Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 518 Nine Dragons Open Their Eyes

Chapter 518 Nine Dragons Open Their Eyes
In front of the powerful palm of the Long family, which was like a vast ocean, the palm that Ye Luo smashed with difficulty seemed insignificant, like dust, struggling ants.

Two palms smashed down and approached.

Thousands of years or just a moment!
Two palms collide!


In Ye Luo's palm, a blood-colored gossip pattern suddenly appeared, and the taboo magic circle with a radius of five miles around the ancient altar trembled again, and this time the tremor seemed to be a little bigger.

A strange force, in an instant, silently flowed into the ancient altar from the taboo circle, and then along the ancient altar, silently flowed into the gossip imprint in Ye Luo's hand.


A deafening sound suddenly appeared.

A figure, like a kite with a broken string, flew upside down from the ancient altar. The person was still in the air, and blood was already flowing from his mouth!
"Hey! This waste star body is so strong, it was not smashed into pieces by a palm, it was just sent flying, and it just vomited blood." A genius of the Holy Land said in surprise.

"No! That's not trash Ye Luo, it's Long Meng, the mighty member of the Long Family who was shot!" In the Loulan Holy Land, a weak female disciple who had always been paying attention to Ye Luo suddenly shouted at this moment.

Everyone woke up, and then they were even more shocked than seeing Jiulong pulling the coffin.Because, when they looked carefully, the person who was shot flying was not Ye Luo, but the terrifying and powerful Long Meng!

The powerful Long Meng of the Long family is more incredible than anyone else.When his palm fell, he suddenly felt that there was an almost destructive and terrifying counterattack from the palm of that trash star.

He vomited blood and flew upside down!

Then, he was uncontrollable and fell directly outside the ancient altar, into the forbidden area of ​​Wuli.

Moreover, the place where he landed was not a life path, but a blood-red death path!

At the same time as he fell, in the taboo area, an invisible and terrifying blood line, as if smelling the breath of flesh and blood, suddenly burrowed towards him.


The inconceivableness in the eyes of the powerful member of the Long family turned into horror in an instant, and the palm of the waste Ye Luo directly blasted him into the taboo death area.

The terrifying dragon-shaped vision on his body reappeared, trying to block the invisible blood erosion in the air.However, it didn't work at all.That silent line of blood actually penetrated into his giant dragon vision.At the same time, more parts got into his body.

"Ah, no……"

At this moment, that terrifying dragon family power struck out again, and a wave of terror that was stronger than before hit down with a palm, and fell on the surrounding ground. In the area where the road was smashed, the boulder was shattered, the ground collapsed, and everything All turned into powder.

However, after this palm, the invisible blood line has completely invaded, and the powerful attack cannot obliterate the invisible blood line in this taboo area at all.

His body froze suddenly.

The giant dragon vision behind him also uttered a mournful cry, shattered, and disappeared.

All the vitality in his body was infected.

His whole body seemed to be turned into a powder statue like a low-level pathfinder monk who stepped into the area of ​​death before.

Silence as death.

A great power who could dominate one side has fallen!

This may be the first powerful figure to fall after the great change of the world!
Among the major forces, countless pairs of eyes watched this scene.There was a big man in the sect whose hands trembled slightly.Even the donkey stood up suddenly at this moment, staring at the scene with his donkey eyes wide open.

After a few breaths.

Countless pairs of pupils turned slowly, turning from the mighty Longmeng who had turned into a powder statue to the lonely figure on the ancient altar, where blood was still dripping from the nose and mouth.

Ye Luo, smashed Da Neng into the air with one palm, causing Da Neng to fall!

It can even be said that Ye Luo killed Da Neng with one palm!

Outside the underground palace, a bloody moon filled the sky, and six little paper figurines carried a red embroidered shoe, which swayed slightly in a corner of the starry sky.

On the ancient altar, Ye Luo gasped.

Then, Ye Luo also looked at his left hand in shock.A bloody gossip pattern, flowing silently, exudes a sense of loneliness, mystery, and vicissitudes.

Earlier, when the little fairy bridge beast bit it, Ye Luo felt a burst of pain, and when he withdrew his hand, he felt a simple message in the palm of his hand, which was transmitted to the depths of his mind.

The scene of the red embroidered shoes and the bronze man depicting and condensing the gossip imprint appeared in Ye Luo's mind. Ye Luo had seen the little paper figurine carrying the embroidered shoes, but he had never seen the bronze man, nor did he know what it was .

Then, another simple explanation appeared: the taboo area with a radius of five miles around the ancient altar was actually a taboo killing array, and the rest of the ancient altars were integrated.Before the Kowloon coffin came here, it was this formation that suppressed the existence of the supreme taboo below.

After the taboo killing formation, a corner was broken, and the aura of taboo creatures leaked out, which immediately triggered the lost ancient times. The city of Shenshi changed drastically. The aura infected by the monks in the city turned into walking corpses and became a dead city.

After the Nine Dragons coffin appeared, the monks who turned the whole city into walking corpses, as well as countless taboos, were all suppressed under the altar again.

And the red embroidered shoes seem to know the original broken taboo killing formation, so they drew this gossip mark at this moment.And the real function of this gossip imprint is to control part of the power of this imprint circle by virtue of this imprint.

Moreover, on the gossip imprint, there is the mysterious energy infused by the bronze man, combined with this taboo killing formation, there is a certain chance that it can retain Jiulong to pull the coffin, and continue to stay here to suppress.

However, the odds are uncertain.

Nine Dragons coffin is too mysterious, even the red embroidered shoes are not fully sure.

These messages flashed quickly in Ye Luo's mind.

Ye Luoming understood.

"The real purpose of the red embroidered shoes depicting this pattern is not to open the coffin of Jiulong. She wants to keep the coffin of Jiulong and continue to suppress it here? Is the forbidden sacred object under the altar really so terrible?" Ye Luo self-mumbling.

Then, Ye Luo said to himself again: "What is in the coffin of the Nine Dragons? The dragon corpse has opened its eyes."

"Ye Luo, how did you do it?" When Ye Luo was talking to himself, the scholarly air of the Holy Land of Loulan was revealed, and the euphemistic and beautiful concubine Yu, the powerful concubine Yu, opened her red lips lightly and asked, even all the monks , even Da Neng wanted to know the answer.

All eyes were on, and everyone was waiting for Ye Luo's answer.

"Crack clap-"

However, everyone has yet to wait for Ye Luo's answer.Suddenly, the first dragon corpse, which was hundreds of feet long, was cast like iron, and exuded an unrivaled ancient atmosphere, opened its eyes.The remaining eight dragon corpses also opened their eyes at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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