Chapter 511

What is in the coffin of Kowloon?
No one could answer the question of the Loulan Holy Land female disciple.

Under the Wanzhang Canyon, the ancient altar covers a thousand feet. Twelve pillars engraved with mysterious symbols stand around the ancient altar. The Kowloon coffin is placed on the ancient altar, as if it has been docked for endless vicissitudes.


People from all major forces came back to their senses amidst the shock, and after urgent discussions, they had already begun to take action.

The little paper figurine in Ye Luo's pocket was researching and exploring a slap-sized, blood-colored gossip pattern, while the little fairy bridge beast looked blankly from the side.

In the direction of the Holy Land of Loulan, Yuji spoke again, and said: "Ten months ago, people from the Shangqingzong had already been here, and a grand elder of the Shangqingzong had deduced this place. Around the ancient altar, With a radius of five miles, it has evolved into a taboo place.

If you want to get close to the Nine Dragons Coffin, you must pass through this forbidden place with a radius of five miles. When the people of the Shang Qingzong came here, the blood moon had not yet appeared, and under the Nine Dragons Coffin, suppressed A taboo sacred object in ancient times. Therefore, in order not to disturb the situation here, the members of the Shang Qingzong never entered this forbidden place with a radius of five miles at that time. "

"That's right, this also means that all major forces must rely on their own deduction and experimentation to find a way to the Kowloon Coffin. The distance of five miles is very short, but here, it is possible to step by step. Bloody." A total of three powerful men came to Loulan Holy Land, the young man with feather fan and scarf finally spoke his first words after arriving.

"Junior Brother Zhuge, let's start the deduction. You come to the deduction and let a few disciples who explore the way try to walk the way you deduced to verify whether it is feasible." The irritable middle-aged man also said something.

The mysterious youth in the feather fan scarf nodded slightly.

All major forces within a five-mile radius basically use the same method, that is, deduced by the supreme power of terror, and the low-level cannon fodder disciples who explore the way walk experimentally. If the calculation is wrong, then the low-level cannon fodder disciples will directly die.

In other words, the pathfinders are not low-level disciples at all, but servants of the Holy Land.

Cannon fodder whose human life is cheaper than paper.

And Ye Luo, because at the Tianhe Inn, the donkey got on the sacred beast, was included in the ranks of pathfinding disciples at that time, and Ye Luo did not object.

Now, among the nine pathfinders in Loulan Holy Land, there is Ye Luo.

Except for Ye Luo, the other eight pathfinders were all pale and trembling. As lowly servants, in the eyes of powerful and powerful, they had no idea of ​​resistance at all.

However, everyone knows how dangerous this is.

The blood moon is full, and the major holy places have already begun to break into the restricted area.

In the Holy Land of Loulan, the mysterious and powerful young man with a feather fan and scarf quietly made a move, and a black jade chessboard like a galaxy suddenly appeared between his hands.

On the chessboard, there is a mysterious brilliance flowing. Looking from a distance, it makes people feel shocked. On the chessboard, it is like starlight. The mysterious chess pieces are like the trajectory of the stars and the moon, which is extremely mysterious.

When he took out the chessboard, it was like taking out a starry sky.

"Xingyue Chessboard!" In Loulan Holy Land, a disciple burst out in shock.

"The ancient Xingyue chessboard, it is rumored that this chessboard was made by an ancient giant. It can deduce the ultimate law of heaven and earth, and can evolve the supreme magic circle. The owner of the chessboard once survived from the ancient restricted area by relying on this chessboard. , Unexpectedly, the legendary Xingyue chessboard is actually in the hands of Master Zhuge." Another disciple of the Holy Land was also extremely shocked.

The great power of the feather fan scarf, his real name is Zhuge Xi.

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes, looked at the chessboard, and remained silent.

At the same time, Ye Luo closed his right eye, opened his left eye, and looked at the restricted area around the ancient altar with a radius of five miles.

"There is still a lack of avenues. Although this taboo place is murderous every step of the way, there will always be a way out. If you can deduce the real way out, you can reach Jiulong to pull the coffin safely." Loulan Holy Land, the irritable middle-aged man Yes, Tu Yuan said.

Zhuge Xi of the feather fan scarf, after taking out the Xingyue chessboard, said lightly: "Mingyue, Luozi."

After Zhuge Xi's words of the feather fan scarf fell, many people were slightly puzzled.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a young man with a weak crown and ordinary beautiful eyes appeared in a low-key manner next to Master Zhuge. He stretched out his hand and touched a chess piece on the Xingyue chessboard.

He seemed to be very low-key, so low-key that no one seemed to notice his existence before he showed up.

"He is Zhuge Mingyue! Master Zhuge's closed disciple, he is as famous as our Holy Son of Loulan. He even fought against our Holy Son of Loulan half a year ago, and the outcome was undecided.

He has almost never appeared in our Loulan Holy Land, and very few disciples have seen his true face. Unexpectedly, he has followed Master Zhuge all the way to Shenshi City. "Some disciples were even more shocked.

"I thought he was just a servant beside Master Zhuge, but he, he really turned out to be Senior Brother Zhuge Mingyue!"

It seemed that Zhuge Mingyue was very famous in the Holy Land of Loulan. His appearance attracted the attention of almost all the younger generation. The proud girl Qiao Qingxia even showed admiration in her eyes.

Zhuge Mingyue, the peerless genius of the younger generation, touched the Xingyue chessboard with his hand. After a long time, he caught a sunspot and landed on a position on the left chessboard.

"First Pathfinder, enter the formation, take five steps to the left, and then seven steps forward." Ouyang Mingyue said.

There were a total of nine pathfinders, lined up in a line, and Ye Luo was the third. After the Xingyue Chessboard, Master Zhuge, and Zhuge Mingyue appeared, there were several pathfinder servants, and the panic in their eyes dissipated a lot.

Instead, there is a kind of worship.

It seems that above servants of their level, Master Zhuge and even Zhuge Mingyue exist like gods in their hearts.

Zhuge Mingyue opened her mouth, and the first disciple in line, after a little hesitation, stepped into the formation slowly, and the other seven disciples entered the formation one after another at a distance of two steps.

Ye Luo was in the third place, and his heart was a little turbulent. The Holy Land of Loulan really deserved to be a holy place with extremely terrifying background. At least, the first result of their deduction, in his left eye, was a way of life.

The deduction continued. The servants who explored the way walked forward step by step, and other people in Loulan Holy Land followed the disciples who explored the way, and walked in one after another. It seemed to be very fast, and the deduction was also very fast.

The servants who explored the road became more confident as they walked, the fear in their hearts gradually dissipated, and their admiration for Master Ouyang and Ouyang Mingyue became stronger.

Until, when they were two miles away, Ouyang Mingyue spoke again and said, "Three steps to the left, nine steps forward."

The disciple who was the first to explore the way, no hesitation and fear in his heart after hearing the words, and with eyes of admiration, he was about to move forward again.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Luo suddenly shouted at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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