Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 521 Ancient Sword Opens Coffin 3

Chapter 521 Ancient Sword Opens Coffin 3
"How long will it take you?"

In the eyes of all the major forces, geniuses, holy sons, saintesses, and powers, and in the extremely tense atmosphere where the Nine Dragons coffin is about to depart, Tianxuanzi's choice has become the most critical part.

However, Tianxuanzi asked Ye Luo a word at this moment.

This sentence did not ask Ye Luo how to let Jiulong pull the coffin to stay, nor did he ask Ye Luo's hidden methods, but only asked Ye Luo the time. In this sentence, there was a sense of trust!
At this moment, all powerful figures of various strengths were puzzled, even shocked and anxious.

"One minute." Ye Luo responded.

"I'll give you one minute." Tian Xuanzi said.

Hearing this, Ye Luo turned around and walked directly towards the center of the ancient altar. In front of the quaint, vicissitudes, mysterious and terrifying Kowloon coffin, she looked more and more small and humble.

Ye Luo resisted the powerful coercion, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth again, dripping on the ancient altar. When Ye Luo was close to the middle third of the ancient altar, he bent down and squatted down. On the ancient altar.

"Senior Tianxuanzi, how can you believe this trash? One minute is too long. Once the Nine Dragons Coffin is fully awakened, even the Emperor's Ancient Sword of Immortal Execution may not be able to directly suppress the opening of the coffin!"

"That's right, Senior Tianxuanzi, perhaps, within a minute, Nine Dragons Coffin has already left, flying to the endless starry sky, time is urgent, we can't listen to this trash!"

More than half of the great powers in the major holy places are anxiously urging, their eyes are twinkling, and some of them are staying on the sidelines. There are even a few great powers who are eager to try again and want to attack Ye Luo again. However, Ye Luo killed the Long family with one palm earlier. The mighty residual prestige is still there, making many people have doubts.

"Woof woof! Damn, what a hypocrite, what kind of people, really think that if there is a terrible change in the city, the strong will survive? What if it is suppressed? If you come out, you will all die." The corner of the donkey's mouth twitched, and it looked at this group of terrifying powers, and said in a low voice.

Afterwards, the donkey took another look at Wu Banxian, Fatty, and Wu Banren, and said in a low voice: "If any accident happens later, remember, don't worry about anyone, you must rescue Ye Luo, and fight hard." We will be saved even if we die, and we can leave the city only if you get that guy out of here."

Tianxuanzi glanced around at Da Neng who was urging and even eager to try, and said lightly: "Within 1 minute, whoever dares to attack Ye Luo, or has any abnormal movements, I will kill him."

The voice was flat, and there seemed to be no killing intent. However, when the words fell, the terrifying and powerful powers of the major holy places froze at this moment, and the voice stopped abruptly.

It seems that even the terrifying powers against the sky are in awe of Tianxuanzi, who has white beard and hair. However, although the voice stopped, the eyes of many powers in the major holy places kept flickering, and powerful visions rose from their bodies. , the atmosphere is extremely depressing.

But earlier, the Da Neng with short stature, bow legs, and gloomy eyes, who hid his terrifying aura, had already hidden in the crowd, and arrived at the ancient altar opposite Tianxuanzi.

Since all eyes were on Tianxuanzi and Ye Luo, no one noticed this figure.

The bloody gossip imprint on Ye Luo's palm has already landed on the ancient altar. Among the gossip imprints, the first ancient and mysterious symbol, Qian Gua, has quietly integrated into the ancient altar.

Among the nine dragon coffins, the one on the far right is an ancient, huge dragon corpse that seems to have come from the wilderness. It seems to be made of iron. It seems to have sensed something. A little pause.

On the ancient altar, the rusty and mysterious ancient bronze coffin that was slowly rising also stopped for a moment, and the sound of iron chains echoed.

Then, the second eight trigrams mysterious symbol in Ye Luo's palm, the Kun hexagram, melted into the ancient altar again, and the dragon corpse on the far left also paused, and the mysterious symbol flickered on the Nine Dragon Coffin.

Above the distant starry sky, six little paper figurines carried an embroidered shoe, as if sensing something, the shoe turned its head, as if staring at something, swaying silently.

At the entrance of the collapsed temple, the one that fell to the ground depicts a lantern with a grimace symbol that looks like a smile, not a smile, or a cry, not a cry. The wind blows and shakes slightly.

The blood moon was full, dyeing the city of God red.

In the palm of Ye Luo's left hand, the third symbol, Zhen Gua, and the fourth symbol, Xun Gua were integrated in sequence, and there were already four dragon corpses in the Nine Dragon Coffin that had not fully awakened, and slowly began to reappear. Close the longan and fall into a deep sleep.

At the moment when the fifth gossip symbol in Ye Luo's hand was about to be integrated into the ancient altar, as a former war doctor, Ye Luo suddenly felt an unprecedented killing intent that made all the hairs on Ye Luo's body stand on end.

At this moment, a short figure, bow-legged, and gloomy-eyed Da Neng suddenly appeared from the void two steps in front of Ye Luo, holding a powerful weapon that exuded terrifying coercion The magic weapon, the ninja sword, slashed at Ye Luo's body!

Abrupt, beyond everyone's expectations, shocking everyone!

The knife falls, shocking the situation!
A powerful man, exerting his full strength, concealed his figure, and at the critical moment, with a thunderous blow, he wanted to kill Ye Luo!

"Stop!" Venerable Tianxuanzi was furious, and a destructive aura erupted from his body.

"People from the island ninja family!"

"After the great changes in the world, among the island nation's ninja families, the hidden Fusang Holy Land was born, including the three major island nation ninja families of the Miyamoto family, all returned to the Fusang Holy Land. He is the powerful Miyamoto Sanken of the island nation!"

"Wow, woof! I'll make you paralyzed..." The donkey was shocked.

"Ah, Ye Luo is dead!"

A generation of great powers, with all their strength and twists and turns, killed a mere waste with such a cautious attitude.

No one thought that such a shameless, humble and indecent thing would happen at this time, and it was impossible for the great powers of the major holy places to do it.

However, this great power of the island country has done it.

His ninja sword, which was full of endless killing intent and exuded a terrifying aura, fell down within a ten-thousandth of a second, and the knife fell from the top of Ye Luo's head, directly to the soles of his feet!
One knife, two halves!
Ye Luo's left hand was about to merge into the fifth symbol of the ancient altar, but it also stopped abruptly. The Nine Dragon Coffin, which had already had four ancient dragon corpses sleeping, was shocked suddenly, and all the dragon corpses opened their eyes again.

A breath of simplicity, vicissitudes, and mystery that seemed to suppress the nine heavens and ten earths, like the deepest part of the nine secluded worlds, erupted quietly, and Nine Dragons pulled the coffin to wake up!

"Woof, woof, woof! Did that damn Di Yeluo die? Jiulong pulled the coffin to wake up, what the hell, the suppressed thing is about to come out!" The donkey was furious, and stared quietly at the island ninja powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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