Chapter 530
The red-haired rain fell even tighter. Eight hundred miles away from Shenshi City, there was a kind of blood-stained loneliness and sadness.

In a strange and cold world, you always need the capital to survive, to protect the only piece of warmth around you, for example, to protect the three little loli, Yang Yu, and even yourself to live.

Ye Luo is a person with a great sense of crisis. In his opinion, in this world, his life is far from enough.

It is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to snatch the Nine Dragon Coffin and the Ancient Sword of Zhu Xian, these two heaven-defying objects. There are risks, but once snatched, the harvest will definitely be even more terrifying.

Ye Luo thought carefully and nodded quietly.

With no background, no influence, and no background, Ye Luo felt more and more that he needed stronger strength to survive in this world after the great change, and even make the people of this world submit to him again!
Wealth is in danger!
The people and donkeys discussed quickly, and the black-bellied and shameless strategy was quickly formed in the mouth of one person and one donkey at this moment.

However, there was one serious conflict between the man and the donkey, and that was Ye Luo's insistence on sending the three little lolis and Yang Yu out of the city first, no matter how much the donkey persuaded and lured him, it was useless.

In the end, the donkey could only agree, because without Ye Luo's heavenly book devouring and rolling out of the city, all the donkey's black-bellied plans would not work.

After the people and donkeys made an agreement, they immediately prepared to rush to the Tianhe Inn, taking advantage of the sealed walking corpses not yet fully released, they hurriedly sent the three little girls and Yang Yu out of the city.

"Hey! Ye Luo, where are you and your soul pet going? Hurry up and follow us back to the Tianhe Inn." Just as Ye Luo and the donkey were about to move, a weak female voice suddenly called out to Ye Luo.

Ye Luo was slightly stunned. The voice didn't seem very familiar. Looking back, he saw about thirteen or four female disciples wearing blue clothes in the Holy Land of Loulan, as well as those who knew formations and were comparable to the Holy Son of Loulan that he had seen before. Zhuge Mingyue.

These people are obviously disciples of Loulan Holy Land. Loulan Holy Land has always been dominated by female disciples. The previous chaos obviously dispersed people from all major forces. This group of people is part of Loulan Holy Land.

"Follow us back quickly. Master Yu Ji sent me a voice transmission earlier, asking me to meet you and take you back to the Tianhe Inn. It's too dangerous outside. The inn is guarded by Array Pattern and Master Nine Tails. It's safe for the time being." The weak female disciple spoke again.

"Song Yue, he is just a useless burden, what are you calling him for, Senior Brother Zhuge, let's go, there are already many walking corpses crawling out and entering the city, the later it is, the more dangerous it will be." In Loulan Holy Land, That proud girl, Qiao Qingxia, had always been hostile to Ye Luo, so she spoke directly.

Ye Luo frowned slightly.

That weak, delicate, innocent girl Song Yue didn't care about Qiao Qingxia's words, she ran to Ye Luo's side, grabbed Ye Luo's clothes, and said, "Don't pay attention to her, he is Master Tu's apprentices, Chu Xiaohuan, Yang Ying and Zhou Xiaoyu, and I are apprentices of Master Yuji, I will take you back, I have a very good relationship with Xiaohuan and the others."

Ye Luo originally wanted to refuse, and it was definitely more convenient to act with donkeys than with them, but seeing the delicate and delicate girl Song Yue in front of her, Ye Luo also changed her mind.

After all, she was a friend of those three little lolitas, and she also dropped by.

Ye Luo smiled and said: "Okay, follow me later, try not to make a move, these ancient walking corpse monks will choose to attack according to their strength, the more they can conceal their breath, the more walking corpses they recruit, the more powerful they will be. will become weaker."

"Hey! How do you know? Master Yu Ji, Supreme Master Tu Yuan, and Master Zhuge split up with us just to prevent their aura from leaking and triggering a powerful zombie attack, which would bring disaster to us." Yes." Song Yue was puzzled.

"Him? Heh, maybe he overheard it from somewhere. Song Yue, don't blame me for not reminding you. If you really carry this waste burden, we don't have time to devote our energy to it when a battle breaks out later. Save this trash." Qiao Qingxia spoke again.

"I, I will protect him." Song Yue said, then looked at Ye Luo again, and said, "Uncle Ye, just follow me later."

"Cough, you can call me Brother Ye." Ye Luo rubbed his nose.

In the chaos, after a brief exchange, led by Zhuge Mingyue, a group of people from Loulan Holy Land began to move quickly towards the Tianhe Inn.

In the team, except for Zhuge Mingyue, they are all female disciples. They seem to worship and trust Zhuge Mingyue very much. Zhuge Mingyue is in the Loulan Holy Land, but he is a young disciple of the Tianjiao level who is as famous as the Loulan Holy Son.

However, Zhuge Mingyue looked at Ye Luo from time to time.

Perhaps, those who don't understand the formation, the female disciples of Loulan Holy Land think Ye Luo is a waste, but Zhuge Mingyue has a little doubt about Ye Luo's identity since Ye Luo ran wildly in the taboo formation.

"Wait until we get back to the inn and ask again. Is he really a waste?" Zhuge Mingyue whispered, with a mysterious and powerful aura in his eyes.

Ye Luo followed Song Yue, and did not communicate much with the people in Loulan Holy Land. He and the donkey continued to discuss in a low voice, planning and perfecting the strategy of snatching the ancient sword of Zhu Xian and the coffin of Nine Dragons.

In Ye Luo's pocket, the little fairy bridge beast and the little paper man stretched out their heads. In the red drizzle, they stared blankly at the wind lantern that fell at the entrance of the cave.

Wu Banxian, the fat man, left with the people of Shang Qingzong.

Shenshi City is huge and ancient. The bluestone long street and deep alleys are intricate. The ancient courtyard is connected to the shops selling spiritual weapons, elixir, and spiritual beasts on the street, and there are even some restaurants adjacent to it.

As the walking corpses broke out, the horrors of monks being bitten began to appear in Shenshi City. Everyone knew that this was just the beginning, and depression and panic spread.

A group of 14 people in Loulan Holy Land, plus a donkey, encountered a few low-level walking corpses along the way, but they were all solved by Zhuge Mingyue with array patterns without using his strength.

The thirteen female disciples of Loulan Holy Land looked at Zhuge Mingyue with increasing trust and admiration.

Until, a group of people walked to the end of a long and ancient alley, and saw a young walking corpse in simple clothes again.

"Brother Zhuge, this walking corpse only has the third level of Qi training, let me do it." Qiao Qingxia, a proud girl from Loulan Holy Land, seemed to want to show herself in front of Zhuge Mingyue.

After saying that, the proud girl Qiao Qingxia shot directly, and a black iron sword directly slashed at the young walking corpse.

Ye Luo was planning with the donkey. He looked up by accident and saw this scene. Moreover, Ye Luo suddenly saw that at the corner of the alley, besides a young walking corpse, there was also the footprints of an adult. Next to the young walking corpse.

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he shouted, "Stop!"

"Trash, are you scared of a young walking corpse?" Qiao Qingxia didn't pay attention at all, and cut the young walking corpse in half with her sword up and down.

However, at this moment, at the corner at the end of the alley, next to the little walking corpse, an extremely terrifying aura erupted crazily, quietly carrying supreme anger.

(End of this chapter)

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