Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 517 Blood Stained Ancient Altar

Chapter 517 Blood Stained Ancient Altar
In the small bronze cauldron, the taboos were passed down into Ye Luo's body.

Xiao Ding was dim and fell from Ye Luo's hand.

On the thousand-foot-old ancient altar, stood the eternal nine-dragon coffin. As if feeling something, one of the dragon corpses, which was hundreds of meters long, was cast like iron, and exuded an ancient atmosphere, suddenly opened its eyes!

In an instant, there was a dead silence around the ancient altar.

The one who opened his eyes was the leftmost one among the nine dragon corpses.

Its longan eyes are dark, and the mysterious symbols in the depths are like the seeds of time and space that were buried under the Nine Nethers before the ancient times, cold, mysterious, mysterious, terrifying, and vicissitudes!

However, even though it opened its eyes, there was still no trace of life.

Its current state, is it dead or alive?

Is it conscious?
At this moment, whether it is Ye Luo, or surrounding the ancient altar, the peerless geniuses, terrifying big shots, and mysterious powers of the various holy places, or they are quickly approaching along the road that Shang Qingzong walked. The donkey, Wu Banxian and Fatty all looked at the dragon corpse on the far left.

Time seems to freeze at this moment, and the picture seems to be stagnant.

However, only the little fairy bridge beast and the little paper figurine in Ye Luo's pocket did not look at the dragon corpse.

The little paper man looked at Xiaoxianqiao Beast suspiciously, and drew a line of delicate blood-red characters: You mean, you and your father met the owner of the small bronze cauldron a long time ago?What's in that cauldron?
Xiaoxianqiao Beast nodded, was stunned for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Yes, my father once said that Dingzhong is something that can stand shoulder to shoulder with any of the seven volumes of the Heavenly Book, and it seems to be a taboo technique: Shadow clone!"

The little paper figurine was puzzled, and drew another line of words: What is a shadow clone?
Xiaoxianqiao Beast hesitated for a moment, shook its head, and muttered, "I don't know too well, anyway, my father was a little apprehensive. My father once said to himself that maybe that thing shouldn't exist in the world."

Then, Xiaoxianqiao Beast said again in a daze: "The embroidered shoes your master sent, how is your study on the gossip pattern?"

The little paper figurine nodded silently, and drew a line of words: I have studied it, you let Uncle Ye put his hand in his pocket, and then you bite him, dripping blood on the gossip.

Xiaoxianqiao Beast nodded, and through the clothes, poked Ye Luo with its small hand like a pier that had shrunk countless times, and sent a set of messages.

The inheritance in the small cauldron was completely absorbed into the body, the dragon corpse opened its eyes, and Ye Luo was in shock.

Youran, a set of messages sent by the little fairy bridge beast reached Ye Luo's mind: Uncle Ye, stretch your hand in.

Ye Luo didn't think much about it, thinking that the demented little Xianqiao beast just wanted to play around, subconsciously reached into his pocket, and touched the little Xianqiao beast's head.

However, just as Ye Luo stretched his hand in, the little fairy bridge beast opened its small mouth, and took a bite towards Ye Luo's palm, the mouth fell, and blood burst out.

The little paper figurine held the palm-sized gossip pattern, and at that very moment, it pressed directly on Ye Luo's palm.

And the gossip pattern, which was personally depicted by the red embroidered shoes, and the bronze man input some kind of terrifying energy, unexpectedly blended directly into Ye Luo's palm at this moment.

There is also a blood-red pattern on Ye Luo's palm.

Around the ancient altar, the taboo magic circle with a radius of five li trembled slightly at this moment. The magnitude of the tremor was so small that ordinary monks could not detect it at all.

There were only a few powerful and supreme powers, and at this moment, their brows were slightly frowned.

Ye Luo only felt a sudden pain in the palm of his hand, and his whole body was also shaken, and he couldn't help but withdraw his left hand from his pocket.

However, at this moment, among the major forces, a middle-aged powerful man with a terrifying aura from the Long family, when everyone was looking at the dragon corpse on the ancient altar, his eyes were fixed on the dragon corpse all the time. That fell on the small bronze tripod on the ancient altar.

Because of the taboo technique of the bronze small cauldron, when it was passed down to Ye Luo's body, it was kept in a silent state, and no one except Ye Luo knew about it.

The middle-aged man with a terrifying aura from the Long family said in a cold and low voice: "There seems to be something against the sky hidden in this small cauldron, otherwise, why would it appear on the ancient altar? With everyone's attention focused on the Nine Dragons Coffin, this little cauldron belongs to me!"

Word down!

The mighty member of the Long Family suddenly stepped forward in the dead silence, with a terrifying aura emanating from his body, and a giant dragon vision appeared behind him, carrying the aura of destroying heaven and earth, and suddenly went to the Qianzhang Ancient Sacrifice tower.

The man was in the air, and suddenly shot, one palm shot down on Ye Luo, and the other hand directly grabbed the small bronze tripod.

"Dragon Meng Da Neng, he, he wants to snatch the small bronze cauldron!" Finally, at the moment when the Da Neng of the Long Family's golden core stage made a move, a genius from the Holy Land woke up and said something in shock.

"He actually wants to kill Ye Luo directly. Is he worried that Ye Luo will stop him from winning the trip?" A female disciple of the sect was shocked.

"Be careful! Long Meng, stop!" At this moment, Yu Ji suddenly had a powerful aura burst out from her body, and a mysterious vision appeared behind her. She wanted to stop it, but it was still a step too late.

Many female disciples in Loulan Holy Land were almost shocked at this moment.Although Ye Luo is just an astral waste, as the uncle of Zhou Xiaoyu and the others, he has left a deep impression on many people in a very short period of time.

Are you going to die now?
In front of Almighty, a mere astral waste is like an ant!
"Woof, woof, woof! I'm so tired, this bastard is going to die! What the hell, the grandson of the Long family, why is he so shameless, the supreme power of his generation, to attack a junior?" The donkey roared.

"Ye Luo, be careful, stop!" The fat man's eyes cracked!
Wu Banxian also stared, and also shouted: "Long Meng, stop!"

However, it's too late now!

That empty palm from the Long family's palm towards Ye Luo carried a terrifying coercion. With the power of the golden core stage, killing a waste of astral body is easier than crushing an ant.

Even, the powerful members of the Long family all looked at the mysterious little cauldron on the ancient altar at this moment, and they didn't even look at Ye Luo!
Before that destructive palm came, the terrifying coercion had already crushed two of Ye Luo's bones.Due to the strong coercion, blood already flowed out of Ye Luo's nostrils.

In everyone's eyes, perhaps Ye Luo would die without dropping this palm, and many people were ready to sigh.

However, at this moment, Ye Luo's lonely, humble, and small figure raised his hand with difficulty when he was almost dying, and smashed it down towards the powerful palm.

(End of this chapter)

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