Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 520 Ancient Sword Opens Coffin 2

Chapter 520 Ancient Sword Opens Coffin 2
"Master Tianxuanzi is going to summon the Ancient Sword of Zhuxian!"

With his beard and hair all white, Taoist Tianxuanzi in a blue Taoist robe seemed to have an aura that could destroy nine heavens and ten earths. He raised his hand slightly, and slowly began to condense an extremely complicated and mysterious mystery, and even revealed an aura that could destroy heaven and earth. The summoning imprint of the breath, several supreme powers, all eyes suddenly became dignified, and the terrifying vision on his body was ready to go.

"Ye Luo, get out of the way quickly. The Ancient Sword of Zhuxian is an extreme imperial weapon. Once it appears, even if you control a part of the taboo circle, you will be crushed to pieces before the ancient sword of Zhuxian. The sword has killed the supreme!" Loulan Holy Land, the euphemistic and beautiful Master Yu Ji, who exudes a scholarly aura, at this moment, opened her red lips lightly, and opened her mouth to remind.

"Master Yu, since this kid doesn't know how to live or die, why care about his life and death! His current terrifying strength comes entirely from the taboo killing formation. Once he gets out of here, he will still be a waste that cannot cultivate." The violent middle-aged Da Neng Tu Yuan, spoke indifferently.

Donkey, Fatty and Wu Banxian finally arrived at the camp of Shangqingzong under the leadership of Wu Banxian's middle-aged son of Shangqingzong. The fat middle-aged man said worriedly, "Father, take care of your Two friends, don't let them move around, our Shang Qingzong actually made a plan many days ago, and we are safe here for the time being."

The donkey suddenly took a step forward, patted the middle-aged Shang Qingzong, and said, "Woof! Nephew, what did you just say? You said that you Shang Qingzong had already planned, so what, If once the things that were suppressed by the Nine Dragons Coffin are really released, you go to the Qingzong, is there a way to create a heavenly book to seal the city?"

"Alas! Before the appearance of the blood moon, no one knew about the existence of the Great Formation of the Heavenly Book Sealing the City. I'm afraid the big shot has already noticed it.

Right now, we should be researching ways to break the formation outside the city, or to bring out the people in the formation. Therefore, we Shangqingzong people are not very worried, and you don't have to worry about it. I have been in the Shangqingzong for so many years It's also a little bit related to my cook, as long as we can go out, I will take my father and you two out. "The fat middle-aged Wu Banren spoke.

As soon as the donkey heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched immediately, and he cursed, saying: "Wow, woof! Damn you, big nephew, you probably don't know much about this heavenly book to seal the city. Can you all research to break the formation and seal the taboo creatures suppressed by the Nine Dragons? "

Wu Banxian's face was also a little dignified, and he said: "Perhaps, in addition to underestimating the great array of heavenly books to seal the city, you also underestimated the taboo creatures that were suppressed under the coffin of the Nine Dragons. Alas, the major forces want to use the ancient sword of Zhu Xian to open the Nine Dragons. The purpose of the coffin may not be pure."

"What? Dad, don't scare me." Wu Banren froze for a moment.

The fat man glanced at Wu Banxian, the fat on his face twitched, he patted Wu Banren who was obviously much older than him, and said carelessly: "Nephew, don't be afraid, your father is a street vendor, he knows a lot about it." What, except for being a fool, how can you say that you have been a cook for so many years in the Shang Qingzong, and you have more knowledge than your father. As for that donkey, it is so stupid that it didn't say a word of truth. It's to scare you, calm down."

On the ancient altar, Ye Luo saw that Taoist Tianxuanzi's condensed marks became more and more complicated, and the aura of destroying nine heavens and ten earths on his body became more and more terrifying, a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

"Senior Tianxuanzi, now I have mastered some taboo formations and some secret things, so I have some confidence to keep the Nine Dragons Coffin here and continue to suppress the taboo creatures under the altar.

If you really invite your ancestor's ancient sword to kill immortals and forcibly open the Nine Dragons Coffin, this may completely wake up Nine Dragons Coffin, and by that time, no one will be able to keep Nine Dragons Coffin. "Ye Luo's gossip pattern on the palm of his left hand lit up, and he spoke hastily.

The nine-day huge desolate ancient dragon corpse standing on the ancient altar for endless time has opened its eyes, and the aura on its body seems to suppress all races. It is pulling the ancient bronze coffin and slowly leaving the ancient altar.

"Boy, you are full of nonsense. The blood moon is full. Nine Dragons will inevitably be born. How can you let Nine Dragons continue to stay on this ancient altar?" A powerful man, with a strong murderous intent on his body, spoke coldly.

"Boy, I'd really like to know how you control the power of a part of the taboo magic circle here." A powerful man from the holy land, with his eyes like a torch, revealed powerful law fluctuations, as if he wanted to see through Ye Luo.

When everyone opened their mouths, no one noticed that a short figure, bow-legged, gloomy eyes, exuding a terrifying and coercive power, suddenly and slowly restrained his aura, and walked towards Ye Luo step by step silently. The edge of the ancient altar behind is approaching.

"Senior Tianxuanzi, don't worry about this kid's nonsense, quickly summon the ancient sword of Zhuxian, and Nine Dragons will pull the coffin and leave!" A powerful monk urged.

However, Taoist Tianxuanzi, who had a strong aura, paused at this moment, looked at Ye Luo with clear eyes, and said, "How sure are you?"

"Senior Tianxuanzi, he is just a waste of astral body. Perhaps, because of that little cauldron, he controls a part of the power of this taboo magic circle, and the Nine Dragons Coffin is so mysterious and supreme, something that has existed since ancient times. How could he have a way to stay.

Nine Dragons has already begun to pull the coffin, you must not waste time on this kid, quickly summon the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, let's work together to force the coffin to open! "A powerful man from an ancient sect, with deep eyes, had been staring at the Nine Dragons Coffin, and spoke again at this time.

However, Master Tianxuanzi, who had white beard and hair and was dressed in a blue Taoist robe, ignored the powerful, clear eyes, but still looked at Ye Luo.

Ye Luo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth again, and said, "Perhaps, [-]% sure, or maybe, [-]%."

"What, you dare to open your mouth if you are not even [-]% sure? Senior Tianxuanzi, don't be fooled by this trash, he just wants to let Jiulong pull the coffin and leave, so that everyone in Shenshi City will die. He is buried with this trash!" A vision erupted from that Da Neng's body.

The complex, mysterious, and terrifying imprint of the ancient sword that summoned Zhuxian in the hands of Master Tianxuanzi has been condensed to an end. Perhaps, as long as Tianxuanzi is willing, the next moment, he can let the Qingzong's desolate ancient extreme emperor soldier , the ancient sword of Zhu Xian awakened and was summoned here.

However, the imprint in his hand stopped at the end of the condensation, and his eyes once again looked at the lonely, humble, and small figure on the ancient altar.

The sword comes, or the sword stops?
(End of this chapter)

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