Chapter 512
Ye Luo's voice was abrupt, breaking the rhythm of the rapid advance.

I have walked two miles, and walked three steps. No accidents have occurred within the terrifying five-mile restricted area. People in Loulan Holy Land are also very careful and serious. At the same time, ordinary disciples and servants who explore the road , I also worship Zhuge Mingyue and Master Zhuge more and more.

At this moment, Ye Luo's words were like waves in still water.

Almost at the same time, everyone's eyes were on Ye Luo, who was also among the lowly Pathfinder disciples.

"Trash, who told you to speak?" Tu Yuan, the irritable middle-aged power of Loulan Holy Land, directly reprimanded him for speaking. A terrifying coercion emanated from him. The coercion is released.

"If you go on like this, you may die." Ye Luo said lightly.


All the disciples of the Holy Land were stunned. They had already gone two miles out of five miles, and there were still three miles to go. There was not a single mistake in the process. This trash star actually said at this time that Zhuge Master With Zhuge Mingyue, using the supreme Xingyue chessboard, the calculated result is wrong?
will die?
"Trash, shut up!" Qiao Qingxia, a proud young girl, immediately rebuked her when she saw this.

"It's really not enough to succeed but more to fail. How dare you say that the calculation is wrong. I think this trash is crazy." Some disciples mocked.

"He wouldn't want to show off at a time like this. He's just a waste. Could it be that he wants to show off his poor self-esteem and sense of existence?" Some disciples ridiculed.

Even Yu Ji couldn't help frowning at this moment.

"Time is urgent, let's go, waste, you shut up for me, otherwise, I will kill you directly." Tu Yuan, the irritable middle-aged power, spoke again.

Among the path-finding servants, the servant who walked in the first place also gave Ye Luo an angry look, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, you are paralyzed, how could the results calculated by Master Zhuge and Zhuge Mingyue be wrong, you This trash, is trying to curse me to death?"

The servant also knew Ye Luo's identity, his eyes were full of contempt and contempt, and then he said: "You trash, even I am inferior, you can only stop at the fifth level of body training in this life."

After the servant finished speaking, he didn't pay attention to Ye Luo at all, turned around and walked down according to the direction reported by Zhuge Mingyue, three steps to the left and nine steps forward.

Ye Luo closed his right eye again and opened his left eye.

The forbidden zone with a radius of five miles turned into red, black, and white areas, which appeared in Ye Luo's left eye, and only a very small white area was the real way out.

"I have already dissuaded you, you choose life and death yourself." Everyone's contempt, ridicule, and contempt fell into Ye Luo's eyes one by one.

The servant moved forward, and when he reached the eighth step, his body was suddenly shaken, and his body froze silently.

"Why don't you leave?" a Loulan disciple behind urged.

"Let's go, there is one more step. Brother Zhuge Mingyue said it was nine steps. You have only taken eight steps, and there is one more step." The servant who patted on the second one pushed him.


The moment the second servant in line touched the first person with his hand, the body of the first servant, like a weathered statue that had been shattered, turned into shattered pieces. Breeze, drifting directly.

The first servant to find the way is dead!
It's still so weird, and there's not even a trace of death at all!


Silence as death.

The safety and security of the first two miles has made many disciples secretly relax some caution, thinking that the five-mile restricted area is nothing more than average. Until now, the first disciple who explored the path died so quietly, even When the terrifying and supreme power did not react, everyone's hearts were extremely suspended again.

Even the expressions of the three great powers in Loulan Holy Land changed slightly.

After a few breaths.

Suddenly, someone realized something and looked at Ye Luo.

Then, many eyes turned to Ye Luo.

"You, you just stopped, did you see something, or did you just say it casually?" A handsome Loulan female disciple asked in surprise.

"Why did you stop it just now?" Loulan had far more female disciples than male disciples, and another female disciple also looked at Ye Luo.

"He must have guessed blindly!" For some reason, the proud girl Qiao Qingxia directly came to her own conclusion.

Zhuge Mingyue's hand trembled slightly, she looked at Ye Luo, and said, "How do you know that this step is wrong?"

There was also a strange look in the eyes of the three great experts.

Ye Luo's expression was calm, but his heart was full of turmoil. The mutation in his left eye was one of his powerful trump cards. Like Tianshu and Zhuzhu, it must not be exposed until it grows up.

"Just casually." Ye Luo replied.

Just casually?

No one fully believes it, and no one completely disbelieves it.

Although what he said is correct, Ye Luo's identity is indeed a trash star.

Time was running out, and when Ye Luo spoke like this, the people in Loulan Holy Land didn't ask further questions. However, in the silence of the team, the death of the first person had already cast a shadow.

Before the blood moon incident, as a disciple of the Holy Land, he regarded the lives of ordinary people, even other ordinary low-level monks, as worthless, while he was aloof and his life was precious.Ordinary monks dare not do anything to the noble Holy Land monks.

But now, here, there is a possibility of falling at any time.

Forbidden zone, regardless of anyone's identity.

The servants who explored the path were originally cannon fodder. After the first one died, the second one became the first one, and Ye Luo became the second one.

Master Zhuge and Zhuge Mingyue continue to deduce and move forward.

The footsteps of the second servant obviously lacked the firmness and confidence of the first servant, but were replaced by hesitation and trembling. High-ranking monks would not cherish their lives, but they themselves cherished their own lives.

Even if it's as cheap as worthless, who wants to die.

"When I tell you to stop, you stop and you won't die." Ye Luo looked at the trembling servant, shook his head slightly, and said something.

The servant trembled, and replied with a cry: "Even Master Zhuge can make a mistake. If I listened to you, wouldn't you die faster? Don't talk nonsense, I feel that you are a crow's mouth. Senior brother is walking well, as soon as you open your mouth, he will die."

Ye Luo was speechless.

The team moved forward for another mile, and the ancient altar and the Kowloon coffin were already in sight, and an aura like the ancient prehistoric atmosphere became stronger and stronger.

Ye Luo could even see clearly the dragon scales on the Nine Dragons Coffin!
The major forces are all being deduced by Da Neng, and they are moving towards Kowloon to pull the coffin before the footsteps of the cannon fodder disciples.

Ye Luo's voice also rang out from the silent Loulan Holy Land team at the end of another deduction. He raised his hand and said, "Look, what's ahead?"

(End of this chapter)

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