Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 503 Suppression of the Holy Son

Chapter 503 Suppression of the Holy Son
The bronze man looked at the ancient symbols in the gossip, and three of them had already appeared. With a bitter face, he said, "Have you really thought about it? Why don't you leave me for this matter, and you can do it with someone else, aren't you?" Said that the dead dog turned into a donkey and is now in the city, how about you look for it?"

However, the red embroidered shoes did not respond.

The face of the bronze man became more and more bitter.


God Stone City.

Ye Luo took advantage of the intricate streets and alleys in Shenshi City, as well as the speed of his body like an afterimage, to quickly get rid of all the people following him.

Ye Luo didn't stop until he stopped in a remote and quiet alley.

Ye Luo looked around vigilantly, and took out the beads on his neck. The blood-red light flowed on the original green beads, and within the beads, a vague pattern appeared.

"What's going on?" Ye Luo muttered to himself.

Ye Luo carefully observed the pattern in the bead, and found that in the blurred shadow of the pattern, there was a mysterious, ancient, terrifying, and powerful imprint of the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin.

Moreover, Ye Luo could vaguely see the back of a woman in the pattern.

Except for the people, the scene in the pattern in the beads seems to be in a horrible cemetery, thousands of miles away, the blood stained the ground, and the ghost fog is like smoke. It seems to be a cemetery in ancient times, showing sadness, tragedy, loneliness, and ending the bleak.

The pattern on the bead seemed to be still changing. Then, Ye Luo saw a black-covered boat, and above the lantern on the prow of the black-covered boat, there was a pattern that seemed to be crying but not crying, smiling but not smiling.

Then, the pattern was still changing, but the red light on the beads became more intense, covering up the pattern imprint emanating from the pillar.

"Is this pattern witnessed and carved by Zhuzi?" Ye Luo was shocked.

The red light on the bead is almost exactly the same as the one on the blood moon, mysterious, terrifying, ancient, the blood light becomes more intense, and the flickering patterns in the bead seem to be some ancient and mysterious scenes that once existed in the endless river of history.

The blood was so thick that it buried all these scenes.

However, just when the blood light on the bead was the most intense, Youran, the blood light shook a little, and even a gap opened, and Ye Luo saw a clear pattern through the gap.

In this pattern, what is depicted is the historical God Stone City.

Above the pattern, the God Stone City is prosperous, with eight hundred miles of city walls engraved with the pattern of the Great Emperor, a ten-mile long street, where powerful monks walk freely, mysterious gambling stone workshops are everywhere, and all major forces have their camps. It can be described as a prosperous city.

From the pattern, you can feel that it was a splendid prosperous age.

However, the other half of the pattern has a sharp change in style. Many monks in the city seem to have lost their minds, and they frantically kill, fight, and bite people when they see them, and the normal monks who have been bitten are also in the blink of an eye. , turned into something terrifying that also lost its sanity, like a walking dead!
Even some great powers were reduced to terrifying walking corpses after being bitten.

The entire Prosperous God City is like a purgatory on earth.

At the end of the pattern, one can see in the starry sky, under the bright moon, a mysterious, powerful, ancient, and supreme Nine Dragons coffin appears. The dragon corpse is hundreds of feet long, the dragon scales are like black black iron, and the dragon body is as huge as a mountain. The momentum seemed to be able to suppress all living beings, but the ancient bronze coffin was rusty and mysterious, and it fell in Shenshi City.

"No, no, this shouldn't be the end of the pattern. There should be something at the end of the pattern." Ye Luo was shocked and muttered to himself. However, the end of the pattern was covered by red light and he couldn't see clearly.

When Ye Luo got closer and wanted to observe carefully, the red light suddenly changed and seemed to become extremely intense, covering up all the patterns on the beads.

"Why did the beads change like this? What's going on with the scene of Shenshi City in the pattern?" Ye Luo held the beads, his brows were slightly frowned, and he was puzzled.

However, at this moment, the doubt on Ye Luo's face suddenly turned into vigilance, and he turned around suddenly, looking at the end of the alley behind him.

Ye Luo put away the beads, narrowed his eyes fiercely, and said, "Don't hide, come out."

"Huh! You actually found me?" At the end of the alley, a young man in a green shirt, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, walked out slowly with a folding fan in his hand.

This person is obviously the one who made the tea before, the Holy Son of Mo Yue who is worshiped by the younger generation of disciples!

"It's you?" Ye Luo asked.

"It's me, heh, it's getting more and more interesting. Among the disciples of the younger generation, you are the second person who can break my formation. What's more interesting is that the first young generation who can break my formation , It's Huo Aotian." Shengzi Mo Yue shook his folding fan lightly, his sword-browed and star-like eyes were extremely deep, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

Ye Luo frowned, and put away the mutated beads.

But at this time, the Holy Son of Mo Yue continued to say: "According to the rumors, you have always been a waste whose marriage was divorced, and you will always stop at the fifth level of body refining. Tsk tsk, now it seems that the rumors are just rumors after all. I'm curious, how did you practice?
There are only two methods of astral body cultivation, one is to obtain the method of astral body cultivation, and the other is to obtain the swallowing volume of the seventh volume of the heavenly book.

With the spiritual power fluctuations in your body now, there is only a mere level of qi training, which can basically be ruled out. You have obtained the method of astral body cultivation, so there is only one possibility left! "

When Moyue Shengzi said this, his star-like eyes suddenly emitted a touch of soul-stirring light, and he slowly said the last sentence: "You have obtained the rumored, the book of devouring the heavens. !"

Ye Luo's eyes shrank fiercely. Whether it was the beads or the Devouring Scroll of Heavenly Book, they were the biggest secrets in his body. They have not grown up yet, and these secrets must not be known to outsiders.

This time it was really careless.

However, Ye Luo is also vigilant about it. It is essential to fight in front of people in the future. He must find a reason to practice besides the heavenly scriptures. Otherwise, once he makes a move, it will inevitably lead to speculation.

"You know too much." In Ye Luo's eyes, the murderous intent disappeared.

"What's the matter?" Mo Yue Shengzi took another step forward, and then said: "I am very interested in the beads on your body and the seventh volume of the Heavenly Book. You have two choices now, one is to be honest and honest. Really follow me, one is that I will suppress you and take you away."

Ye Luo also took a step forward, and said lightly, "Are you so confident?"

"After you entered this alley, I set up formations at both ends of the alley. Among the younger generation, no matter whether it is a genius of the sect or a holy son of the Holy Land, no one can escape in my formation, let alone , your strength doesn't seem to be that strong yet." The imposing manner on Xingyue Shengzi's body that seemed to sweep the nine heavens suddenly burst out and crushed towards Ye Luo.

(End of this chapter)

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