Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 522 Ancient Sword Opens Coffin 4

Chapter 522 Ancient Sword Opens Coffin 4
When the knife fell, Ye Luo's whole body was split in half, and Jiulong pulled the coffin and woke up instantly!

On the ancient altar, the short figure, bow-legged, and gloomy-eyed Dao Neng fell down with a knife, and finally a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Then, while looking at the awakened Nine Dragons Coffin, he pointed directly at Ye Luo's right hand. The mysterious little tripod snatched it away.

"The reason why this waste can control a part of the taboo formation must be because of this small bronze tripod. I killed him and took this small tripod. This taboo formation is what I say! Quack quack, a waste can play If such terrifying power comes into my hands, hehe!" The voice of the island power paused for a moment, and then he said: "Jiulong pulls the coffin, let me open it, the contents of the coffin are mine!"

"I will kill anyone who dares to block me!" Dao Neng looked at everyone proudly.

The faces of all the great powers of the holy places changed drastically in an instant. At the same time, the powerful aura hidden on their bodies burst out almost at the same time, the vision suddenly rose, and the terrifying coercion scattered.

Among them, most of them are not concerned about Ye Luo's death, but what is in the coffin of Jiulong.

Tianxuanzi's aura of destroying the nine heavens and ten earths exploded even more, and the mysterious ancient imprint of vicissitudes that summoned the Nine Dragons to pull the coffin in his hand directly completed the coagulation of the end!
However, it is now!
Everyone discovered that on the ancient altar, the hand of the arrogant and humble island nation, who had grabbed the mysterious little tripod, passed through the small tripod. It seemed that the small tripod was just an illusion.

The Da Neng of that island country was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable, thinking it was a hallucination, he grabbed it again, and found that it was still empty, and then he was even more shocked to find that Ye Luo, who had been split in half by him, was like a broken body. The same, fragmented.

"Island Ninja? You are courting death!" You Ran, a cold, extremely angry voice appeared from behind Dao Neng.

Afterwards, a hand with only the mysterious symbols of the four gossips was firmly imprinted on the back of the island ninja, and around the ancient altar, the terrifying taboo magic circle moved endlessly into the ancient altar. platform, and then along the ancient altar, poured into the incomplete gossip pattern, and then, it smashed into the back of the island country's powerful!


The power of the terrifying imprint circle gathered at one point, and exploded in the body of Da Neng Houxin of the island country!
The power of the island nation is terrifying, powerful and mysterious, but compared with the even more terrifying power of the taboo killing array, it is still a bit inferior. His whole body, like blood-colored fireworks, exploded directly!

Even, they failed to display any means of defense and attack!
After a breath.

In the blood mist that the powerful island ninja power exploded, all the powers once again saw a familiar humble and small figure, and that person was Ye Luo!
All shocked again!
Ye Luo didn't die, how could he not die?

He didn't even die!
However, if he is not dead, what happened to the man who was cut in half with a knife just now?

Ye Luo killed another supreme power!
Ye Luo's face was pale, the blood from the corner of his mouth overflowed again, his body shook, and he said in a low, inaudible voice: "The inheritance in the small tripod, the shadow clone technique, really shouldn't exist in the world The secret technique is only the first layer."

However, after Ye Luo finished speaking, he looked at Nine Dragons Coffin again. The huge, majestic, ancient and mysterious dragon corpse had already pulled the ancient bronze coffin and flew three feet away from the ancient altar. Nine Dragons Coffin had awakened!

At this moment, even Tian Xuanzi of Shang Qingzong shrank his eyes fiercely, and said with some uncertainty: "Is it a clone? How is this possible? Is it the clone brought by the taboo circle, or this young man?" Created by yourself?"

Tianxuanzi couldn't even see through it, nor could he see through the power of other major holy places. However, at this moment, even though Ye Luo gave everyone an incredible shock, he still failed to become the focus of everyone.

"Senior Tianxuanzi, hurry up, we can't wait any longer, the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, the Nine Dragons' coffin, have awakened, if we don't open the coffin, we will have no chance!"

A terrifying and powerful voice suddenly exploded, saying what all the powerful people wanted to say. Even, the sudden attack of the powerful island country caused some powerful forces to faintly feel an inexplicable excitement.

"No!" Ye Luo shook his body, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

However, it was too late, Master Tianxuanzi, when the islander appeared, he had already condensed the last ancient and mysterious summoning imprint.

"Om - groan -"

An extreme emperor soldier who seemed to have been asleep for eternity, suppressed all realms, and swept all races, woke up at this moment, the sword blared, and the sound shook Kyushu!
Above the starry sky, an ancient sword that looked like gold but not gold, jade but not jade, appeared under the blood moon.

It appeared, and the underground palace collapsed again!

From the underground palace to the ancient altar under the canyon, the ten thousand feet of soil and the buildings on it all turned into nothingness after the appearance of the ancient sword of Zhu Xian. It seemed that they were obliterated and disappeared in an instant.

Only, one fell to the ground, with a wind lamp printed with a pattern of a grimace that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and that seemed dry but not crying, shaking alone, neither turning into nothingness nor shattering.

Under the canyon, people from all the major forces, even Almighty, instinctively felt a tremor.

"This, is this the ancient sword of Zhu Xian?" Someone was shocked.

At this moment, Taoist Tianxuanzi, bearded and haired automatically without wind, his Taoist robes fluttering, said: "All fellow Taoists, pour all the spiritual power into me, and use the sword to open the coffin!"

The great powers of the various holy places seemed to have a plan for a long time ago. At this moment, most of the people of the great power level almost poured a terrifying spiritual power into Taoist Taixuan. Afterwards, Master Tianxuanzi , with endless spiritual power, bit off his index finger, and quickly and solemnly carved out an ancient big character on the void.

The mysterious and ancient Kowloon coffin flew towards the starry sky!

Above the starry sky, an ancient sword that looks like gold but not gold, jade but not jade, is quietly displayed under the blood moon, blocking the way for Nine Dragons to pull the coffin, like an ancient emperor waking up.

All the people looked up at the starry sky.

But the donkey quietly jumped onto the ancient altar, walked up to Ye Luo, and said, "Wow, woof! Damn it, I don't think it's a big deal for you. What do you do with the power of this taboo killing formation?" Mobilize, shit, it's too late, you are ready to shoot, once the Jiulong coffin is really opened, what the hell, if there is really something against the sky in the coffin, grab his mother!"

Ye Luo didn't look up, but looked down at the ancient altar, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, he said in horror, "Look at the center of the ancient altar, what's under that hole?"

(End of this chapter)

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