Chapter 529
Rain, slightly cool, dotted with stars, like red hair falling down, staining an ancient god stone city red.

Ye Luo was terrified, looked up at the sky, suddenly looked at the donkey, and asked, "What is the red drizzle, what's the matter with the red drizzle?"

"Woof, woof, woof! You haven't read the Book of Changes? When the red drizzle appears, there must be something ominous!" The donkey was completely hairy, and the donkey's face was distorted, and he opened his mouth and cursed directly: "I'm so stupid, recently Why did something unusual happen?"

"Unknown? What is unknown? The thing that was suppressed by the Nine Dragons coffin came out, is it considered unknown?" Ye Luo glanced back. At the entrance, powerful monks rushed out in a panic.

"Woof, how does the emperor know that there may be something unforeseen." There was a hint of worry in the donkey's dark eyes, and then the donkey's stomach groaned.

The donkey was slightly stunned, and said casually: "Wow! What the fuck, why is the emperor hungry? It's really strange, the emperor has already fasted the grain, and he will not be hungry without eating for many years, but now he is hungry, forget it , Never mind, Ye Luo, you go with me."

Ye Luo also had a faint sense of hunger. Generally speaking, no matter whether it was body training or Qi training, as long as he reached the fifth floor, he would be able to fast for a short period of time. Hunger rarely happened to monks.

However, Ye Luo didn't care, looked at the donkey, and said, "Why are you going with me? What the hell, I have to go to the Tianhe Inn and send the three little lolitas out of the Godly Stone City, just according to the current situation See, sooner or later this city must become a dead city."

"Woof! Tianhe Inn has a mythical beast named Nine-Tailed Fox sitting in town, and there is also the guardian pattern of the Holy Land of Loulan. There is nothing serious in a short period of time. We can't leave the city yet." The donkey's eyes flickered, and then the donkey looked up at the sky, saying: " Wealth and wealth are in danger, you cooperate with the emperor to snatch the ancient sword of Zhu Xian and the things in the coffin of Nine Dragons!"

"What?" Ye Luo stared at the donkey, and asked, "What the hell is this Ancient Sword of Zhuxian, the supreme emperor of the Qing Dynasty? Waiting for them to return from the void, what do you use to grab them? Are you too powerful?"

The donkey's walnut-like eyes became darker and darker, and the donkey's face became serious, saying: "Woof! If it was before, it was really impossible, but now, those powerful people are afraid to make a move. Even if they do, they are not enough." For fear."

"What do you mean?" Ye Luo stared at the donkey.

"If the emperor's guess is correct, those ancient monks who crawled out of the black hole of the ancient altar like corpses should be the people who were infected by the taboo creature that was suppressed here in the city of Shenshi in the lost ancient times. .

You still remember, in the rumors, when Emperor Qingzong took over Shenshi City ten months ago, it was rumored that Shenshi City at that time was an empty city with no one in it, and everything in the city was normal. There are no people in ancient times alone.

How could there be no people in such a huge ancient city as Shenshi City? "The donkey's voice is quiet.

Ye Luo turned around, glanced behind him, the hair on his body stood up suddenly, and said, "You mean, in the lost ancient times, the people in this city were all infected by the taboo creature suppressed here , and after the infection, the people who were infected into walking corpses in the whole city, as well as the taboo creature, were all dragged into coffins by Kowloon and suppressed under the black hole?"

The donkey nodded, and then said: "Now the emperor suddenly remembered that in the pre-Qin period, when the emperor was stealing the ancestral tomb of Qin Shihuang, he once saw an ancient scroll, and there were some things recorded on that ancient scroll.

In the ancient times, in the 24th year of the apocalypse, nine days, nights, blood moons, and eight hundred miles away, Shenshi City underwent major changes.

Forbidden creatures appeared, and the monks in the city began to appear some people with empty eyes, numb expressions, and pale faces. These monks were called walking corpses. For the same kind, become the new walking dead.

Walking corpses have a terrifying characteristic. Walking corpses have the fighting power of life, and walking corpses will only attack monks who are in the same realm as themselves. That is to say, the stronger the monks, the more powerful walking corpses will be attracted.

Half a month later, Shenshi City was turned into a dead city, and the world was shaken. A great emperor personally came, sealed the city with the Supreme Book of Heaven, and used Godless magic to fight against taboo creatures. They won a tragic victory and trapped the taboo creatures to death. Underground in the city of God.

In the 29th year of the ancient apocalypse, that is, four years later, the seal was loosened, a walking corpse crawled out, and the emperor came again. However, on this day, red rain fell from the sky, and a strange change appeared in the city of Shenshi.

A generation of ancient emperors disappeared in Shenshi City, and the heaven and earth wept blood. Some people said that when the red drizzle fell, an unknown change occurred, and the emperor fell. , with a grimace appearing.

But what exactly, no one knows.

In the 30th year of the Apocalypse, the Kowloon coffin arrived, and the Shenshi City has been silent since then, disappearing between heaven and earth.

It wasn't until ten months ago that the world changed drastically, and Shenshicheng was born again. "

Ye Luo looked at the donkey, his eyes were shocked. Is what the donkey said true or not?Is this news still dug out from Qin Shihuang's ancestral grave?

"Woof woof! What the hell, don't look at me with such eyes, it's at this time, what's the use of me cheating you?" Donkey glared at Ye Luo.

Then, the donkey said again: "Among the information I mentioned, you don't need to understand the rest. Anyway, the entire ancient era is lost and a mystery. It's useless if you know it. However, one of them is It is very useful. That is the characteristic of those ancient walking monks.

Walking corpses will only attack monks who are in the same realm as themselves, that is to say, the stronger the monks, the more powerful walking corpses will be attracted.

Haven't you noticed that when some low-level walking corpses attack the disciples of the major holy places, Da Neng didn't save them?Only that idiotic Master Tianhe made a move, but he attracted the siege of walking corpses of the same level or even stronger?
The reason why those great powers didn't make a move was because they probably saw that once they erupted their powerful aura, they would inevitably attract even more powerful ancient walking corpse monks to attack, so they were all hiding their aura and did not dare to attack. shot. "

Hearing this, Ye Luo had already guessed what the donkey meant, and said suddenly, "You mean that you dare not make a move with the power of the various forces. When we come back, we will go snatch it?"

The donkey's eyes were even more black, and he said, "That's right, if you want to do it, just drop an earth-shattering vote, even if you can make a move, it doesn't matter, as more and more ancient monks climb out, once they make a move, they will be powerful The breath will definitely attract the attack of the terrifying walking corpse cultivator immediately, providing us with an opportunity."

Ye Luo remained silent, snatching the ancient sword of Zhu Xian and the things in the coffin of Nine Dragons, this even crazier idea, perhaps only a donkey dared to think about it.

The donkey stared at Ye Luo, spoke again, and said, "You still have another advantage, that is, once you grab it, you can use the heavenly book to devour the scroll and leave the city directly, and the powerful in the city, no matter how terrifying and powerful they are, they can't break through it." The heavenly book seals the city and forms a large formation."

(End of this chapter)

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