Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 509 The temple collapsed and the underground palace appeared

Chapter 509 The temple collapsed and the underground palace appeared

Zhao Gang died, killed by one blow.

The world has undergone great changes for ten months. After Loulan Holy Land was born, no one has ever fallen. Zhao Gang was the first genius to fall from Loulan Holy Land, and he died quietly.

At this moment, the disciples of the Holy Land of Loulan felt a sense of crisis inexplicably. In this city, people would really die. Even the mighty Zhao Gang died silently.

Concubine Yu shook her head slightly, and said, "Cultivation is cruel, and you will perish at any time. However, you will go to the underground palace immediately. The matter of Zhao Gang's death will be investigated later."

The irritable middle-aged man didn't say anything more. As a powerful and terrifying figure, he knew the priorities and said, "I must find this man, and he dared to kill my disciple of Tu Yuan!"

The young man with the feather fan and scarf never said a word from the beginning to the end.

In the sacred stone city, there are a total of five powers in the Loulan Holy Land. Under the sudden change, the two stayed at the Tianhe Inn to maintain the formation and reserve the way out. The three powers were in front of the temple. After a brief exchange, they immediately organized Loulan Disciples of the Holy Land, prepare to go to the underground palace.

As for Ye Luo, from the beginning to the end, no one took a second look. Almost no one doubted that it was Ye Luo who killed Zhao Gang. No one believed that he was able to kill Zhao Gang.

Ye Luo is not even suspicious.

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched, his expression was calm, and he didn't speak.

The background of a holy place is very terrifying. In a very short period of time, Loulan Holy Land has already prepared. Walk towards the courtyard of the temple.

The irritable man did not forget Ye Luo, and arranged Ye Luo among the low-level disciples who explored the way.

Ye Luo didn't object. With his left eye, if he was just exploring the way, there would be no danger.

The other major forces also organized their own monks in a very short period of time, entered the courtyard of the temple, and were about to enter the underground palace from the entrance of the temple.

However, during this process, the major forces suddenly received news that the Holy Son of Moyue from Tanggu Holy Land mysteriously disappeared when the blood moon changed.

This news caused waves among the major holy places.

Zhao Gang is only famous in the Holy Land of Loulan, but the Holy Son of Mo Yue is very famous in most of the practice world, and even many younger disciples worship him.

The strength of Mo Yue Shengzi, and the unmatched understanding of the formation are enough to make ordinary geniuses have to look up to.

With such a powerful ability, how could he disappear?

At the beginning, many forces thought it was a rumor, but then, Tanggu Holy Land issued a reward announcement at this time, and anyone who provided any whereabouts of Moyue Shengzi would be rewarded with [-] middle-grade spirit stones!
Later, more news came out that the great power of Tanggu Holy Land was already in Shenshi City, and could not sense the breath of Moyue Shengzi.

The amount of reward offered was huge, and the major forces were shocked.

However, although they were shocked, the major forces were not in chaos. They just stepped up their guard. When the blood moon appeared, the order in Shenshi City was already very weak, and no one knew what would happen.

Among the low-level disciples of the cannon fodder in the Holy Land of Loulan, Ye Luo still kept a low profile and didn't say a word, inconspicuous at all.

"Crack clap-"

Just as the various holy places, thousand-year-old families, and people from other forces surrounded the temple above the underground palace one after another, the ancient and huge temple suddenly collapsed at this moment, like a house in disrepair.

The temple collapsed and the earth began to tremble.

"Ah! Nine, Nine Dragons will not pull the coffin out, will it?" Some monks were shocked.

"Why did this temple collapse suddenly? The things in the underground palace are about to come out?"

The sudden collapse of the temple shocked everyone in the major forces.

After the temple collapsed, in the center of the temple, a huge bottomless crack appeared in everyone's field of vision. The crack was pitch black, and the darkness surged in it, bottomless, as if leading to Jiuyou.

"This is the entrance to the underground palace." At this moment, finally, an old Taoist with white beard and hair, thin figure, wearing a Taoist robe, and a serious face, suddenly said something amidst everyone's shock.

He didn't explain too much. After saying a word, he stepped up and walked directly into the crack.

He opened his mouth, and at this moment, the great powers of the major forces did not even question it. It seemed that all the great powers here knew that old man.

The old Taoist stepped into the cracks in the temple, and his seemingly simple figure was swallowed up by the darkness. Then, among the major forces, there were more than 30 members of Shang Qingzong's party, and almost all of them had powerful and terrifying aura fluctuations. Follow the old man's footsteps and enter the crack.

Ye Luo suddenly saw two familiar figures among these Shang Qingzong people, one was the girl Bi Zhu in the blue dress, and the other was Huo Aotian!

"That old Taoist is Tianxuanzi Taoist of Shangqingzong, right? He is a hidden elder of Shangqingzong. I didn't expect that he is also in Shenshi City. Is the ancient sword of Zhuxian on him?" Finally, Shangqingzong After all the people entered, some people whispered.

"The ancient sword of Zhuxian? How could it be possible to carry that kind of extreme imperial weapon?" Someone shook his head.

"Aren't the major holy places working together to mobilize the ancient sword of Jade Immortals to forcibly open the Nine Dragons coffin in the underground palace? Without the ancient sword of Jade Immortals, how can we open it?" Some people wondered.

No one doubts the power of the major holy places. After the people from the Shang Qingzong entered, the people from the major holy places entered one after another.

Ye Luo has been keeping a low profile among the low-level servants in Loulan Holy Land. He didn't speak, but quietly looked at the major forces around him.

The world has changed drastically, and Ye Luo has always felt that he still knows too little about the world of practice.

It seems that the great powers among the major forces have already negotiated a plan. The collapse of the temple did not cause much impact, and everyone entered along the cracks one after another.

The people of Loulan Holy Land, led by Yu Ji, the violent middle-aged man, and the young man with the feather fan and scarf, stepped into the crack very quickly.

Ye Luo followed the team, and the moment he entered the crack, he felt a chill.

At the same time, the moment Ye Luo stepped into the crack, he suddenly saw that at the entrance of the crack, after the temple collapsed, it fell on the wind lamp on the ground, engraved with a grimace that seemed to be smiling but not smiling or crying. imprint.

Ye Luo froze.

"Go in quickly, the people behind are waiting." A Loulan female disciple behind pushed Ye Luo, and Ye Luo followed the trend and walked completely into the dark cracks in the ground.

However, there was a huge earthquake in Ye Luo's heart. How could there be that imprint on the lantern in the collapsed temple? That imprint was seen by Ye Luo on the black-covered boat in the dry well, and in the phantom in the Styx River. I have also seen it on the Qin boat.

How could there be such a mark in this temple?
Could it be that there is some special connection between the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin in the underground palace and this grimace imprint that seems to be smiling but not smiling or crying?
Ye Luo was puzzled, his body had already stepped into the underground palace.

(End of this chapter)

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