Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 528 The city is full of red rain

Chapter 528 The city is full of red rain (3 more tickets requested)
The duel between Zhuxian Ancient Sword and Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin in the void has not yet ended, and they have never returned from the void.

On the collapsed ancient altar, figures from the ancient times, as well as the powerful monk who was bitten before, walked towards the crowd with a slightly stiff body.

Ye Luo and the donkey were relatively close to the ancient altar, so they couldn't help but retreat again and again.

"I want to see what these people are!" You Ran, a powerful man in the Holy Land, saw the figure approaching, and the terrifying golden crow vision suddenly appeared on his body. The high-temperature sea of ​​flames fell towards the figures in front of him.


The several ancient figures in front of that Da Neng were directly reduced to ashes without even having time to react.

"It's nothing more than that." The powerful man from the Tianchi Holy Land spoke coldly, his eyes were like torches, and the vision of the Golden Crow behind him became more and more terrifying.

However, just as he finished speaking, among those ancient figures with dull and empty eyes, there was an old Taoist in an ancient and shabby Taoist robe, who seemed to sense something and suddenly opened his eyes.

In his empty eyes, there was a blood-eating light, as if the violent aura fluctuation just now woke him up, his body rose into the air, and his empty eyes looked directly at the Da Neng in the Holy Land of Tianchi.

Afterwards, he seemed to instinctively formed a mysterious and complex imprint, and then, a gray, strange and terrifying dragon-shaped seal, carrying supreme coercion, even directly attacked that powerful person in Tianchi Holy Land.

"This Taoist, I, I have seen his portrait. He is a Tianlong Taoist who was lost in the ancient times. He is a generation of powerful casual cultivators. He is also among these strange people. The mighty attack of Tianchi Holy Land!" Someone was shocked again.

The great power in Tianchi Holy Land, seeing a great power from the ancient times, suddenly launched an attack, and his overbearing eyes shrank fiercely, and he also formed a seal at the same time, a golden crow seal with terrifying super high temperature, Direct hard solitaire-shaped sign.


The confrontation between the two powerful seals suddenly triggered a shock wave like a vast ocean, sweeping around, and several low-level monks around them turned into blood mist.

Da Neng of the Tianchi Holy Land retreated three steps in a row, but the ancient Tianlong Taoist with hollow eyes, pale face and numb expression did not retreat a single step.

Taoist Tianlong actually condensed the seal again and wanted to continue attacking.

At the same time, among the figures crawling out of the black hole, after the terrifying blow of the powerful level, there were several figures with the same terrifying breath as the powerful level, and they opened their eyes quietly, and they actually rose into the air at the same time , as if smelling something very tempting, they all instantly condensed the terrifying seal, and attacked the mighty one in the holy land of Tianchi.

The eight figures condensed the powerful seal almost at the same time, flanking the powerful in Tianchi Holy Land.

The horror of the battle erupted, and the mighty member of the Tianchi Holy Land was shocked when he saw it, and after forming another seal, his body turned into a streamer, soaring into the sky, and shouted: "Fellow daoists, don't you all fight together?" ?”

The mighty power of Tianchi Holy Land moved mountains and rivers, and all the major forces were mighty, but none of them came to help.

In the starry sky, the power of the Tianchi Holy Land was furious. However, under the pincer attack of the ancient powerful monks of the same level as the eight majors, even higher than him, no matter how terrifying he was, he couldn't sustain it.

He quietly cast the secret technique and escaped at an unimaginable speed. However, the powerful figure from the ancient times of the eight paths did not give up and went after him directly.

"Wow, woof! I'm so tired, how does this emperor feel, those unconscious powers from the ancient times took the powers of Tianchi Holy Land as prey, and wanted to hunt and eat them?" The donkey's scalp burst, and he continued: " And, in these ancient times, so many monks who were in a strange state regarded all living people as prey?"



The bloody moon filled the sky, and above the black hole of the ancient altar, there was first the sound of an iron chain, and then there was another roar that seemed to come from the depths of Jiuyou, in the ancient restricted area, the revival of taboo sacred objects.

An extremely strange law fluctuated, quietly followed by this roar.

Those ancient monks who climbed out of the black hole with empty eyes, pale faces, and numb expressions were all shocked. Then, their empty eyes were all stained with a layer of blood red.


These ancient monks fixed their eyes on the people of the major forces, accelerated almost at the same time, and directly attacked and bit the people of the major forces. A few monks who reacted slowly were caught and bitten, and after a short struggle Afterwards, his eyes also turned bright red, and he joined their team, biting at the others.

The major forces were in chaos for a while.

Seeing this, Ye Luo ran towards the exit of the underground canyon without looking back, followed closely by the donkey.

"Dead donkey, all major forces have great powers, why don't they take action? Once these ghosts run out of the canyon and rush into the god stone city, then this god stone city may really become a dead city!" Ye Luo has already Totally shocked.

"Wow, woof! Damn it, haven't you noticed that the powers of the major holy places have restrained their aura, and they dare not act rashly, because their aura and strength will attract equal , and even more powerful ghosts, attack them!" The donkey's eyes flickered.

"Will the taboo at the bottom of the black hole come out?" Ye Luo's back was drenched in cold sweat.

"Wow, woof, woof! How does the emperor know? Damn, I suspect that these people in ancient times have something from the forbidden sacred objects in their bodies. These things are contagious, and can directly turn people into A walking corpse, whoever catches and bites, will be infected." The donkey's eyes flickered as it ran wildly.

People from all major forces evacuated frantically towards the outside of the canyon almost at the same time. The entire area around the ancient altar was already in chaos, and the slow-running monks were directly bitten!

"It's paralyzing, what's the use of running, now you can't get out of the city, the heavenly book seals the city, the whole city has already been sealed, once this thing goes out, the whole city will not be bitten ?" The fat man followed Wu Banxian and ran wildly, cursing at the same time.

Everyone ran wildly, and for a long time, there were continuous figures shooting out from the entrance.

On Shenshi City, a blood moon filled the sky.

Ye Luo and the donkey also ran out along with the chaotic and frightened crowd of various forces.

"Wow woof! Is it raining?" As soon as he came out, the donkey felt a cold on the tip of his nose, so he couldn't help opening his mouth.

"It's raining?" Ye Luo paused, and couldn't help but look towards the sky, his face changed again, and he said, "This rain, why is it red?"

Ye Luo didn't say anything. Next to the entrance where he was standing, there was a wind lamp that fell to the ground. On the wind lamp, a grimace pattern that seemed to be crying, not crying, and smiling, was silently swaying.

When the donkey heard this, he suddenly stood up, and suddenly raised his head: "Wow! What? Red? I'm so fucking stupid, this, this is red drizzle!"

(End of this chapter)

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