Chapter 527
In front of the ruins, when the major forces were shocked by the ancient figures who climbed out of the ruins of the ancient altar one after another, the ninjas of the two island countries directly attacked Ye Luo, one forcibly attacking and the other for sneak attacking!
The goal of Fusang Holy Land seems to have always been clear, which is to snatch the mysterious small tripod.

The mysterious little tripod was placed side by side with the Nine Dragons coffin before, floating on the ancient altar, which aroused the imagination of too many people. Almost everyone thought that this mysterious tripod was a supreme holy object, or even a forbidden weapon.

The two ninjas from the island nation robbed each other, and immediately attracted the attention of all major forces. There were a few powerful ones, and their eyes immediately fell on the mysterious small cauldron in Ye Luo's hands.

"Trash, throw the little cauldron over here, I, Tianyun Sect, will save your life!" a sect's great power said;.

"Ye Luo, hand over the small cauldron to our Long family. Our Long family can kill those two ninjas immediately!" The only remaining powerful member of the Long family also spoke coldly.

"Amitabha, this small cauldron seems to belong to the Buddhist sect. Donor Ye, please return this small cauldron to our Buddhist sect. Our Xuankong Temple can also save the life of the benefactor."

The two ninjas from Fusang Holy Land, with murderous intentions, flanked back and forth, and the great powers of the major Holy Lands also had their eyes on the mysterious little cauldron.

At this moment, Ye Luo also had a flash of coldness in his eyes. Then, Ye Luo made a movement that no one thought of. Ye Luo pointed the mysterious small cauldron in his hand directly towards the ruins. In the black hole, smashed over.

The mysterious small cauldron shot out, and in the eyes of countless eyes, it turned into an afterimage, and fell towards the black hole of the ruins.


Xiao Ding didn't fall into the black hole, but landed on a beautiful girl who had just climbed out of the black hole and was dressed in pitch black, with long hair reaching her waist, but also numb, with empty eyes and pale face.

Then, Xiao Ding fell to the entrance of the cave.

The real function of this small cauldron is also to store the supreme secret technique created by the old man. Now, the inheritance in this small cauldron has been silently poured into Ye Luo's body. The tripod itself has no effect.

The current small tripod is just an ordinary small tripod, and Ye Luo has obtained the real inheritance of terror.

However, apart from Ye Luo, no one knew the truth.

People from all major forces thought that this little cauldron was still a supreme secret treasure, even a forbidden weapon.

The moment Ye Luo threw out the small tripod, almost everyone thought that Ye Luo was afraid of carrying the small tripod and being chased and killed by various forces, so he threw the small tripod to save his life.

Every man is innocent and guilty!
Therefore, almost at the moment Ye Luo threw the small tripod, several huge auras shot towards the small tripod thrown by Ye Luo quietly, and they wanted to snatch the small tripod.

Even the two ninjas who killed Ye Luo abruptly turned around and shot towards the ruins of the ancient altar.

"Wow woof woof! Damn it, you prodigal bastard, this little cauldron can be tied with the Kowloon coffin, it is absolutely supreme, what do you throw away, you don't dare to take it, give it to me!" the donkey anxiously Furious, he rushed towards the center of the ancient altar.

"I'm paralyzed, I'm a prodigal, this guy is even more prodigal than me?" The fat man was furious when he saw it, and wanted to rush forward, but before he could rush over, he was pulled by Wu Banxian Living.

"I'm a bitch, old man, you hurry to let go of me, if you don't let go, I'll turn against you, this is blocking my way of making money, mystic little tripod, if you don't grab it, you won't have a chance in this life. "The fat man was anxious.

However, the next moment, Fatty's body froze.


Suddenly, a scream of terror, panic, and fear echoed at the bottom of the canyon.

Among the ruins of the ancient altar, the first person in the foundation period who rushed to the center of the ancient altar wanted to pass through those ancient figures with numb expressions, empty eyes, and pale faces on the ancient altar, but was unexpectedly caught by a The girl in ancient times pinched her neck.

Immediately afterwards, the girl opened her mouth and bit the neck of that big man in the Foundation Establishment Period.

That big man in the foundation-building period didn't even have time to resist, the girl's teeth ruthlessly bit through his defense in the foundation-building period, biting his neck.

Screaming, then the sound stopped abruptly.

Afterwards, a burst of deep red suddenly appeared in the eyes of that terrifying big man, and after that, his body trembled, and his breath was terrifying, as if he was experiencing an extremely terrifying thing, struggling desperately.

Until, after one breath, this big man in the foundation-building period returned to calm. He stood indifferently among the crowd of ancient times who crawled out of the black hole, his eyes were empty, his expression was numb, and his face was pale.

Afterwards, almost all of the two ninjas who had sneaked up on Ye Luo, as well as the other people who planned to snatch the mysterious cauldron, were all attacked.

After a short period of fierce and violent fighting, it quickly returned to calm. After being bitten through the skin, almost all of them turned into empty eyes, numb expressions, and pale faces.

The pace of the donkey rushing forward suddenly froze.

Everyone who saw this scene was also shocked.

Ye Luo's face also twitched violently. These powerful monks who rushed over at the first time were all people who had secretly feared the mysterious little cauldron for a long time. When they died, Ye Luo would not even blink his eyelids. Ye Luo was shocked by the sight.

Ye Luo suddenly thought of the scene in the God Stone City that had appeared in the bead before.

An inexplicable panic and depression spread among the crowd.

In the black hole of the ancient altar, there were still figures crawling outside, and the previous fierce and short battle seemed to stimulate these ancient monks in a strange state, and they began to walk outside the ancient altar.

Their footsteps were the same as those of normal people, but their dull eyes were extremely strange.

The donkey backed away, came to Ye Luo's side, and asked, "Wow, woof! Damn, didn't you know that there would be a horrible mutation? What's going on?"

"How do I know?" Ye Luo shook his head directly.

"This is going to be a big deal, have you noticed that these ancient monks are not normal, and people who are bitten by them will also be infected to look like them, woof woof, what the hell Yes, there is a more terrifying thing under the ancient altar, didn't it come out?" The donkey and Ye Luo retreated together as he spoke, because some ancient monks who climbed out of the black hole had already crushed them .

Then, the donkey looked up at the sky again, and said, "Wow, woof! Is the duel between the ancient sword of Zhu Xian and Jiulong's coffin not over yet? I'll be careless. What is this thing that Jiulong's coffin is suppressing?" , What’s in the coffin in Jiulong?”

(End of this chapter)

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