Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 519 The Ancient Sword Opens the Coffin

Chapter 519 The Ancient Sword Opens the Coffin
The former trash star body killed Supreme Power with one palm, and the nine dragon corpses opened their eyes at the same time!
Shock and bewilderment, one wave is not calm, and another wave rises again!
Ye Luo didn't answer the bewilderment of the crowd. He killed the Supreme Horror Power with one palm because he used the gossip imprint and the power of the taboo killing array around the ancient altar.

Ye Luo bent down and picked up the small bronze tripod that fell on the ground.

At this time, even though Ye Luo's figure is humble, small, and lonely, and he doesn't have any great power, he dare not even step forward to snatch it easily, let alone some big men, peerless geniuses in the Holy Land.

"What did you use to take advantage of the power of this taboo killing formation?" Finally, at the most urgent time, he was the first to take over Shenshi City. Ten months ago, he found Nine Dragons pulling the coffin. The white, old man in a blue Taoist robe, his cloudy eyes trembled slightly, as if he had discovered something, he opened his mouth to say something.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and then they were shocked, using the power of the taboo magic circle?

The identity of the old man of Shang Qingzong seemed to be very detached. When he spoke, almost no one questioned him.

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed fiercely, and Youran also looked at the old man with white beard and hair and wearing a blue Taoist robe. He actually saw that he used the taboo magic circle?
"Ten months ago, our Shang Qingzong discovered this place. The blood moon did not appear at the time. In order not to disturb the formation pattern here, we did not break into this taboo circle.

However, they have also conducted research on this taboo formation. However, even a powerful formation elder in the sect has never researched its true formation law, let alone Said to control the use.

how did you do it? "The old man looked calm and spoke again.

Ye Luo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his expression was serious, his body was tense, the old man's calm eyes seemed to have a feeling that he was going to see through him, which made Ye Luo very uneasy.


At this moment, before Ye Luo could open his mouth, behind Ye Luo, on the ancient altar, stood the eternal Nine Dragon Coffin. After opening the eyes of nine huge dragon corpses that seemed to come from the wilderness, they started to move.


The nine dragon corpses moved, pulled the black iron chain, and slowly rose. The nine dragon corpses opened their eyes and woke up, as if they were going to pull the ancient bronze coffin away.

The blood moon is full, Kowloon pulls the coffin and sets sail again, and the taboo sacred object appears!
The prophecy is true, and so are the rumors!

Kowloon coffin seems to be really set sail again.

The old man with white beard and hair and wearing a blue Taoist robe from the Shang Qingzong, his aura fluctuated slightly, and the taboo patterns under his feet seemed to be slightly distorted.

"Little friend, no matter how you controlled the taboo pattern here, or no matter what purpose you have, you must leave the ancient altar immediately. As for the little cauldron, you'd better give up.

You are innocent, but you are guilty. Within this taboo, perhaps no one dares to touch you, but if you leave this taboo circle and go to the outside world, this mysterious little cauldron will only bring you endless disasters. "The old man of Shang Qingzong said.

Then, without waiting for Ye Luo to open his mouth, the old man looked directly at the mysterious, ancient, and vicissitudes of the Nine Dragons, which seemed to come from the depths of the wilderness. His muddy eyes turned into amazing clarity, and he spoke again, saying : "Fellow Daoists of the major holy places, the Nine Dragons coffin has begun to move. This is our last chance. Are you all ready?"

"What are you going to do?" On the ancient altar, Ye Luo finally had a chance to speak.

"The above artifact, the Ancient Sword of Immortals of the Qing Emperor, forcibly opened the Nine Dragons Coffin. This ultimate purpose has never changed." A terrifying Holy Land genius glanced at Ye Luo with a bit of fear in his eyes.

Ye Luo knew this purpose all along, but when he got to this point, Ye Luo didn't think about it for a while, Ye Luo remembered the message from the gossip pattern in his hand, and suddenly said, "No!"

"What? No way? Ye Luo, this is the countermeasure discussed by the various forces. The blood moon is full, and the Nine Dragons Coffin is about to leave. The various forces work together to activate the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, open the Nine Dragons Coffin, and leave the coffin behind. in something.

Then, use the things in the coffin to continue to suppress the supremely terrifying taboo creatures under the ancient altar, otherwise, once the taboo sacred objects below come out, everyone in the entire Shenshi City will have to die!
Although I don't know what method you used to control part of the power of this taboo formation, but do you want to stop it? If you really let Jiulong be born out of the coffin, then you will be the sinner who killed countless monks in the city! "A genius from the Long family opened his mouth with tears in his eyes. Just now, Ye Luo has killed a great power of theirs.

Even if the Long family has been passed down for thousands of years, there are not many of them who dominate one side, even if they have a deep foundation. Killing one will almost shake the foundation!

"He can't stop it, even if he has mastered a part of the patterns, once the elder Tianxuanzi of the Shang Qingzong invites out the ancient artifact, the Ancient Sword of Immortal Zhuge, he can't stop it at all." A powerful person said lightly.

Ye Luo's eyes were cold, he stood in front of Jiulong's coffin, and said, "Do you really want to open Jiulong's coffin, and then use the contents of the coffin to continue suppressing taboos?"

Then, there was another sneer in Ye Luo's eyes, and he said: "Oh! If the things in the coffin are really against the sky, you will continue to suppress them? I think your real hidden purpose is to snatch the things in the coffin from Jiulong. The heaven-defying thing?"

"You're talking nonsense!" A genius from the Holy Land scolded angrily!

"Yes, the powers of the major holy places are all people with the world in their hearts. How could they snatch it? You are simply an insult to the powers and seniors. Don't think that you have mastered a part of the pattern now, you can be lawless!" Among Qingzong, a monk from the Huo family also spoke.


Ye Luo's eyes turned cold, and he shot directly from the air. The gossip symbol in his hand disappeared in a flash. The genius of the Holy Land and the arrogant monk of the Huo family had a slap mark on his face, and his face immediately swelled up.

"Noisy!" Ye Luo shot directly at the crowd's eyes, and the genius of the Holy Land, a disciple of the Shang Qing Sect, directly slapped him in the face.


The shaking of the Jiulong coffin became more and more violent, the dragon corpse left the ancient altar, and the ancient bronze coffin also began to hang in the air.

"Leave him alone for now, Master Tianxuanzi, quickly please bring out the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, the artifact of the noble sect, Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin, and it is about to leave, so we must stop it!" A powerful person said urgently.

At the front of Shangqingzong's team, the old man with white beard and hair and a blue Taoist robe is the elder of Shangqingzong: Master Tianxuanzi!
"Yes, please bring out the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, and let's push it together to open the Nine Dragons and pull the coffin!" Another powerful person also hurriedly said.

The old man Tianxuanzi, with white beard and hair and a blue Taoist robe, had completely cleared his cloudy eyes, and an aura that seemed to destroy nine heavens and ten earths erupted from his body, and his hunched waist straightened up.

He raised his hand slightly, and made an extremely complicated and mysterious summon mark!

"Master Tianxuanzi is going to summon the Ancient Sword of Zhuxian!"

(End of this chapter)

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