Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 510 Nine Dragons Pull Coffins on the Ancient Altar

Chapter 510 The Kowloon Coffin on the Ancient Altar

When Ye Luo entered the underground palace, there was darkness in front of his eyes.

At the same time, Ye Luo keenly noticed that the beads on his neck, which were originally scorching hot, quieted down quietly the moment he stepped into the underground palace. It seemed that the red light on the beads also quickly subsided.

Zhuzhu has returned to peace.

In the dark crack is an ancient, dark and cold passage that has existed for an unknown number of thousands of years, slanting down, and the bluestone steps of the passage are already covered with moss.

Ye Luo followed the crowd in Loulan Holy Land, keeping a low profile all the time.

The ancient passage was very long, and people from the various holy places walked for nearly two hours before reaching the end. However, at the end of the passage, there was a huge, bottomless abyss.

The powers of the major forces seem to have known about it long ago, and they have already made plans. They acted separately, led by their own powers, and led their disciples, along the treacherous and dangerous mountain road on the cliff, into the abyss .

After an unknown amount of time, I reached the depths of the abyss.

Fortunately, they are all monks, and there were no casualties during the process of going down to the abyss.

However, most of the people in the major holy places have separated and acted alone during the process of descending into the abyss.

Under the abyss, there is a huge, irregular circular canyon. People of all major forces, after stepping down the abyss, can vaguely see that in the middle of the empty, huge and dark canyon, there seems to be an ancient monument standing tall. The ancient altar stood alone in the middle of the canyon.

And around the ancient altar, there are twelve mysterious white jade pillars exuding endless vicissitudes, engraved with mysterious and complex symbols, surrounding the ancient altar according to a strange rule.

The ancient altar is huge, covering an area of ​​nearly a thousand feet!

And on the ancient altar, nine hundred feet long, the body is like cast iron, the body exudes a sense of sternness, and the nine huge dragon corpses that carry the endless majesty of the king, making people want to worship, stand silently.

On Jiulong's neck, there is a huge iron chain extending backward.

At the end of the iron chain is an ancient bronze coffin.

Above the ancient bronze coffin, it was densely covered with patina, and under the patina, there were mysterious and supreme runes, which appeared silently, occupying the center of the nearly thousand-foot ancient altar, exuding an ancient atmosphere that suppressed the ages.

Kowloon pulls the coffin!

At this moment, everyone who witnessed this scene was shocked.

Ye Luo was also shocked. Even the little fairy bridge beast and the little paper figurine in Ye Luo's pocket showed their heads and stared blankly at this scene, completely shocked.


Outside the underground palace, above the sky.

"Why don't you go in, I'm a bitch, I've put in so much effort to make the blood moon appear early, won't you not go?" The bronze man looked at the red embroidered shoes in astonishment with a bitter face, and couldn't help but Open your mouth.

Then, the bronze man turned his head and glanced, his eyes fell on the grimace imprint of a lantern that fell to the ground at the entrance of the underground palace, and then he spoke again, "Is it because of her?"

The red embroidered shoes swayed in the air, as if they were also looking at the imprint of the grimace on the wind lantern that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, or crying but not crying. Then, there seemed to be a sigh on the red embroidered shoes.

"The other shore flower blooms for 10 years and falls for 10 years. The flowers and leaves will never meet." Under the embroidered shoes, a small paper man wrote a line of delicate characters in the starry sky.

Afterwards, the red embroidered shoes turned around, without taking another look at the underground palace, turned and left.

"Hey! Don't go. Although you and her have made an agreement that you will never see each other, this is just a sign of her. According to my observation, she may have never entered this underground palace. You can't because of this. Don't go in, don't you want to open the Jiulong coffin and see what's inside?" The bronze man shouted.

However, the red embroidered shoes seemed to leave without any reaction.

"Hey, don't go, you two knew each other before anyway, how come this is so, why do women make things difficult for women, hey, under the Nine Dragons Coffin, is it the candle that is being suppressed?" The bronze man asked again.

However, the red embroidered shoes have already left.

The bronze man was stunned for a while, and then he had a headache. However, when he was having a headache, he suddenly saw that the gossip imprint originally carved by the red embroidered shoes suddenly shrank, forming a palm-sized pattern.

Then, a little paper figurine floated back and flew into the underground palace with this ancient and mysterious pattern imbued with some kind of mysterious energy.

After a while, the little paper figurine flew back and chased after the embroidered shoe in the direction where it disappeared.

The bronze man was in a daze for a while, and after a while, the bronze man said to himself: "I can't control it anymore, it's none of my business anyway, I have to find a way to get those three little lolitas out of here quickly." Take it out of this city, otherwise, if the things suppressed by Jiulong dragging the coffin come out, it will be really difficult."

The bronze man left and rushed to the Tianhe Inn.

Not long after the bronze man left, a donkey, a fat man with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and Wu Banxian, who used to set up a street stall, arrived in front of the underground palace.

"Woof, woof! Damn it, hurry down, people from all major forces have gone down, Nine Dragons Coffin, what the hell, all the major forces are peaceful on the surface, probably they are secretly peeping at Nine Dragons Coffin, We have to find a way, let them fight after the Jiulong coffin is opened, so that we can fish in troubled waters!" There was a greedy and frightened light in the eyes of the donkey.


Under the canyon, everyone is looking at the Kowloon coffin on the huge and ancient ancient altar in the distance!
In Ye Luo's pocket, the little Xianqiao Beast had already recovered its senses, looked at the little paper figurine, and asked in a low voice, "Why did your sister send you a gossip just now?"

The little paper figurine stretched out his hand, and a gossip like substance was quietly suspended in the little paper figurine's hand, and he wrote with his fingers and replied, "Leave it to Uncle Ye."

Xiaoxianqiao Beast took over the gossip pattern of ordinary substance, and asked in a daze: "What is the use of this thing, what do you give it to Ye Luo?"

The little paper figurine shook his head, carved another line, and said: "My master sent it here. It seems that my master is not coming. Give this thing to Uncle Ye for use. I don't know how to use it."

Xiaoxianqiao Beast was dull for a while, and said: "You should see how to use it first, Uncle Ye probably doesn't understand either."

People from all major forces, after being shocked, finally came back to their senses.

"The area around the ancient altar has a radius of five miles, and it has evolved into a taboo place." Looking at the ancient altar from a distance, in the Holy Land of Loulan, Yu Ji restrained her extremely shocked eyes, and glanced at the venue under the canyon. He spoke with a serious expression.

"Master Yu, what is in the Nine Dragons Coffin?" A female disciple asked.

(End of this chapter)

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