definitely appear immediately."

After the words fell, above the starry sky, the little paper figurine under the embroidered shoes wrote a second ancient character: .

The ancient symbol in gossip, Kan Gua!

"I'm a bitch, this is life-threatening, and the debt of favor is hard to repay." The bronze man's face became more and more bitter, and then his body shook, and he said: "Remember, if you find you Uncle Ye, you must go back to the Tianhe Inn , there is danger, we must activate the bronze token!"

The bronze man's words fell, and his body suddenly disappeared strangely. The next moment, the bronze man appeared in the starry sky, the red embroidered shoes swayed, and the little paper man wrote the third ancient character: .

(End of this chapter)

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