Chapter 523 Bead Riot
Simple, vicissitudes, and huge, in the center of the ancient altar engraved with mysterious runes, where the Kowloon coffin was originally parked, there is a hole the size of a millstone.

The cave was deep and pitch black, and there seemed to be some changes in the vagueness.

Ye Luo glanced deep into the hole of the ancient altar, and vaguely saw that there seemed to be something waking up under the hole, making a strange noise.

After being reminded by Ye Luo, the donkey immediately stood upright. The donkey's eyes were bigger than walnuts. He glanced under the hole, his body trembled suddenly, and he said, "Wow! Is it the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin, and the taboo killing array to suppress it?"

"What exactly is the suppressed thing?" Ye Luo was even more horrified.

"Woof, woof, woof! How do I know, what the hell, don't worry about it. The god stone city back then was turned into a dead city by this thing. Anyway, if this thing comes out, everyone will die." have to die.

According to the emperor's experience, it may take a while for this thing to really wake up. Looking up to the sky, can't you still control part of the power of the taboo killing array around the ancient altar?

Later, you listen to me, if the ancient sword of Zhuxian really opens the Nine Dragons coffin, I will teach you how to grab it, and we will get [-]% if you rob it!Grab it and run, don't hesitate, go straight out of town. "The donkey's eyes shone with horror, and it took two steps away from the hole, then looked up at the sky again.

Ye Luo looked down the hole, took a few steps back, and looked towards the sky. At the same time, a look of astonishment flashed in Ye Luo's eyes, because Ye Luo felt that after entering After the underground palace, the bead on his neck, which had been silent for a long time, unexpectedly faintly transmitted a voice in his mind.

"Eat it... eat it..."

Ye Luo was shocked, touched the beads on his neck, and the corner of his mouth twitched violently. The things here are all terrifying existences against the sky. Who does this bead want to eat?

Around the ancient altar, the atmosphere was terrifying and extremely depressing.

The mighty powers of the various holy places each sent out a destructive spiritual power, all of which were injected into Tianxuanzi's body. Then, Master Tianxuanzi used an extremely difficult gesture to transfer all the spiritual power into Tianxuanzi's body. The supreme secret technique condensed into an ancient character.

The ancient characters appear, coercing and terrifying.

The sky and the earth trembled, like the ancestor of all words in the long river of ancient history.

The big characters were so mysterious that even the donkey beside Ye Luo had a dignified expression, and said, "How do you look familiar with this character? I seem to have seen it somewhere."

The ancient character was successfully condensed, and suddenly, this ancient character turned into a brilliance like a bright moon, soaring into the sky, and poured into the ancient sword of Zhu Xian.

As powerful as Tianxuanzi, when he pushed this ancient character into the starry sky, an abnormal flush appeared on his face, and his terrifyingly coercive body bent down again, with blood on the corner of his mouth.

The ancient characters are against the sky, injected into the ancient sword.

The ancient sword of Zhu Xian originally looked like gold but not gold, jade and not jade. The body of the sword displayed above the starry sky suddenly shook. On the ancient sword, a mysterious symbol appeared faintly, a sword energy like chaos, Carrying the coercion of destroying the nine heavens and ten places, he directly smashed the coffin towards Nine Dragons!

Attacking like an ancient emperor!
Nine Dragons pulled the coffin from the ancient altar and flew towards the starry sky. The appearance of the ancient sword of Jade Immortal blocked its way out.

Then, a horrifying beam of Jade Immortal sword energy fell down in an instant.

A huge dragon corpse on the leftmost side of the Jiulong coffin, at the moment when the sword energy fell, it turned slightly like an iron dragon body, and the dragon tail, which was hundreds of feet long, slammed down fiercely towards the sword energy.


The sword energy of Zhu Xian's ancient sword collided with Jiulong's coffin.

The stars dimmed, the world was shocked, and all races trembled!

The terrifying collision directly shattered the void, creating a jet-black time-space crack that was thousands of feet long. The terrifying impact generated by the collision crashed into the space-time crack, and even caused the space-time crack to be shattered.

Around the ancient altar, and even in the entire Divine Stone City, all the monks who saw this scene were all shocked, and even some weak monks directly collapsed to the ground under the minimal aftermath of the collision.

In Ye Luo's pocket, the little paper figurine and the little fairy bridge beast finally showed their heads and looked towards the starry sky.

"Liu Shui, where is your master?" Xiaoxianqiao Beast asked blankly.

"I don't know either." The little paper figurine responded, and then, the little paper figurine suddenly engraved words and said, "Xiaoqiao, do you like me?"

"What is liking?" Xiaoxianqiao Beast was stunned, with some confusion in its innocent eyes.

The little paper man paused for a moment, and after taking a breath, he asked again: "I want you to marry me."

"Do you want to be a wife? My dad said, it's very difficult for us Xianqiao beast to find a wife. Would you like to be my wife, Liu Shui?" Xiao Xianqiao beast was stunned, and his face turned red for some reason.

The little paper man suddenly smiled, stretched out his small hand, touched the face of the little bridge beast, and asked: "If one day, the ancient sword of Zhu Xian kills me instead of Jiulong, will you save me?" ?”

Xiaoxianqiao Beast's reaction this time seems to be much faster than before, saying: "It will definitely, I will protect you."

On the starry sky, the sword energy dissipated with the collision, and on the dragon tail of the huge dragon corpse, a sword mark piercing the dragon scale also appeared!

This terrifying collision seemed to be just a test of the ancient sword of Zhu Xian. Immediately afterwards, the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, which looked like gold but not gold, and jade but not jade, released ten sword qi at the same time, which was more terrifying than before.

Nine of them fell on the nine dragon corpses, and the remaining one, the most terrifying, fell directly on the ancient bronze coffin behind the Nine Dragons.

At this moment, Ye Luo suddenly felt that the beads on his neck trembled violently again, sending Ye Luo another strong thought: "Eat it..."

Then, the bead emitted a bloody light, pierced Ye Luo's skin, and was instantly stained with some of Ye Luo's blood. Then, the bead disappeared suddenly.

"Woof! Hey, is there something on you? Why did I feel like there was a terrifying aura fluctuation just now?" The donkey who was looking at the sky looked at Ye Luo quietly.

Ye Luo was shocked in his heart, and he would respond flatly, saying: "It may be the fluctuation of the taboo circle."

"Ah! What, what is that, yes, it is a bead, what is the bead doing, it rushed towards the ancient sword of Zhu Xian!" A powerful man suddenly noticed something keenly, and shouted.

"It seems to devour the ancient sword of Zhu Xian!"

(End of this chapter)

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