Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 516 9 Dragon Pulling the Coffin Awakens

Chapter 516 Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin Awakening (3 more tickets requested)
Fingers touched the small bronze cauldron, and the contents in the small bronze cauldron, along Ye Luo's fingers, poured into Ye Luo's body frantically.

Ye Luo's body froze and couldn't move at all. At this moment, Ye Luo was horrified to find that his body could not move at all, and his body, with the influx of things in the mysterious small cauldron, came out. There was a tearing pain.

"If you hear the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening!"

In Ye Luo's mind, there suddenly passed through an ancient character like an endless time, ups and downs for an unknown number of years, and then, with the appearance of the ancient character, the things that got into Ye Luo's body turned into crystal clear one after another, The mysterious symbol with endless Dao rhyme permeated Ye Luo's body bit by bit.

Immediately afterwards, a line of ancient text reappeared in Ye Luo's mind: Forbidden Art, Shadow Clone.

Afterwards, more information emerged in Ye Luo's mind bit by bit. This small cauldron turned out to be the product of a great emperor in the ancient times. When the great emperor was young, he had a heaven-defying ambition. He wanted to create a It is comparable to the supreme forbidden technique in the seven volumes of the heavenly scriptures.

And this great emperor, with the same thoughts, read all three thousand Taoist collections alone when he was young, and then traveled around the world, visiting the world's major holy places, aristocratic families, and borrowing books to read. A hundred years is like a day, and it has never changed.

He has never deliberately practiced in his life, and has been reading all the Taoist scriptures in the world. He has studied, deduced, and speculated. A hundred years later, he read all the scriptures in the last holy place.

At that time, everyone thought he was dead.

However, 700 years later, he walked out of the forbidden area tremblingly, with an even older posture, and he still did not cultivate.

Afterwards, this miraculous old man traveled to the Eastern Wasteland, Yunmeng Swamp, Abyss Forbidden Land, Endless Forest of Monster Beasts, Boundless Mountains of Hundred Thousand Mountains, coexisting with an era, he still did not practice, however, he did not die.

Until, thousands of years later, there was a terrifying change between the heaven and the earth, the turmoil in the restricted area of ​​the abyss, and the supreme taboo creatures, which disrupted that era. This old man stood in front of the endless taboo torrent.

That day, the morning glow filled the starry sky, the old man opened his eyes, and took out a dilapidated kitchen knife from a farmer's kitchen.

After that, he waved his hand and hacked to death a taboo existence whose strength surpassed Almighty.

From the first cut, this old man has not stopped, he has never practiced, but every time he falls, the strength of his body will increase sharply. He started to cut from Zhaoxia, a kitchen knife as a weapon, blood into a sea, strength Climb steadily.

At the time of the middle of the day, there is already a tendency to suppress the eternal.

As the sun sets, the old man proves to be an emperor in the morning and evening, the kitchen knife rolls its blade, and the terrifying abyss turmoil is calmed down in a kitchen knife, causing all peoples to tremble.

The knife starts at sunrise and stops at sunset.


The old man proclaimed the Dao and became an emperor, and he only said two words. Afterwards, he took out a small tripod casually, and carved it in the small tripod with the technique of the supreme emperor. In the evening, the carving ended.

Afterwards, the old man threw the small tripod into the coffin of Jiulong in the starry sky, and then the old man died.

If you hear about it, you will die in the evening!

What the old man has been pursuing in his life is to create a forbidden technique, or divine technique, that is comparable to any one of the seven volumes of the heavenly scriptures.

The old man has accumulated thousands of years, read all the Taoist scriptures, traveled all over the world, and finally mastered a skill.

The technique in the cauldron is a taboo technique created by the old man.

An ancient supreme once said that the technique created by the old man should be listed in the eighth volume of the Heavenly Book.

Ye Luo was shocked, the cauldron technique was still pouring into Ye Luo's body, complex and huge information was still pouring into Ye Luo's body crazily.

In Ye Luo's pocket, the little fairy bridge beast suddenly said to the little paper figurine in a daze: "I've seen that grandpa."

"What grandpa?" The little paper figurine was studying the gossip pattern, a little stunned.

"It's the strange grandfather with the white beard. My father accepted his toll. However, the grandfather seemed to be poor, so he gave my father an earthly copper coin. The strange thing is that my father made an exception and let him pass. He even hugged me." Xiaoxianqiao Beast said in a daze.

Ye Luo's body was still motionless.

In the eyes of outsiders, after Ye Luo touched the small bronze tripod, his body stopped moving, and his expression also froze at that moment, as if he had been petrified.

This scene is like the scene before the disciples of the major forces, when they went the wrong way, died directly and turned into flying ashes.

"Is that trash dead?" Seeing that Ye Luo didn't move or make any sound, someone couldn't help guessing.

"Is he really trash star Ye Luo? Didn't this trash die in the Styx forbidden zone? How did he appear here, and even rush up to the ancient altar?" A powerful female cultivator was puzzled.

"This trash, what is he doing? Could it be Huo Aotian and Ning Cai's prosperous wedding, which will be held on the Longshou Peak of the Shangqing Zong, under the ceremonies of countless powerful forces, this trash's self-esteem has been severely trampled , he wants to fight to the death?" Someone speculated.

"What is this trash doing? How could he pass through the restricted area alive? Is he really dead? What is that mysterious little tripod?" At this moment, everyone was puzzled and shocked.

Among the team of Shang Qingzong, the powerful and mysterious Huo Aotian raised his head quietly, and fixed his eyes on Ye Luo, with a powerful killing intent bursting out from his body, he said sharply: "So it's you! "

"Trash, do you really think that you can defeat me with such a desperate effort? It's just wishful thinking, and the ants still want to defy the sky?" Huo Aotian spoke again, and the breath on his body was like an abyss.

After knowing Ye Luo's true identity, all the major forces were stunned. At the same time, everyone felt that there seemed to be some mysteries about this waste.

The major forces were silent, and several forces continued to exert pressure on the Loulan Holy Land. However, the Loulan Holy Land, as an ancient holy land that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, was not afraid at all.

At the same time, after Ye Luo remained motionless, all the major forces accelerated their deduction and moved closer to the ancient altar step by step.

Donkey, Fatty and Wu Banxian walked in the direction of Shangqingzong, because Wu Banxian did have a son, who was a genius in Shangqingzong, Fatty did not lie back then.

Ye Luo was on the ancient altar, as if petrified, motionless, his figure was humble and insignificant, like dust.

The major forces are moving forward step by step in the frantic deduction.

for a long time.

All the major forces walked fast, and they had already reached five steps in front of the ancient altar. Almost at this moment, the aura of many powerful people rose quietly, and a terrifying vision appeared behind them. Under the coercion, it became a broken powder.


The small cauldron in Ye Luo's hand suddenly fell from Ye Luo's fingertips and landed on the ancient altar, making an ancient crashing sound.

"Crack clap-"

At this moment, on the thousand-foot-old ancient altar, stood the eternal Nine Dragon Coffin, as if he felt something, one of the dragon corpses, which was hundreds of meters long, was cast like iron, and exuded the supreme ancient atmosphere, suddenly opened his eyes. Open your eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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